18-020 Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Program for Arterial System Synchronization (PASS) FY 20172018J ake Macken z ie, Cbnir
Sonoma Counry and Ciri cs
Sco tt HaK.((erty, Vice Cha ir
Ab.me1b Counry
A licia C. Aguir re
Cirics of San ,\ lareo Cuunry
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Cities of Ab mc,b County
Dorene NI . Giacopin i
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A lfredo Pedroza
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Julie Pierce
A<isociarion of Bay ,\rea Gove rnments
January 16 , 2018
David Brandt, City Manager
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
RE: PASS FYI 7/18 Joint Funding Agreement
Dear Mr. Brandt:
8 ;1y Arc;t .vlctro Ce nter
375 Be ale Street, Suite 80 0
San Francisco, C A 94 105
4 15.778 .6 70 0
This letter, effective as of August 1, 2017 ("Effective Date") is the agreement between
the City of Cupertino ("CUPERTINO") and the Metropolitan Transportation
Commission ("MTC") for developing and implementing traffic signaling coordination
plans for the Program for Arterial System Synchronization (PASS) FY 2017/2018
project, which will be jointly funded by MTC and CUPERTINO ("the Agreement").
CUPERTINO 's application for the FY 2017-18 PASS cycle submitted May 5, 2017 is
incorporated herein by this reference .
1. It is agreed that with funding under this Agreement, MTC shall engage its
consultant, Iteris, Inc . ("Consultant") to perform the project work, including but
not limited to those specified in Attachment A, Scope of Work, attached hereto
and incorporated by this reference.
Bija n S nrt.ipi
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"(i-J nsport~tiun Agcru...·y 2 • Consultant's work will be performed under the direction of Robert Rich, MTC
Project Manager (herein "MTC Project Manager"). L ibby Schaaf
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The effective date of Consultant's agreement with MTC is August 1, 2017 and
Consultant's work is expected to be completed by June 30, 2018.
MTC will pay Consultant up to seventy-five thousand, five hundred dollars
($75,500) as full compensation for the satisfactory completion of all services
contained in the attached scope, as set forth in Attachment B , Project Budget.
CUPERTINO shall forward MTC its agreed-upon portion of PASS project cost
seven thousand, five hundred fifty dollars ($7,550).
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5. MTC shall invoice CUPERTINO in the amount of seven thousand, five hundred, fifty dollars
($7,550), billable in lump sum upon the first month after the start of work by Consultant.
CUPERTINO shall pay MTC fully upon receipt of an invoice in the amount stated above within
thirty (30) days of receipt. MTC's invoice shall be mailed to:
Jennifer Chu, Associate Civil Engineer
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
6. All notices or other communication to either party by the other shall be deemed given when made in
writing and delivered, mailed, emailed or faxed 'to such party at their respective addresses as follows:
Attention: Robert Rich
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
375 Beale Street, Suite 800
San Francisco, CA 94105
Email: rrich@bayareametro.gov
Phone: ( 415) 778-6621
Attention: Jennifer Chu, Associate Civil Engineer
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Email : jenniferc@cupertino.org
Phone: (408) 777-3237
7. Performance will begin on the date this Agreement is fully executed, and be completed by June
If you agree, please sign both copies of this letter in the space provided below.
Very truly yours,
Executive Director
Accepted and Agreed to this 'l Lt ·~ day
of~nR.'f , 2018. v~ ft_.
David Brandt, City Manager
City of Cupertino
MTC/City of Cupertino
PASS FY 17-18 Joint Funding Agreement
Page 3
J :\CONTRACnContracts-New\CON 17-18\P ASS Funding Agreements\FY 17-18 PASS Joint Funding Agreement between MTC and
Cupertino . final.do ex
MTC/City of Cupertino
PASS FY 17-18 Joint Funding Agreement
Page 4
The City of Cupertino ("City" or "Cupertino") has received a Program for Arterial System
Synchronization (PASS) grant to deploy optimized signal timing plans along the Stevens Creek
Boulevard corridor. There are a total of 14 project intersections identified for three weekday peak period
(AM, midday, PM) and two weekend peak period re-timing as part of this project. In addition, three of
the project intersections will be re-timed for school peaks (morning arrival and afternoon dismissal).
