TC 02-02-05 Telecommunications Commission Regular Meeting February 2, 2005 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER L.T. Guttadauro called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Steven Ting, Andrew Radle, Eric Klein, L.T. Guttadauro, Charlon McIntosh Staff: Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren Guests: Linda Grodt, Andrea Dorry, and Eddie Garcia APPROVAL OF JANUARY 5, 2005 MINUTES I. Andy Radle made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Charlon McIntosh seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: None Written: Commission reviewed the following written communications. 2. December 16, 2004 - Comcast monthly service report for November 2004. 3. December 21, 2004 - Comcast letter regarding Hispanic programming packages. 4. December 28, 2004 - Comcast letter regarding Franchise fees on non-subscriber revenue 5. January 14, 2005 - Comcast monthly service report for December 2004. Council agreed to take Item #7 out of order. NEW BUSINESS 7. Comcast report - Eddie Garcia told the Commission that he would attend the Telecommunication s Commission meetings on an as needed basis only. He doesn't attend monthly or quarterly as he did when the system was being rebuilt. Eddie Garcia presented an overview of Comcast Company and all the facilities in the area. He reviewed the customer service report and explained what information is included. Although it is not required, as a courtesy he will include in the cover letter information about Internet users. As a reminder he stated that the fi"anchise with Cupertino is up in 20 I 0 and negotiations will begin in 2008. Mr. Garcia encouraged the Commission to visit the Call Center in Morgan Hill, the Operations facility in San Jose and the Santa Clara facility. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. Update on VOIP articles for Scene - Charlon McIntosh's article was published in the February Scene. Eric Klein's article (#2) will be published in the March Scene. The Commission will review the article one more time. Andy Radle sent a draft to the Commission ofthe 3'" article that will be published in the April Scene. VOIP Article Series a. What is VOIP and How does it work? - Charlon McIntosh (February Scene) b. Advantages and disadvantages ofVOIP & VOIP or my traditionallandline phone, What's the difference? - Eric Klein (March Scene) c. How do I get VOIP? Andy Radle (April Scene) d. How much does VOIP cost? Steve Ting (May Scene) e. Summary L.T. Guttadauro (June Scene) NEW BUSINESS 8. Goals, Work plan and Mission -- The commission reviewed the Telecommunications ordinance. A subcommittee of Andy Radle and Charlon McIntosh was formed to review the mission statement and report back to the commission at the next meeting. Reports from: 9. City of Cupertino - None 10. Comcast - None MISCELLANEOUS Activities Calendar - The commission updated the calendar. The date of the CREST awards was added - May 18th. A commission was assigned for each of the quarterly Mayor's meetings. Eric Klein will attend the February 9th meeting, Andy Radle will attend the May II th meeting, Steve Ting will attend the August lOth meeting and L.T. Guttadauro will attend the November 9th meeting. Action Item List - The action item list was updated. Andy Radle's name was added to Item#2 - Review mission statement. Items#3-7 were completed and will drop off the list. One additional item was added for Rick- Send telecommunications policy to the commission in PDF format. ADJOURNMENT Charlon Mcintosh made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 p.m. Andy Radle seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED~ ~.~ : L.T. Guttadauro, Chairperson ~~.5n.~ Linda Lagergren, Re rdmg Secretary