CC 07-08-60 118 P. lJ. Box sn ¡.... '"'"' ~ ... tI: Al-2-450S C I T Y OF CUP E R T I K 0 CUPE~TINO CALIFORNIA ~INUTES OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF CUPERTINO JULY 8, 1960 ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: Benetti, Saich, Pelosi Lazaneo, Kathanson The topics marked for the ag:enda were not considc ¥'ed for the most part due to the fRct that the City Engineer and the City Attorney were not nresent, due to another comwitment. I. McClellan Roed: Mayor stated that the City of Cupertino is in process of negotiating with San Jose concerning the construction of drainage facilities along McClellan Road. This will entail a cooperative :roject between the two cities on a mutually agreeable basis, possibly according to the ratio of benefit and cost which would be roughly 60% ~o San Jose and 40% to Cupertino. At the present time litigation is a factor on the south side of ~cClellan ROdd involvin~ a recent San Jose annexation. II. Conference of Building Officials, Colorado Springs, Colorado: The letter from the International Building Officials to the CityCouncil was read. The corrur,unication invited the City to sent tLe Building Official, William Benevich, and any Councilman or other administrative o.i'ficials the Ci to' may see fit to send. Consideration >Jas given the trip in vie>J of the Inoney allocated for that purpose in the building inspection department. Possibility of going to other meetings was considEred as well as the Dossib.'_litiy of sending the second ouilding inspector to certain meetings. The City Manager said he >Jould report on the subject at the next meeting. III. Santa G1Bra County Library Commission: The Mayor broached the possibility of nominating W. L. Hoyt, 20~25 Scofiled Drive, Cupertino to fill a vacancy presently existing on the Santa Clara County Library Commission. Mr. Eoyt is presently chairman of the CUDertino Library Com;·ission. This nomination met witt immediate concurrence and Council decided to draft a letter momin_ ating Hoyt and present it to the County Library Commission with a copy to George Ferrier, County Librarian; moved by Councilman Saich that the City nominate 'N. L. Hoyt to fill the vacancy on the Santa Clara County Library Board; second by Councilman Benetti, carried 3-0. IV. Highway 9 imrrovements, vicinity of Roórigues Ave.: The Mayor stated that he had met John Rodrigues in order to discuss the projected improvements along: HighHay 9. One of the alternatives considered, said the Hayor, would require the City to put in 10 feet of paving along the fence line of rtighway 9, west side, on tbe Dresently unimproved Datch. ¡r¡r. Rodrigues is willing to install all other improvements such as tte additional road paving, gutter, curb and sidewalk. The Mayor asked the City hanRger to dispatch a letter to the proper authority of San Jose Water v'orks relative to the moving of water meters installed along the west side of Highway 9 in order to ;nsure preliminary cooperation in the event that the City decides on such a division of res_ ponsibility. V. Trafficways Commission: Kext meeting is July 13,1960,7:30 p.m., San Jose City Council CLamber~. Councilman "aich stated that the necessary bond issue will probably be placed on the ballot in the spring of 1961. The bonds, if successful, may be redeened over a ten yeer period. The Hayor said that it might be advisable for a olanning Commissioner to attend important meetings of the Inter City Councilor other local agencies discussing projects importar,t to Cupertino. VI. The l'iayor suggested the possibility of &11enaing the use permit proceaure so as to allo>J protests by the public and to afford Council review of use Dermits voted by the Planning Commission. TLis rr.atter was discussed and the City Hanager stated that protests in writing should be given cognizance so that the Dublic and UIe City Council would ha e the same or approximate right of redress as an aggrieved applicant. VII. Councilman S2ich referred to the grading of gas station sites anó r~quested 1'19 ...._ -'<'__f. more control over the elevé,tions. The ì'¡ayor agreed that the station level should correspond to the contour of the surrounding property so as not to distort the natural drainage. It was agreed to consider an Ordinance which would enable tre City 1ngineer to set the lot grade thus protecting adjoining property from inundation. The City Hanager stated that he 1"Ould secure and prepare sucL an rdinance for examination by the City Council. The Hayor said that adjoining proDerty may be damaged by such elevations and that retaining walls may be necessary. Councilman Saich stated that exorbitant grades are inconvenient, one quarter inch to a foot generally