While two signals (at the SR-85 freeway ramps) are owned by the State , all project signals are
maintained and operated by the City of Cupertino, as shown in Figure 1 .
Figure 1 -Study Area
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O
All project intersections , as listed below in Table 1, operate using either Naztec 980 controllers or 2070
controllers (running Naztec software) communicating to the City's central signal system (StreetWise) in
their Traffic Operations Center (TOC) via fiber optic cables.
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PASS FY 17-18 Joint Funding Agreement
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Table 1 -Project Study Intersections
Approved Services
Intersection Weekday Weekend School
(AM/MD/PM) (2 Plans) (2 Plans)
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Bubb Road X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and SR-85 SB Ramp X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and SR-85 NB X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Mary A venue X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Stelling Road X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Saich Way X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Bandley Drive X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Torre A venue X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Blaney A venue X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Portal A venue X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Perimeter Road X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Wolfe Road X X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Finch A venue X X X
Stevens Creek Boulevard and Tantau A venue X X X
The project tasks will consist of data collection ; review of traffic data, including collision data ;
development of recommended adjustments to actuated timings; development of coordination plans for
the weekday (AM, midday, PM), two weekend, and two school peak periods; implementation and fine-
tuning of the recommended timings; "before " and "after" travel time surveys; and project
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The work associated with this project will be conducted in accordance with the Metropolitan
Transportation Commission 's (MTC's) standardized Scope of Work, Schedule and Budget for all
PASS consultants, which is attached hereto as Appendix A-1
The following outlines additions , clarifications, and/or deletions to the standard Scope of Work based
on discussions with MTC and the City of Cupertino .
Task 1.0 Project Kick-off
There are no changes or clarifications to the standardized Scope of Work. Robert Rich of MTC should
be copied on all project deliverables or any major issues regarding this project.
The following individuals will be the point of contact from each agency:
Robert Rich
rrich@ba yareametro. gov
City of Cupertino
David Stillman
408 . 777 .3249
Jennifer Chu 408.777.3237
Task 2.0 Analysis of Existing Conditions
Sub-Task 2.1 Data Collection and field reviews
Sub-Task 2.1.1 Agency Data
David Huynh
Alicia Yang
Charles Askar
As part of the PASS application, the City of Cupertino has provided the following items in digital
• Existing timing sheets .
• Synchro models of the study corridor.
• Traffic signal as-built plans.
• Collision data.
• Speed surveys (to be provided).
Per the kick-off meeting, lteris created a secure File Sharing site for data sharing, which can be used by
all project stakeholders to upload or download project related files. Access to the site is password
protected: https ://secure.iteris.corn/share/MTCP ASS Cupertino
In addition to the data provided, the City of Cupertino has provided the following information
regarding the corridors, preferences and work along the project corridor:
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• The west end of the corridor tends to be more congested with the presence of the SR-
85 interchange, higher activity land use, De Anza College, and Apple offices ( down
on Bubb Rd.).
• The west end of the corridor also has tighter signal spacing and higher pedestrian
activity due to a higher presence of commercial/retail.
• The interaction between the SR-85 ramp signals and Bubb Rd. is critical due to the very
close signal spacing. In addition, during the AM, a critical movement is the SB off-
ramp traffic turning right onto Stevens Creek and then immediately turning left onto
Bubb Rd.
• Stevens Creek has peak patterns that is generally WB in the AM and EB in the PM.
• During the AM, Stevens Creek WB traffic has been observed to back up to Stelling Rd.
Sub-Tasks 2.1.2 to 2.1.5 Turning Movement & ADT Counts
As part of the discussions at the kick-off meeting, seven-day ADT counts will be collected at the
following four (4) locations:
1. Stevens Creek Blvd. between SR-85 NB Ramp and Mary Ave.;
. 2. Stevens Creek Blvd. between Bandley Wy. And De Anza Blvd.;
3. Stevens Creek Blvd. between Torre Ave. and Blaney Ave.; and
4. Stevens Creek Blvd. between Wolfe Rd. and Finch Ave.
ADT data will be used to determine the 2-hour peak hour periods to collect turning movement counts
(vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle) for the weekday (AM, midday, and PM) and weekend (two peak
periods) for all 14 project intersections. The ADT data will also be used to determine the peak hour
periods counts for school (arrival and dismissal) for the three project intersections as summarized in
Table 1.
