Vallco Development Agreement Supplement 8-5-75Pd
i �1 R' 1��'twa.i/Y tL.'if��%41M�.1AlF W NOW OWN"
S:We o-. 5. +Fptrt1a
LOYJO FL�i ie A+nnuL
4up4rc.ln„, CIS 19L&
IJ -17
B. 571 w. -7
,jir �l RP.GCR��
g *tir�.,.�Pa{�4k,lli w
This Supplement to Agreement mode and entered
irt., an uf huquat it 1975 by and bot++4en the CITY Cr CUPERTIND.
CAi.1FOXIIA, a UVOicipal corporation ?'City"] snO VALLCO PAFLk4,
LTD., a California limited partinership ( *Vallca " ).
W I T U E S S t T H2
A. City and Vallc� are parties to a cartain
Agreement dated October B. 1974, recorded Octohar 17, 1974 in
Book DL 135 of the Official Mcords of S&nto Clara County,
Gaiifornla at pays 370 (the 'AZAIak:irig kaxaeu-nmt") j
E. Pursuant to paragraph 3 of the Existing Agree-
=nt. City and Vallcv desire Lo (i) Supplement the WStibg
4hgre=enL so as to dr,51,,r a faith particularity Cdr ;airy of the
easements grhnted therein by City to VallcO, and W) cause to
be granted by City to '1100 an easement for column footings be-
neath a portion of woke Road.
no4i T19ERLFORE. in consideration of the Mutual
eavenants and &greaments herein set forth. it is agreed as
1. The area of the perpetual anri excluafve ease-
cant granted by cLause {i) of paragraph 2 al of the Wsting
Agrftemant is legally de5oribed in Fxhibit A attached hexate
and by Lhis roferenc:-n inmrgarat-ed herein as thou94 fully sat
to rth .
571 ►A:r 5
2, The area of the Parisetual and exclani va easo-
lent granted by parayreph 2 a} 01 the Existing Agruam nt for
columns. support@, tooting@ arxi foundations £or tha buildingst
ructuraL and improvementl Locate¢ upon the e^*emont grAiated
pursuant to said clause M of garWAPlt 2 ai is 1:941'y $es-
cribad In Exhibit S attached heTvt,o and by this rcferaftc'r irk.
G corporatC4 herein an though fully Not fe•rch.
3. Tree area of the perpetual And exclusive ea#a-
i m+arrt granted by paragraph a b} of the YaRie�.ing 1k9rffeR.ertt ie
legally damcrihod in Exhibit C attached bergta and by this
reference incorporatud herein �a thnugh full-y set forth.
A. Subject %* the terms, provisions{ covenant@
aLnd oonditione of the Existing Jkgreftf&ntr City hereby greats
- cu #GY u.v 1,ai.c64L4 :r
with die land in favor of, t }.e real property maned by Vallco
yhich is de *erlbed in Exhibit A attached to the Existing Agree-
ment, the rpetual and exclusive eas9ment to cgnstruct{ to
maintain in placer and to lnnintain, repair, replacer rpcon-
struat and to use cglwiLn footings �n the area described in
Exhibit a attaeht'd hm reto and by this reference incorporated
he loin as Clough fully sat forth.
S. Except aU hereby suppl' P Pted the Existing
Agreement shall remain in full fccce and effect and, as hereby
eupplemented, is ratified and ccnfirmed.
In witness whi�irccF, the parties hereto have executed
thia Supplant to Agreement an of Lice day and year first above
At test :
? r--2 :7
� . .•�' �. . yr • ,, � , }. _ � fh
B 571 PjR7
By xts Three Geavrel Fartnq r■
1. VALLCO PARK, t Ca ifor�xia
By _
r�T r,eetrt Hera Partner
3, 4w, 4 ,
Burre war , ners Partnof
4 •
.a� n
B 571 ro:07
On Lht.; Y F0_•_tlrlu or 4 -01-sr W tlk- { �.tir tfi M]1: PrYi � -me, t "L
uwP.,r:l[;nL1d, ;s I,c,G.Mry 1`ull11c In and ror,:sald courtL. zdld :;Uktc.
