FAC 01-22-2018CUPERTINO ROLL CALL APPROVED MINUTES FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting, Con£. Rm. C 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino January 22, 2018 Present: Chokshi, Matley, Mahalingam, Sanchez Absent: Chen APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of the Draft Minutes from the December 14, 2017 meeting Motions: Commissioner Matley motioned and Commissioner Sanchez seconded the motion to approve minutes from December 14, 2017. Motioned approved 4-0-1 Order of the agenda was changed to accommodate visiting speaker Will Crockett. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None NEW BUSINESS Will Crockett of SF Shakes presented information regarding outreach at the Memorial Park event. His purpose was to reach a wider audience and assure that details of the experience was a positive one. Commissioners provided feedback on ways to reach more members of the community. OLD BUSINESS Young, Distinguished and Emerging Artists A wards Commissioners provided updates on action items and confirmation of all awards presentation date to February 6, 2018. All recipients confirmed that they would be in attendance. January 22, 2018 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2 COMMISSIONER REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS • The commissioners reported on their progress and updates of past action items, and staff provided updates on expected projects around the community. ADJOURNMENT Chair Chokshi adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. to the regular meeting on March 26, 2018 at City Hall, Conference Room C. Re~ Staff Liaison: Catarina Kidd, Senior Planner