Turning movement counts will be collected during the same week as the ADT counts. Video recording
at each intersection will be collected for one weekday and one weekend to be processed after the review
of the ADT counts. Traffic counts (turning movement and ADT) will not be collected on holidays,
including a holiday week, or during abnormal weather conditions, on school breaks or periods of
Per the requirement of PASS, all of the data collected will be provided to the City and MTC in digital
format in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.
Sub-Task 2.1. 7 Travel Time Studies
Travel time and delay studies along the study corridors will occur during times and days that are
representative of the times and days which coordination plans will be developed. A minimum of four runs
will be conducted for each direction, for each peak period, along the study corridor. Travel time and delay
studies will be conducted using the floating car method with the Tm-Traffic software.
The travel time and delay studies will be conducted twice: 1) during the field inventory stage, as part
of the existing conditions analysis , prior to the implementation of the new timing plans and 2)
approximately one week after the new timing plans have been implemented and fine-tuned (as part of
sub-task 4.4).
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The corridors will be driven at approximately the same time of day in order to more accurately compare
the before and after travel time survey results.
Sub-Task 2.2 Analysis of Existing Conditions
Sub-Task 2.2.1
Each study intersection will be reviewed to ensure that mandatory timing parameters meets the latest
California Manual for Uniform Control Devices (MUTCD), 2014. The review shall include basic
timing parameters including: minimum green; yellow and red clearance ; and pedestrian walk and
Sub-Task 2.2 .4
The Synchro traffic modeling software will be used for this project. The City has provided Iteris with
existing calibrated Synchro files, which will be used and revised for this project. The files will be created
for the time periods in which turning movement counts are collected. All final products will be saved
in Synchro 7 (or newer to be determined by the City) format with a single Synchro network for all
project corridors for each peak period scenario.
Task 3.0 Development of Recommendations
In addition to the deliverables for Task 3 listed in the standard SSB, an interim Technical Memorandum
(Deliverable 3A.1) will be developed to summarize the preliminary recommended signal groupings
and cycle lengths, including minimum cycle length requirements based on pedestrian crossing times ,
for review by the City prior to development of the Draft Recommendations Report (Deliverable 3A.2).
Included in the technical memorandum will be the rationale, supported by technical analysis, for the cycle
length recommended and the groupings of signals . At a minimum, the technical analysis will include
minimum cycle length evaluation, identification of critical signals that drive the cycle length, and
field observations.
The following list the guidelines for City intersections that will be used during the analysis process:
• Default protected left-tum phases to lead-lead. It is acceptable to change lead-lag
phase sequences during different peak periods when justified and needed for progression.
• Yellow times will be determined based on the g5th percentile speeds from available speed
surveys. Otherwise, use the posted speed limit.
• Cycle length to be even numbers to allow half-cycle at intersections ifneeded.
• Evaluate all through phases for bicycle minimum green times for the City's consideration.
Task 4.0 Implementation and Evaluation
Sub-Task 4.1
Proposed changes to the exi sting timing parameters will be provided on the existing timing sheets . Old
data will be crossed out and the new proposed values will be hand written on the sheets in red ink.
Sub-Task 4.2
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Cupertino staff will manually enter new timings into StreetWise based on approved marked-up timing
sheets and implement (download) the new timing plans through the City's central signal system located
in the City's TOC before fine-tuning commences . New timings plans will need to be implemented during
Sub-Task 4.3
Iteris will field fine tune the implemented timings. Iteris staff will have access to the StreetWise central
system in the TOC to make changes during fine tuning. Iteris will provide final fine-tuned timings once
the City approves the implemented timings. Two hardcopies of the final fine-tuned timing sheet covers
and timing sheet printouts from the central signal system for each study intersection will be provided to
the City.