peri �4n41 ly aprw :rt+ed L }urro; -Caps ri'd, 41, ms' '.b Lrr OW 1'Vt � 'IC
x +ct lf. %l1•;:• Y. 1:rwd, ;krlcnln u2 aC G4 bd 031. !i4`c eC nvY Df vjilleo Pav
t4sC ccr, ",atioa kl +. t v22 c,stci% Lho LF11 -hltx and kAotrn tO
rr� #,o be trrc p ^r•.sana wilo eyeouti-d the ,k:itiklor 1ncitrument on ' 014kt
of :ald cnrlsorztlon, rpaid cor'porat~laa kleirr{, Irvin rrr tO Me- 40 4e onq
of the parLncr_, of VaIIco Fnrk. Ltd .. t;J10 partne rah 1p that ox -e cUk.-
enc Ma ;w az ri6c 4 ,p;LrGnur and that: skich partomrWilp rxrcuccd the
if) � -, ULCc��-
oP. Pubs
My conoizsion 11 1-
(l11rR iTAL
Iron r� whrc • cAL,lakw
STATE OF C�41.I! "OKRIA � rsN�ru �r'�' "- 1nr
COU14 Y OF :SANTA OL ARk � �s Mr
en � �� " �
Oti 4�IlM+!"r d,y gr jq gS9j6r- In t]1c- kfiar��t�laofore•mix the
ur.dcra3,, ;Laud. a lfVt4ary PUbiic per, onally all;,carct! Will V. IAHI'C rr
Lrc�1n �n tv �e sala►a s�`- •t��- � ^rrrr�. uari.»cr-�� �t- .l:hc* �3�tscr�l�1�
th.1t exeetlt;ecl Lfsc vilthAn �UiMt:ruotrnt and acknoul -a ,roJ to am thUt
' 5ueh partnership executed the s;Pco
+1 .ac �arg L'u is
my aommi pn C�Zplves : h L �u�Y'���rrrrIGAti SE]FK1 :17`ATE pzr CA411AORNTl4 Nark aUM cower OF.YAMr14 C LJiI'J Y O S!i!t xA CL A RA � rh a.+Yr. a�.a.1 .
On thSu rl.V fit '+4 -'r- in tifr* year I hcPr�fic is ::'
undell-,ij;rlcd! - tT1cxLr4ry Pllbllic. ' 1.5ona17g appeared - Burrul
known " tw to ire: nnc Cjf the rancral p.tLIALUr:: ar L1310 ,jb4Vtn= rjLhh! %p
tltaiL: exrviku,41 tike vathin inn;,ri.din ut: and aCkskQvitue3t;0 d to rnv tlpaq;
aucLt par• exccuLed tha Damc .
J10! L't4la]ip
+ $�f aoamis8ioY exp31`6:1. .
SAE kiAl W
CHAS SAfSo�rcr
P&NUR,u 0044 ih r -f
C]W ffr W L%md.L c lru.
W C--UW Y =FY Ya{ N. 1Yy
rl5 � r ,
C ,Duirrt Or :.iYi+ &A
CLAP& )Us*
.a� n
B 571 ro:07
On Lht.; Y F0_•_tlrlu or 4 -01-sr W tlk- { �.tir tfi M]1: PrYi � -me, t "L
uwP.,r:l[;nL1d, ;s I,c,G.Mry 1`ull11c In and ror,:sald courtL. zdld :;Uktc.
peri �4n41 ly aprw :rt+ed L }urro; -Caps ri'd, 41, ms' '.b Lrr OW 1'Vt � 'IC
x +ct lf. %l1•;:• Y. 1:rwd, ;krlcnln u2 aC G4 bd 031. !i4`c eC nvY Df vjilleo Pav
t4sC ccr, ",atioa kl +. t v22 c,stci% Lho LF11 -hltx and kAotrn tO
rr� #,o be trrc p ^r•.sana wilo eyeouti-d the ,k:itiklor 1ncitrument on ' 014kt
of :ald cnrlsorztlon, rpaid cor'porat~laa kleirr{, Irvin rrr tO Me- 40 4e onq
of the parLncr_, of VaIIco Fnrk. Ltd .. t;J10 partne rah 1p that ox -e cUk.-
enc Ma ;w az ri6c 4 ,p;LrGnur and that: skich partomrWilp rxrcuccd the
if) � -, ULCc��-
oP. Pubs
My conoizsion 11 1-
(l11rR iTAL
Iron r� whrc • cAL,lakw
STATE OF C�41.I! "OKRIA � rsN�ru �r'�' "- 1nr
COU14 Y OF :SANTA OL ARk � �s Mr
en � �� " �
Oti 4�IlM+!"r d,y gr jq gS9j6r- In t]1c- kfiar��t�laofore•mix the
ur.dcra3,, ;Laud. a lfVt4ary PUbiic per, onally all;,carct! Will V. IAHI'C rr
Lrc�1n �n tv �e sala►a s�`- •t��- � ^rrrr�. uari.»cr-�� �t- .l:hc* �3�tscr�l�1�
th.1t exeetlt;ecl Lfsc vilthAn �UiMt:ruotrnt and acknoul -a ,roJ to am thUt
' 5ueh partnership executed the s;Pco
+1 .ac �arg L'u is
my aommi pn C�Zplves : h L �u�Y'���rrrrIGAti SE]FK1 :17`ATE pzr CA411AORNTl4 Nark aUM cower OF.YAMr14 C LJiI'J Y O S!i!t xA CL A RA � rh a.+Yr. a�.a.1 .
