CC 05-01-2018 Exhibit Item No. 9 RM3 - Written CommunicationsMay 1, 2018 Dear Mayor Paul and Members of the Cupertino City Council, As state and local civic representatives of the residents of Cupertino, we are writing to convey our support for Regional Measure 3, the Bay Area's traffic relief Measure on the June 5, 2018 Ballot. Traffic in the Bay Area is a regional crisis, not limited to one single city. On a regular basis, residents located throughout Silicon Valley cross city and county boundaries in order to get to work and live their lives. Regional Measure 3 is a regional solution, crafted with purpose by elected officials who represent the Bay Area, in order to fund projects that have a nexus with relieving traffic along the Bay Area's congested bridge system. Projects such as extending Caltrian to downtown San Francisco, building new managed lanes on Highway 101 and linking BART to Caltrain at Diridon Station, are large scale projects that will benefit Cupertino residents as they commute throughout Santa Clara County, and across the Bay Area bridges that will fund this worth-while investment in our transportation system. For these reasons, and many more, we support Regional Measure 3. If you have any questions regarding our support, we would be happy to discuss with you. Sincerely, Senator Jim Beall 15th California Senate District Assemblymember Evan Low 28th California Assembly District Anjali Kausar CEO, Cupetino Chamber of Commerce CC 05-01-2018 Item No. 9