Sub-Task 4.4
Approximately one week after the new timing plans have been implemented and fine-tuned, travel time
surveys will be conducted as described in Sub-Task 2.1. 7. The study corridors will be driven at
approximately the same time of day as those conducted for the before study in order to more accurately
compare the before and after travel time survey results.
Task 5.0 Additional Services
There are no additional services included as part of this project.
Standard Scope of Work
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The services to be performed by Consultant shall consist of services requested by the MTC Project
Manager or a designated representative. At the beginning of each annual project cycle, all selected
Consultant shall meet with the MTC Project Manager to discuss various aspects of the PASS, such as
program guidelines, logistics , services, invoices, communication preferences, etc. Cal trans staff will also
participate in this meeting to discuss their signal timing preferences, if applicable. The electronic files of
all project deliverables shall be clearly named and dated . The project administration guidelines ·
applicable to the particular Cycle of PASS projects shall be reviewed and discussed at this meeting. The
standard scope of work, schedule and budget for a typical PASS project includes, but is not limited to,
the following:
1. Project Kick-off
1.1. Consultant shall coordinate a kick-off meeting with the project sponsors, and MTC Project
Manager or designated representative. This meeting will help to understand the roles and
responsibilities of each stakeholder; establish communication channels; discuss the deliverable
review preferences for each stakeholder; discuss in detail the scope of work, schedule, and
budget; understand the needs and requirements of all stakeholders; gather available data and
information; and obtain a thorough understanding of the goals of the project.
1.2. Consultant shall have the opportunity to discuss with the project sponsors and other stakeholders
their preferences for signal timing, cycle length preferences, status of corridor equipment,
anticipated construction activities, any helpful "do's and don'ts, and other project related
1.3. Consultant shall prepare the Deliverable IA: Draft Scope of Work, Schedule and Budget report
for review by the project sponsors and the MTC Project Manager. This report shall include all
thedetails discussed in the kick-off meeting. Consultant shall address all of the comments
received and submit a revised report to the MTC Project Manager for final approval. The
approved version will be considered the Deliverable IB: Final Scope of Work, Schedule, and
Budget (SSB) for the project.
1.4. Consultant shall revise the SSB if any significant changes are required or requested in the
approved version during any stage of the project. The revised version shall include the nature
and details on all of the changes with a revised date and title. Consultant may also be asked to
perform any additional services described in detail in Task 5: Additional Services at any stage of
the project.
Deliverable lA: Draft Scope of Work, Schedule, and Budget
Deliverable lB: Final Scope of Work, Schedule, and Budget (SSB)
2. Analysis of Existing Conditions
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Consultant shall collect and analyze all the data necessary to thoroughly understand existing traffic
conditions in the project corridors. This stage of the project includes data collection and analysis,
thorough field observations, input from signal maintenance staff, contractors , vendors, etc. regarding
any pertinent issues in the project corridors. The purpose of this task is to help the project sponsors and
other stakeholders understand the current traffic conditions in the project corridors, such as traffic
patterns, volumes, peak hours, bottlenecks , collision history, hot spots, etc.
2.1. Data Collection and field reviews -Consultant shall collect all the data as listed in Deliverable
lB: Final Scope of Work, Schedule and Budget (SSB).
2.1.1. Consultant shall collect existing timing sheets, coordination plans, traffic signal as-built
drawings , aerial photos and maps, corridor and intersection collision data for three years ,
Synchro and other computer models and data , if available, from the project sponsors and
other stakeholders.
2.1.2. Consultant shall conduct peak period turning movement counts at all study intersections,
including pedestrian and bicycle counts, and seven-day 24-hour machine counts (ADT
Counts) with vehicle classifications at strategic locations to determine periods of
coordination. All counts shall be taken during times and days that are representative of
the times and days for which coordination plans shall be developed. No counts shall be
taken during the weeks with holidays or school breaks, or on the days where the typical
traffic patterns are impacted by construction activity, major incidents, adverse weather
conditions, etc.
2.1.3. Consultant shall collect turning movement counts along with bicycle and pedestrian
counts, using video data collection technologies. MTC prefers this method, as the videos
help to review any data collection errors, if needed . Consultant shall provide access to the
raw counts, videos, formatted data, via an FTP site or other web-portals approved by all
of the stakeholders. Other data collection methods shall be considered based on the
preference of the project sponsor or if video data collection is not feasible. Consultant
shall take all the steps possible to provide the data to the project sponsors in any or all
formats, such as PDF, MS Excel and/or Synchro computer models.
