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CC 04-17-2018 Exhibit Item No. 8
CC.. L/-i1-I q ---------- ADJUSTED COUPO .\D.ll STEil MATURITY MARKET UNREAL! COST Ca ll Date 2 PURCHASE i'vU.TUR ITY Call Date 2 DESCRIPTION NRATE YTM co~, VALUE VALUE ZED comparison PROFIT & [2.31.17 VS LOSS 03.31.18 LL / .H /J. I ~ -l_~cl/:ll!'.:_~J SECURITIES MATURED 09 /30/14 01 /12/18 Agency notes -FHLMC 0.75 % 1.26% 1,001,063 1,000 ,000 999,840 (1,223) (1,227) 09/30/14 03 /07/18 Agenc y notes -FHLMC 0.88% 1.32 % 1,000 ,285 1,000,000 999,140 (1,145) (1 ,069) 03 /30/15 03 /12/18 Agenc y notes -FFCB 1.13% 0.95 % 1,999,821 2,000,000 l ,':199,500 (321) 847 -1,998,540 03 /28/16 03/28/18 Agenc y notes -FHLB 1.09% 1.09 % 2,000 ,000 2,000,000 (1 ,460) - 03 /24/17 12/31/17 US Treasury Note 0.75 % 0.95 % 3,001 ,496 3,000,000 T,l)00 ,000 (1,496) (1,496) 03/18/16 02 /28/18 US Treasurv Note 0.75 % 0.98% 2,000 ,381 2,000 ,000 . 1.~~~.120 (2,261) (1,106 CITY PORTFOLIO CASH --u37JITT8 Wells Fargo -Workers ComE' Checking 31,872 31 ,872 31,872 - 03 /31/ I~ Wells Fargo -Regular Checking 15 ,588,512 15,58 8,517 15,5 88,512 - 15,620,384 15,620,38 4 15,620,38 4 ' - LAIF ~-0313 m1S LAIF -State Pool 1.42 % 1.42% 30 678 323 30 678,323 30,678,323 - MONEY MARKET FUNDS 03 /31 71 8 Wells Fargo Advantage 100 % Tre; 0.31 % 0.31 % 23,075,789 23,075,789 23,075 ,789 - 23 075 789 23 075 789 23 075 ,789 --GOVERNMENT AGENCY NOTES - 04/02/15 04/02/18 A_g ency notes -FFCB 1.00% 0.98% 3,000,003 3,000,000 3,000,000 (3) 145 05/11/15 05 /11/18 Agenc y notes -FFCB 1.03 % 1.08% 1,999,88 6 2,000,000 1,998 ,540 . (1,346) (?51) 04/18/17 05 /2 1/18 Agency notes -FNM A 0.88% 1.09% 999,70 1 1,000,000 99 8,840 (861) (5n) 07/23 /14 06/08 /18 A~~~.Y..E_otes -FHLB _ 1.25%" 1.39% 2,999,224 3,000,000 2,997 ,030 (2,194) (1 ,012) 05 /07/15 08 /07/18 Agenc y notes -FHLB 1.05 % 1.13% 1,999 ,433 2,000 ,000 l ,993 ,760 (5 ,673) (395) 09/12/16 09/06/18 Agenc y notes -FFCB 0.93 % 0.82% 3,001 ,430 3,000 ,000 2,9 88,630 (12 ,800) 809 01 /26/17 l 0/26/1 8 Ag enc y note s -FHLB l.20 % 1.20% --·-3,000,000 3,000,000 2,9 8_6,170 (13 ,830) - 02 /01 /17 02/0 l /19 _ --~gency no tes -FFCB 1.30 % 1.30 % 3,000 ,000 3,000 ,000 2,980,3 80 (19 ,620) --------·-------------·--- 05 /07/15 02/27/19 Agenc y not es -FNMA 1.68% 1.30% 1,003 ,362 1,000,000 995,530 (7 ,8 32) 909 -06/22/16 03/22/19 Ag ency notes -FHLMC 1.25 % 1.25 % 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,973,120 (2 6,8 80) -------l l/23/16 05 /24/19 -----Agenc y note s_ -FHLM C _____ 1.30% 1.30% 3,000 ,00 0 3,000 ,000 ~.9 68 ,770 (31 ,230) - I 0/16/15 09/13 /19 Agency notes -FHLB 2.00% 1.21 % 2,022,311 2,000 ,000 1,994 ,780 (27,531) 3,782 06/22 /17 10/11/19 Agency notes -FHLB 2.00% 1.43% 2,0 17,175 2,000,000 1,992 ,120 (25 ,055) 2,765 - ll/23/16 11 /18/19 Agency notes -FFCB 1.10% 1.36% 1,991,653 2,000 ,000 1,963,8 40 (27,813) (1,25 8) 03 /30/16 12/30/19 Agency notes -FHLMC 1.50 % l.50 % 3,000 ,000 3,000,000 2,95 8,840 (41 ,160) . 