CC 06-23-60 108 P. O. Box 597 Al-2_4505 ..... ...; o ... ., MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COU:'(CIL ADJOURNED FROM JUNE 30, 1960 TO 7:30 p.m. JUNE 23, 1960--BUDGET SESSION. Roll Call: Councilmen Benetti, Saich, Pelosi Councilmen Absent: Lazaneo, Nathanson The Mayor announced that this meeting would be adjourned to an executive session and reconvened at its conclusion. Meeting recomvened at 10:25 p.m Mayor asked for a motion to adopt the budget. man Benetti, seconded by Saich that the Budget unanimously, ,subject to the following changes: Motion made by Council_ be approved, carried Council Dudget: The Mayor suggested that the $3,000.00 for professional consultant fees be omitted and if the occasion would arise where it would be necessary for the Council to appropriate monies for these services, it could be taken from the unappropriated reserve. Counc,lman Benetti stated that he thought the amount should remain--that the Council would need this appropriation during the year for city advertising and it would also be availaDle for other Council appropriations, if the occasion arose. The amended Council budget was for ~2,500.00 for travel and conference expense. Motion for adoption Dy Saich, seconded by Pelosi. Ayes: Saich, Pelosi Bays: Benetti Absent: Lazaneo, Nathanson Motion Carried: 2_1_2 City Mana¡,er Budret: City Manager budget approved with the exception of the deduction of the miscellaneous item of $250.00. Since there was full agreement on this item, a motion was not needed. Planning Commission budget: The professional and consultant fees in the amount of $3,000.00 was deducted, and conference and travel expenses were increased from $250.00 to $500.00. Total budget for Planning Commission $5.000.00. Councilman in agreement on this matter-_no motion required. City Attorney: Salary for the City Attorney WaS increased to $400.00 a month. The secretary's salary of $150.00 a month remained, The Council agreed that the $2,500.00 for professional and consultant fees Was inadequate to take care of this item for the coming year, and since it was difficult to ascertain what the actual expenses would be for legal >lork beyond the normal City Attorney salary, this amount was deducted, The Council agreed on a total budgEt for the City Attorney's office of $8,070.00 City Clerk: $11,100.00. mitted. A correction was made in the salaries from $11,600.00 to The balance of the items in the Budget >lere approved as sub- City Engineer: The budget Came under a great deal of discussion. Council- man Saich felt that because of the growth that the City has and is exper_ iencing, that it would be inadvisable at this time to reduce the City EnginEer's salary. Mayor Pelosi felt that a transition,period certainly will ~ave to and should take place, but it should be done carefully in order to avoid any pi tra11s in which the City might find itself. Council_ man Benetti felt that the budget should be approved as submitted by the City Manager and that if during the yeor it wes necessary, monies could be appropriated from the unappropriated reserve as was suggested in the Council and Planning Commission budgets. Councilman Saich moved that the request of the City Engineer for 322,000.00 for professional and consult_ ing fees be inserted in the budget. Seconded by Pelosi. Councilman Benetti requested permission to make an amendment to the 'lotion. This was agreed to. In Counc'lman Benetti's explanation for his amendment, he stated that he felt that inasmuch as it had been mentioned that a transition period should take Dlace, that now was the time to ~art, and he would amend the motion from $22,000.00 for professional consultant fees to $18,000.00. The motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Pelosi stated that it would probably be advisable to commence the transition period and that if the origianl motion could be withdrawn, he having made the second, was agreeable to its being withdrawn. Councilman Saich withdrew the ori- ginal motion. The Mayor tl:en sta ted the t he ,rould enterta in a motion tba t the Engineer's budget would contain an item of $20,000.00 for professional 109 and consulting fees. Councilman Saich moved that the 1ngineer's budget contain the $20,000.00 amount. Mayor Pelosi seconded the motion, Ayes: Saich. Pelosi Nay s : Benet ti Absent: Lazaneo, Nathanson Motion Carried: 2_1_2 It was tr:en suggested by Councilman Benetti that the City Engineer's salary be increased $50.00 per month if City Engineer would attend both the City Council and the Plan~ing Commission meetings. Motion was made by Councilman Benetti that the Engineer's salary be increased to $300.00 a month if he would agree to attend both the Council and the Planning Commission meetings. Seconded by Saich. Carried unanimously. Absent: Lazaneo, Nathanson. Building Department: Council agreed on the Building Department's budget with the exception of a correction in the salaries from $19,026.00 to $18,372.00. A motion was not needed for this budget. " Police Department: Councilman Benetti raised the question about more police protection, stating that inasmuch as tr,is is vacation time and children are prone to wander considerably, it might be well to consider additional police protection, particularly during the surr~er months. He said that it would be advisable for a patrol car to contact the various school grounds where recreational activities were in progress. he said that these school grounds would be a likely spot for child molestors to appear and that if a patrol car would periodically check these areas, it would [,ave a dampening effect on any person who might attempt to bother children. Whatever money the City paid out for such protection would be minor compared to saving one child from encountering such a terrible experience. It was moved by Councilman Benetti and seconded by Mayor Pelosi that the Police Department budget be increased $6,000.00 for additional police protection. Carried on a voice vote. Absent, Lazaneo, Nathanson. Recre"tion Department: The Council agreed that the amount of $6,000.00 should be appropriated for the coming year's recreational activities, Councilman Benetti reouested that $1,750.00 of the $6,000.00 should be put into a capital improvement fund for future recreation expansion. This fund would be increased from year to year and >lould not revert to the general fund at the conclusion of the fiscal year. The Council was in agreement with the Recreation budget. Street Maintenance: Councilman Saich reiterated the Mayor's previous statement regarding a transition period. He thought that the City would be stepping a little bit too rapidly if it tried, at this time, to set up a maintenance department. he felt that we should continue as we had done in the past year by having street maintenance and re- pair done by contract. The City Council agreed that the amount of $25,000.00 should be set forth in the Street l1aintenance and Repair budget. The council agreed with this. Street Lights and Traffic Signals: Street lights and traffic signals were approved as submitted. At a previous budget meeting Councilman Lazaneo requested, and the Council members agreed, that the amount of $2,500.00 submitted for traffic signals be increased to $7,000.00. The Council agreed with this request. Water Budget: After a brief discussion by the Council members, it was moved by Councilman Benetti and seconded by Councilman Saich that the budget for the ~ater Department be approved as submitted. The Budget had to be in the fiscal a¡,ent's hands by July 1st. Motion carried by a voice vote, Absent, Nathanson, Lazaneo. After a complete review or the budE,et and the changes made in the various items in the departmental budget. Councilman Benetti moved that the budget, as amended, be approved. Seconded by Councilman Saich. Roll call vote: Ayes: Benetti, Saich, Pelosi Absent: Lazaneo, Nathanson ~,~,~ City Clerk