2.1.4. Consultant or their authorized subcontractors' costs for collecting the turning movement
counts, with bicycle and pedestrian counts at all project intersections, is included in the
project budget per intersection. The ADT or the seven-day 24-hour machine counts are
included in the project costs, at the rate of one ADT count for every four project signals.
Any additional counts have to be -approved by MTC, and billed at a negotiated rate.
2.1.5. Consultant shall provide the MTC Project Manager electronic files of all turning
movement counts, bicycle and pedestrian counts, ADT counts, collision data, all
developed Synchro models , controller and cabinet photos , and any other project related
data when requested or at the end of the project, whichever is earliest.
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2.1.6. Consultant shall conduct thorough field reviews at all study intersections and street
segments to verify lane geometry, speed limits, storage lengths, signal phasing, distances
between intersections, and crosswalk lengths, even if the information is available through
other sources, such as aerial photos and speed surveys. Consultant shall conduct
extensive field reviews at key intersections to measure queue lengths and saturation flows
for heavy movements with input from project sponsors.
2.1. 7. Consultant shall conduct the "before" travel time data, including the number of stops,
during times and days that are representative of the times and days for which
coordination plans shall be developed. Consultant shall conduct as many runs as possible
within the coordination period, but at least a minimum of four runs shall be conducted for
each direction for each peak period. Consultant shall conduct these studies using the
floating car method or any method approved by the project sponsors.
2.1.8. Consultant shall verify signal coordination and transit priority capabilities of existing
equipment and communications infrastructure. Consultant shall take digital photos of the
controller cabinet and the contents of the controller cabinet, at all project locations, unless
waived by the project sponsors or MTC.
2.2. Analysis of Existing Conditions -Consultant shall analyze the data obtained from Task 2.1 as
2.2.1. Consultant shall review initial and actuated settings for each study intersection to identify
opportunities to minimize delay during non-coordination periods and enhance pedestrian
and bicyclist safety. The analysis shall include, but not be limited to, review of minimum
and maximum green settings; yellow and red times; pedestrian timing; and gap,
extension, and reduction settings.
2.2.2. Consultant shall analyze the intersection and corridor-wide collision data for at least three
years of available data. This data shall be summarized and evaluated to identify any
signal timing practices that may help reduce similar potential incidents in the future .
2.2.3. Consultant shall analyze the typical traffic patterns during the peak periods for which
coordination plans shall be developed. Consultant shall note factors that generally affect
signal progression including, but not limited to: intersections with high pedestrian or
bicyclist volumes; over-saturated intersections; uneven lane distribution; high volumes of
trucks and buses ; and presence and location of bus stops.
2.2.4. Consultant shall develop models for each peak period project corridors and calibrate the
model based on travel time and delay studies, and field observations of queue lengths and
saturation flows for heavy movements at key intersections. Consultant shall use the
modeling software as per directions from the project sponsors .
2.2.5. Consultant shall summarize the results of the existing conditions analyses in Deliverable
2A: Draft Existing Conditions R eport for review by the project sponsors and MTC
Project Manager. At a minimum , the report shall include the following: project
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Page 13
description; project map showing the intersections and services; analysis from the counts;
field verification results of the controllers and their communication capabilities; factors
that are expected to affect progression; and model calibration results.
2.2.6. Consultant shall meet with the project sponsors to discuss the results of the existing
conditions analyses and field observations. Consultant shall revise the report after
addressing the comments received from the project sponsors. Consultant shall submit a
Response to Comments Report addressing all the comments/concerns received from all
stakeholders, while submitting the Deliverable 2B: Final Existing Conditions Report for
Deliverable 2A:
Deliverable 2B:
Draft Existing Conditions Report
Final Existing Conditions Report, including the Response to Comments
3. Development of Recommendations
This stage of the project involves the following tasks and deliverables:
3 .1. Consultant shall develop the optimal time-of-day coordination plans after analyzing the signal
grouping; phasing and phase sequence, including conditional service; cycle lengths, splits,
offsets; collision diagrams/data and other available data. The Consultant shall meet with the
project sponsors or submit an interim deliverable to discuss and agree on the preliminary signal
grouping and cycle lengths.
