CC 04-19-60 70 ~ ~ r.:: - ~ P. O. Box 597 Al-2-4505 C I T Y 0 Feu FER TIN 0 CUH.RTINO, CALIFO?lHA ~JNUTES OF THE REGULAa ~LETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 19, 1960 Time: 5:00 P.M. Place: 10321 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road ~ 1. ROLL CALL Councilmen present: Councilmen absent: Lazaneo, Nathanson. Pelosi, Saich, wilson, (and incoming Councilman Benetti) None II, Moved by Councilman Lazaneo and second by Councilman Wilson thet Resolution ~96 be adoFted declaring results of the Municpal election of April 12, 1960, and decl_ring th"t all votes were duly cast and counted and resol- ving the Normn J, Nathónson, John SÜch, and John G, Benetti. are declared Councilmen of the City of Cupertino; carried 5-0, III. Certificates of election ,,,ere issued to the aforement'oned three Council- men (campaign statements by the successful candidates have been filed with the City records). IV. The o~th of office 1.-T8E .òmini~tered ;>nd s~,,¡-orn. V, The Voayor turned the go vel to the }jayor Pro Tem, M.r. Saich, and norrinated Anthony J, Pelosi to be Vayor of the City of Curertino; second by Council- rn~n L~z.neo. Councilman Lazaneo moved thet nominations be closed; second by Councilman Benetti, carried 5-0. Councilman Pelosi tooK his seat os ~~yor. In a brief statement of accept- an;::e and gratitude he said th2t he ';ould n'~ed and a¡-preciate the cooper- ation of all the porties connecteò with the City. He expresseò intention to dele¡-;;;te ?uthority to pr0perly constituted bodies, committee men. and officials, anò expressed hore .nd expect"tion that the City would continue the good work of the preceedin[ administra tion. Arpoint,"ent of Planning COITlIT1issioners tCi fill the existin¿ v~c;¡ncies is necesE.ry to _ssure _ quorum for the regular Planning Corr~ission meeting of April 25. he noted, The present meetin¡s therefore, is ~djourned until S~turday April 23. at 10:00 A,H. VI. hovedoy Councilmo:n S.ich that Nick J, L~zaneo be appointed Hayor Pro Tem; second by Councilm~n Benetti. Moved by Councilm.n Said: tb.t nüïninations for the office of Mayor Pro Tem be closed; second by Councilm~n Benetti, c.rried 5-0, VII. Hoved by !""'yor Pelosi tLt Councilman Nath¡¡nson be appointed Treasurer; second by Councilm~n L~zaneo. Moved by Councilman Laz.neo that nominations to the office of City Treasurer be closed; second by Councilman Sai~h and carried 4_0. Councilman N~th- anson abst~ined. VIII, Moved by Councilman S~ich that the payment of w~rrant 1384 be ¡¡uthorized, second by Councilm.n Benetti, c~~ried 5-0. JX. Moved by Councilman Lazaneo thc,t meetin~ be adjourned until S~turd~y. April 23, .t 10:00 A.M.; second by Benetti, c¡¡rried 5-0, ~: I , <ì--"'X.. ;" Ci ty Clerk ~~ APnOVED: Mayor, City of Cupertino