8968 T Laurel Moore 'BT.l // a OF LAND OF ANNE MOORE LACHMUND BEING A PORT/ON OF SEC. ,20, T. BS., R. /14/, tlil. D. B. 4 4i1. SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA NOVE/li/8ER, IP6,2 SCALE, / /00' SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my d/rect/on /n conformance w11h the requ/remenfs of Chapter /5oPOwIS10173 of the Bus/ness and Profess/ons Code at the request of .Sonto Clara Properf/es Co. /n October, /9".. RAVMOND GV. ER Req/slered CmIl Engineer No. 483 COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE This map has been examined for conformance w/th the requ/rements of Chopter /5 of D/v/s/o17 J01 /he Business and ProIess/ons Code thi'509- day DAMES T POTT, Counly Surveyor epu/y ago 2S6 ley COUNTY RECORDERS CERTIFICATE N Filed forr,�cord /h/ 3 r of pe- c e A( r /962 at 8'O M ,Mas atiB�r Pag_g, �6 a/ the request of RaymondW Fisher P,4UL R. TE/LH, Counly Recorder 45;00 8AS/5 OF BEARINGS & NOTES The bearing of the wesler/y l/ne of Sect/on W, T. 85., R. / W, V D.B. & M. (Norlh) as descr/bed/n the Oeed to Anne {Y Moore, recorded in Book 1/67 Official Records at Page380, Records of Santa CIa/'a Counly,Ca//1ornia, was used as the basis of bear/ngs shown on lh/s maP .4/1 d/slances and d/mensIons areshown /n feet 017d dec/ma/s thereof • Ind/cafes Iron P/pe Found Ind/cotes Iron R/Pe Se/ //. T. Ind/tales Harrow Tooth Found NOTE; There is no soled w/dlh for Overlook Road 7-9V -R7s, 76-79 dob No. 4V Z