3.2. Consultant shall develop recommendations of optimal initial and actuated settings; time-of-day
coordination plans and hours of coordinated operation; and transit signal priority plans and
hours of operation, if applicable.
3.3. Consultant shall summarize recommendations in the Deliverable 3A: Draft Recommendations
Report. The report shall also include a comparison of existing and proposed timings, the
justifications for the recommended changes, and a description of the expected improvements.
3.4. Consultant shall follow the applicable state and federal standards in making these
recommendations. Any exceptions need to be discussed in detail with the project sponsors and
the MTC Project Manager.
3.5 . Consultant shall meet with the project sponsors to discuss the proposed recommendations,
justifications and anticipated improvements. Consultant shall revise the report after addressing
the comments received from the project sponsors. Consultant shall submit a Response to
Comments Report addressing all the comments/concerns received from all stakeholders, while
submitting the Deliverable 3B: Revised Recommendations Report for approval.
Deliverable 3A:
Deliverable 3B:
Draft Recommendations Report
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Revised Recommendations Report, including the Response to Comments
4. Implementation and Evaluation
This is the final stage of the project requiring the coordination of all project sponsors and MTC. The
various tasks involved in this stage include , but are not limited to, the following:
4 .1. Consultant shall prepare the appropriate timing sheets in the format requested by the project
sponsors for review and approval. Consultant shall revise the timing sheets based on comments
received from the project sponsors.
4.2. Consultant, with the help of project sponsors , shall implement the new timing plans remotely or
in the field. Consultant shall use all the resources required to complete this task effectively, and
any short-comings may impact the Consultant performance during the review process.
Consultant shall employ enough staff resources to monitor the traffic for the entire duration the
new plans are implemented for the first time. This requirement shall be followed any time
changes are made to the timing plans during the fine-tuning process . Consultant shall have
qualified staff available to immediately address any issues or agency concerns that may result
from the implementation of the new timing plans.
4.3. Consultant, with the help of project sponsors , shall fine-tune the new timing plans to the
satisfaction of the project sponsors. Consultant shall fine-tune timings in the field and record all
changes . Fine-tuning shall be conducted during times and days that are representative of the
times and days for which coordination plans were developed. This requires additional field
visits to verify and assess any changes made during the fine-tuning process.
4.4. Consultant shall conduct the "after" travel time and delay studies, including the number of
stops, during the new coordination periods. Consultant shall conduct as many runs as possible
within the coordination period, but at least a minimum of four runs shall be conducted for each
direction for each peak period. Consultant shall conduct these studies using the floating car
method or any method approved by the project sponsors.
4 .5. Consultant shall calculate measures of effectiv eness using the results from the "before" and
"after" studies . These measures generally include the travel-time savings , emissions savings ,
speed increases , reduction in the number of stops, cost savings from reduced emissions and
benefit-cost analysis results. The methodology used for these calculations shall be provided or
approved by the MTC Project Manager.
4.6 . Consultant shall submit a Deliverable 4A : Draft Project Report, which shall include the
following for each PASS project: overview , goals and objectiv es , corridors and services , project
map , results from the data collection and analyses , the preliminary recommendations, new
timings implementation , fine-tuning results , comparison of the old and new timings, etc. The
report will also include any unique issues that were resolved and any qualitative benefits
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achieved with the project. The qualitative benefits will generally include the benefits to
pedestrians, benefits to bicyclists, effects on transit, traffic safety, etc.
4.7 . Consultant shall revise the report after addressing the comments received from the project
sponsors and the MTC Project Manager. Consultant shall submit a Response to Comments
Report addressing all the comments/concerns received from all stakeholders, while submitting
the Deliverable 4B: Final Project Report for approval.
4 .8. Consultant shall assist MTC in producing Fact Sheets for each project by providing the required
maps, tables, data or text as requested by the MTC Project Manager.