On thSu rl.V fit '+4 -'r- in tifr* year I hcPr�fic is ::'
undell-,ij;rlcd! - tT1cxLr4ry Pllbllic. ' 1.5ona17g appeared - Burrul
known " tw to ire: nnc Cjf the rancral p.tLIALUr:: ar L1310 ,jb4Vtn= rjLhh! %p
tltaiL: exrviku,41 tike vathin inn;,ri.din ut: and aCkskQvitue3t;0 d to rnv tlpaq;
aucLt par• exccuLed tha Damc .
J10! L't4la]ip
+ $�f aoamis8ioY exp31`6:1. .
SAE kiAl W
CHAS SAfSo�rcr
P&NUR,u 0044 ih r -f
C]W ffr W L%md.L c lru.
W C--UW Y =FY Ya{ N. 1Yy
rl5 � r ,
B 571 P7
a![ IBIS A 34 5UPPL&l�4.'br AL - AGRE23r4rr
All that eartLLU teal P PO 4i~t=ta• in tb & Clty of C eYtia9,
C=nty of Santa Cl&YO. State of California baLn A 140 fcOt vide
strip, bouaded by pia a projected vartfMi7y at the parcel UMUS*
ova the h(riaontal plane at elsys ice 194 -5 feet, Cardin* to
tie dam of the City of Cu] tfao C11 io fC s dca zlbel Be c
M*rk BH -1 - E1ay. 179.40.) tba cea
SC ilh'C at the tnontimmt aC 1he t=lin* of Wolfe Road and Vallon .
.parkway, as abown are that certain Pa el lisp recorded in ak 525
`of Mpa at page 12, Santa CU= C at! o f
t pna eri ■long the centerline of Walfe Road a.s. spawn on said _
Parcel Nap. K I 0511V U1, 496.56 fcct;
thence at rigid: angles S 86.54'A6 ",W, 9CO9 feet to !S PQI41 .
tbence N s8 *54114G" Es 170,00. €e -0t: -
'Ehe easterly termini,s being the eastmAy right -of-may IUS of WOM
Road and the westerly termLama bci _ tbsyest4fwty r#.ght -G&WAY line - --
of Waife 1Load.
571 P.-;i729
8XIVEDIT R To sink. -AL XcRr-�
JL11 that certain reel property situet■ in the City Of du grtino
County of Santa Clara, Scate of 1lforuii, moors particu ray
described so follows.
BEGINNING at tLLe intursscti= of tba ammwnt line of Vaile-m Park%iay
ns shit cra that certain ftraei Ksp recorded in Book 325 of Maps at
pa Se 12, Saatm Claxe City Re xds: with tote t I" of Wolf
Road as shown on skid msp;
tht'ace ieaving said mom=m t Xina of Valleo play aloug the
1inr ;h0r1 p�rojeotlon of "id montum 'nt Tins of Wolfe Road'
# 105 *1 '" w, 426.56 feet to the 'TRUE POINT OF UMT179ING k
thence S 8805414611 W. 14.50 feat;
thence N 1 005 "1w" U, 1+0.00 feet;
the -nue K 88054'46P' E. 92.00 feet;
tke=e 5 3-005'14" X. 140.00 faet; - -- - - -- - —
tbance S 88°.5440 V, 171.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF UEG NG+
571 N. "F 30
All- that ccrt&Lmreal'PmWtY situate in tha City of Cupwttine
Count of S.snta Clara State of Califarata, and bein more jarti-
cularl- desarihed as ianows:
RMINNING at them 7 ent ar the tatersectlen of the centerline of
Wolfe Road ind #allto Parkway as shown cku that certain Parcel Map, .