06/30/16 12/30/19 Agency notes -FHLMC l.02 % 1.02 % 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,934 ,300 (65,700) - 06/22/17 05/16/20 Agenc y notes -FHLB 1.5 0% 1.58% 1,996,757 2,000,000 1,963 ,820 (32,937) (376) 05 /31/16 05 /26/20 · Agenc y notes -FHLMC 1.35% 1.35 % 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,95 8,200 (41,800) - 05/26/16 05 /26/20 Agency notes -FNMA 1.38 % 1.38% 2,000,000 2,000 ,000 1,959 ,100 (40,900) - 06/30/16 06/30/20 Agency notes -FHLMC 1.50% 1.50% 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,962,340 (37 ,660) . 05/25/16 l l /25 /20 Agency notes -FNMA 1.50% 1.50% 3,000 ,000 3,000 ,000 2,930 ,250 (69,750) - Ol/19/17 12/10/2 l Agenc y notes -FHLB 2.63% l.90% 3,076,261 3,000,000 ' 3,005,730 (70 ,531) 5,084 53 107 197 53 000,000 52 ,504 ,090 (603 107) 9 675 US TREASURY SECURITIES ' - 09f l-21+6-08f3-l·f l-8 l:tS-'freasury-Nok (r.r5 %-(r.7-1·%---:..,f)00;-3:lz---2;000;00 0---1~990;6"1 0-(9;7t2) ___ -196 l l/23/16 10/31/18 US Treasurv Note 0.75% 1.04% 2,994,95 1 3,000 ,000 2,978 ,910 , (16,041) (2 ,1?3) 03 /3 l/ 17 03 /31/19 US Treasu!)' Note 1.25% 1.25% 1,00 0,000 1,000,000 991,250 (8,750) . 03 /31 /17 07/31/19 US TreaSU !)' Note 0.88% 1.32 % 2,982 ,316 3,000 ,000 2,94 8,430 (3 3,886) (3 ,268) 09 /12/16 08 /15/19 US Treasury Note 0.75 % 0.84 % 1,997,64 8 2,000 ,000 1,960,620 (37,028) (422) 03 /30/17 09/30/19 US Treasu ry Note 1.00% 1.42 % 1,987,634 2,000,000 1,963,980 (23,654) --(2,031) 05 /07/15 04/30/20 US Treasury Note 1.38% 1.54% 1,993 ,336 2,000,000 1,961 ,640 (3 1,696)" (788) 14956217 15 000 000 14,795 ,450 (160,767) (8 437) ---- Total Mana!!ed Portfolio 137,437,910 137,J74,496 136,674,036 {763,874) I 238 Average Yield I 1.00 % - Average Length to Maturity (in years) 0.64 Duration as of02/28/18 (calc ulated by USBank) 1.004 --------- TRUST PORTFOLIO Institutional MM Acco unt Wells Fargo Bank Secured 0.59% 0.59 % 48 585 48,585 48 585 48,585 -·------------ BOND RESERVE PORTFOLIO ·---·-- Bond Lease P m!_Acct Go ldman Sachs Financial Sa Mon, 0 .13 % 1.50 % 2,22 7 2,22 7 2,22 7 2,2?7 ------------- Bond Reserve Acct --Go ldman Sachs Financial Sq Mon, 0 .29% 1.50% l ,609 ,41 I I ,60 9,41 I l ,60 CJ ,41 I I ,609,411 Total Bond Reserve Portfolio I 611 637 I 611 637 · I 611 637 I 611 637