provides the necessary grade. Havor suggested that the Ordinance could be enacted as an urgency meaSure if the City Attorney will construe the matter as one caDable of being treated as such. VIII. The City ]1,anaver said he is investifatinf the construction of paving, gutter, curb, and side",alk on the East side of Blaney. Councilman Saich said that the Workman Project may be imminent and that the machinery, men, and materials used and ready on that installation could be transferred to tre opposite side of the street in order to economize. The sidewalks would afford school children safe access to Wilson School located on the south side of Price Ave. The City !I¡aneger stated that adjoining pro,erty owners may dedicate sufficient proDerty tc enable tLe City to install plant mix side",alks. He said he could talk t8 the Ci t'; of Son Jose and the School District about the possibility o~ their Darti..cipating in suer: a project. IX. The "'ayor stated that be is in the process of forming a Civil Defense Commission and is seeking appointees. He advised the City í'¡anager to wri te Thomas bur:'ascano concerning a place on such a Commission. hr. 8urrascano has expressed a willingness to participate. X. The City hanóger referred to the last meetinf' of the higlway Commission on the subject of State bign [(oute 9. The de,·dline for securing the riht of way ¡as been extended beyond June 30. A hearing is scheduled by the highway Commission on July 19 in Los Angeles and a plane has been chartered for interested parties. Hi'. Storm suggested that the Hayor make the trip to represent the City of Cupertino and requested that he be notified by July 11 so that the necessary reservation could be made. Moved by Councilman Benetti that expenses be paid b. the City for a representative to attend the hif'hway Commission meeting duly 19 in Los Angeles; second by Councilman Saich, carried 3-0. XI. Street N/l.mes: ThE V~yor asked the metl'.od of picking street names. The City !>\anager ans.'ered that the Dresent practice permits the builder to select the names at random. The only provision bing that they dc not d·'Dlicate other street names in the City or County. The City Manager advised that the names should be aDDroved by the CUDertino Planning Commission inasmuch as street names are an important and conspicous feature of the City. The Hayor advised the City Hanager to draft an ordinance which ,,/QuId empower the City Planning Commission to comrile a list of names "hich are acceDtable and/or to revie.' names submitted by subdividers for approval. A method would be devised by ",hice. the City would gain control of the n?minf of new streets. XII. The City Manager reported that the weed abatement program is being pursued in cooperation with the County Fire ;';arshal. If compliance is not forth- coming upon notification and action b y the Fire ¡·.arshal the Droble!'! is delivered tD the District Attorney for Drosecution. XIII. Sifns: ítemoval of obsolete si¡·ns advertising completed subdivisions was discussed. Question was aSKed as to whetLer 8 ncw subdivider can use an old si[n ooard for ne\" copy. The ans",er is in the affirmative assuming that the measurements of the board comply with the existing sign ordinance. The present ordinance requires removal of outdated sifnS. XIV. A question was raised concerning property wLi"h has been rezoned contingent on the fact th?t it be developed ",i thin a one year, or other period. The Council has stipulated th2t tr,e one year period be a condition of rEzoning in several past instances. They asked that 2 checK of the records be made to ascertain the status of such rezones. 120 XVI. XVII. .... ~ c:: .. tI: IV. The Manager exhibited water jars showing the extent to which coagulant will clar water. Samples were from Stevens Creek, one jar containing water with the coagulant and one .'ithout. he exrlained tc at the use of the cOAgulant servied to increase the flow from 75 gaiblons per minute to 700 gallons per minute. This seves pumping charges and helps under- ground percolation. The j\¡ayor asked to know the length of the two future freeways within the Ci t;í limits, also the length major arterials through the City and the percentage ratio of the multiple family zoning to sinf'le family. He also called for all tbe alte,'native methods of buffering presently used in thejory or practice. The Eayor calJed a study session for July 15, Friday, iJ:OO p.m. and adjourned the present meetin¡' to th2t time. The agenda for July 15 ¡<ill include: 1. Mountain View-Stevens Creek ¡¡oed 2. Wolfe Roed ). highHay 9 4. Gas station sites, grades, locations and number 5. Feasibility of h. contro' Ordinance 6. Benson Construction_Tentative map ~est: _ ~~ ,~. ~~ ~