recorded is Book 325 at page i2, Santa Clara County ketar4e,
thence along the,ueaterly prrolorp tioa of the eenterlLne of Vallco
Parkway as mho m of said Pa al !'gyp, S 88 *54`45" W, 44.00 feet;
tbezee leaving said 'prtolo ativn alum$ .+ liZ1s pnallal to and 94.00
feet westerly of said centerlLae of Wolfe Road. N V05'14" Try, 974.22
feet to the TRUE POW OF BEG" INNING;
thence continuing along said parallel Bete N 1'05'14" V, $5.26 feet;
thence along a tangeszc curve to the right chose- radius 3s 100.00 feet,
through a tentral angle of 20 *5610911, an are length of 36.54 feet to
a point of reverse curvature, `
tncnae alonZ a tangent curve to' G:ns left.�u,aa as s, tea= 100.40 �=
through a central angle of 18'2$ "59 ", an are length of 32.26 feet;
thence tangent to saij curve N 1122102" E,+ 71.50 feet to a point on .
the right-of-way lifte of the lands of the State of California-,
thence leavMg said mat-of-way line N 88'54'46" 8. 171.83 feet to
a second point *a said right -of -nay lice; .
thence southerly along said rlght'of-wag line S 750'0631" W, 63.83
thence leaving sail rSght-of-way lisp southerly along aline =u11c1
to and 76 feet easterly of the centerline of Wolfe Road as atown on
said Parcel Kip. 5 1'05'1$" E, 172.58 feet;
thence at right angles S 88 *54' 6" W, 170.00 feet to the TRITE POTIM
571 nf
All that cartaie real property situate In the aty of,
Cctmty of Santa Mara, State of califoxn4A, bltng a l0 loot Wide
strip, tmaded by plagaa projected vwrUoally at thi parcel
lilts beum au: box isautal plane #t W"Matim M.0 feat,
ao4orgUag t6 ithe ash of the City of Cpartino (City *i Cupertino
Official Sawh Vack M-1 - Slay. 179.401, deacribod 4i topers#
MMIMIt•i at thn InteranctiQn of the ant liMw of V#lie* Parkway
#-a ^hown as that certMm Pnreel leap. recorded in k 325 of Nape at
page 12, Santa Clara Co=ty Records. with the vamxnmt line of Wolf
Uad as abom on z&Id map; ,
Lbm=ca Le said c&m=u sit Zino of Vallco 'Parkway along the
aorSherl�y pro ecaon ci aai&ma�t lima of Malfa Uad,
N L US'24" 1i. 426.56 feer;
thanca S 88054'46- V, 84.00 feat to the 7RUE P0I27 Or gEC E;
tbemra continuing S 88°54'4b" W. 10.00 t-'tm the tast=17 Una of
VD1fe Road; -
the=e alauk acid line N 1%5'141' W. 140,00 faat;
thancc Lrmvin said vestar#y lies# N 88054 W E, 10.00 foot;
thancs S 1005'14n E, 140.00 feet to the mm
• Yr '
. 5f��i
rs,t�r�zooM �v. ��o
h L00=10w Or Ta CITlr mc*ciL -ay TjM CM of C4l3'7Cttlb4
1*I?i' = EISTIK Ast: Ri6RCS AMZMMT StrMum TIM C[I'f
,,,m,.nm. t#�r City ca=gti did aurbat #s• cm accabrr S. 104 rho amosutiom
of ati Air 1UZbU i44rr4#vnL by 404 b+t;+a+& Valica ?a*,. Ltd., a Caiilornim
Uattmd partwrship. s" sha City Ot rt:LAa;
WKMAS. said spram wnc •lime for furfter dattidti•m of 9L*m ste am
waguirsd by either party; mad
vm"S. TaF a Park. Ltd. s Kwota the iaaorPw m0dit e[ Lµl dourip-
riow ea Wolfs aomd to cutity the "t"t of �L#i
M._T Rd &j■ LZ IT IMMVED thax thm 1Rmyor wd rbe City Clork fre beraby
■uslwrisa4 to a CUZa rbs SUM La t ro A4r*4rat to bobal# of tbO Ciry o€
cmpamno a;4 Lave said Supptaa t to rocardad.
p3SS[o AND u tpn 4Lt a WaVLUr ■metdoS et Cbe Ciry CQUWlt of the Cfty
Of CuPGeUw this _ day of A.IEYI % 1473♦ by t'hm fellMlap vota<t
Yora M01bo m ag th■ city counci
AiLSt jrnlirh, Neyers. Maliis. $parkm
um # acl�ana
i8s#AIpK �XIti1e �.
' �r
• m 11. .
Kplare City ity Cupam .
CitySitk S
•� TiH� li *'O �ilE 11RTMIIf
FML L�Mi u w guy CmWv
4� nl[ 4 Ili VFTW .
1- +`
A r •
ims --