Task 4:
Deliverable 4A:
Deliverable 4B:
Preliminary Implementation and Fine-tuning
Draft Project Report with Benefit-Cost Analysis, including the computer
Final Project Report with Benefit-Cost Analysis, including the computer
models and Response to Comments Report
5. Additional Services
In addition to the basic signal coordination plans, the Consultant may also be asked to provide additional
services related to the PASS projects. These services shall be requested by the project sponsor in their
application and shall be included in the SSB , contingent upon approval by MTC Project Manager.
Consultant shall include a detailed description of the scope of the additional service , a staffing plan, and
level of effort, additional budget, and payment schedule in the SSB. If the scope of work and budget for
these services cannot be reasonably negotiated, MTC, at its sole discretion, can withdraw the project
assignment from the Consultant and assign a different Consultant to the project. Additional services may
be requested at any stage of the project, as needed, and shall be included in a revised SSB, if approved
by the MTC Project Manager.
5.1. Consultant may be asked to develop additional timing plans, such as incident management flush
plans , transit signal priority plans, traffic responsive timing plans , weekend timing plans, school
peak timing plans, etc. Such services may include additional meetings, additional data
collection, field visits , technical analyses , studies, fine-tuning , conditional diagrams, etc .
5.2. Consultants, with the help of the transit agency, may be asked to review the existing capabilities
or conditions of the transit signal priority of buses serving the project corridors. The PASS will
also provide help in establishing communication between the signals and buses as this step is
crucial to implementing new transit signal priority plans.
5.3. Consultant may be asked to work on some pilot tasks/projects to help with the expansion of
PASS projects and services. These pilot tasks/projects will help MTC understand the level of
effort, budget, and potential benefits to mobility and air quality that could help expand future
cycles of the Program. The pilot tasks/projects may include , but not be limited to: development
of advanced signal timing plans; Systems Engineering analyses; and ITS Engineering and
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PASS FY 17-18 Joint Funding Agreement
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5.4. Consultant may be asked to perform these additional services for any projects retimed in the last
two years under the PASS. These tasks may also include updating coversheets, reformatting
timing plans, evaluating the effects of new timing plans, etc.
5.5. Consultant may be asked to subcontract an electrical contractor or other firms with required
licenses and expertise to install GPS clocks or other communications equipment for certain
projects. Consultant may be asked to coordinate the installation of these equipment including
assisting the local agencies in securing any permits required for the project.
5.6. Consultant may be asked to prepare presentation materials and/or make formal presentations on
the PASS project to various policy boards and commissions.
5.7. Consultant may be asked to assist in organizing seminars on various topics that contribute to
improved mobility and emissions reductions. The typical tasks .include developing seminar
outlines, securing speakers, preparing presentation materials , etc.
6. Reduced Services
Consultant may be requested to not perform some of the services listed above for certain projects. If
reduced services are requested by the project sponsor or the MTC Project Manager, Consultant shall
clearly document all relevant details in the SSB. The fee for reduced services shall be a percentage of
the base fee per intersection, or a negotiated amount, which is commensurate with the proportion of
services reduced. If these cannot be reasonably negotiated, MTC, at its sole discretion, can withdraw the
project assignment from the Consultant and assign a different Consultant to the project.
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PASS FY 17-1 8 Joint Funding Agreement
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The following table provides the estimated project budget, including the match to be provided by
Deliverable Deliverable Description MTC Cupertino Total
# Share Share
la Draft Scope, Schedule and Budget (SSB) $3,397 $377 $3,775
lb Final Scope, Schedule and Budget $3,397 $377 $3,775
2a Draft Existing Conditions Report $20,384 $2,264 $22,650
2b Final Existing Conditions Report $6,795 $755 $7,550
3a Draft Recommendations Report $10,193 $1,133 $11,325
3b Revised Recommendations Report $6,795 $755 $7,550
4 Preliminary Implementation and Fine-tuning $10,193 $1,133 $11,325
Draft Project Report with Benefit-Cost $3,775
4a Analysis $3,398 $378
Final Project Report with Benefit-Cost $3,775
4b Analysis $3,398 $378
TOTAL $67,950 $7,550 $75,500