CC 07-18-60
P. a.Box 597
JULY 18, 1960
10321 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
8:00 p.m.
Councilmen Present:
Councilmen Absent:
Others Present:
Benetti, Lazaneo, Pelosi
Saich, ).athanson
City hanager, City Attorney, City Jonfineer, City
III. HINUTES OF hEETI!\G, July 5, 1960: Councilman Benetti stated that he
had not r~ceived copy of Minutes and requested that reading of Minutes
be held over.
Motion by Councilman Benetti that reading of ~inutes of heeting July
5, 1960, be held over until next regular meeting. Seconded oy Lazaneo.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Saich, Nathanson
Motion Carried: ;_0
1. Ordinance 130
Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that second reeding of Ordinance 130
be given at next regular meeting. Seconded by Benetti.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Saierl, Nathanson
Motion Carried: 3-0
2. Ordinance 138 approvin¡' the annexation of certain contiguous inhab-
ited territory designated Homestead 3. First reading.
City Clerk stated that he had examined the ballots and the report of
the Election Board and found that the count was 12 ayes, 1 no cast
on the proposition Homestead 3 to be annexed to the Cit;)'.
Motion by Councilman Benetti that Canvass of the ballots be acproved.
Seconded oy Lazaneo.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Pelosi
Nays: J\one
Absent: Saich, ¡;athanson
Motion Carried: 3-0
City Clerk read Ordinance No. 138
Councilman Lazaneo asked hO>T soon after second reading would annexation
be finalized. City Attorney answered that it would be 30 days.
3. Ordinance 139 regulating maintenance and location of swimrrüng pDols.
City Attorney requested that Ordinance 139 and Ordinance 002(a) Revised
be held over pending report back to the Council.
Motion by Councilman Benetti that Items 3 and 4 on agenda, ordinance 139
and Ordinance 002(a) revised be held over to thenext regular meeting of
the City Council. Seconded by Lazaneo.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Saich, Nathanson
Motion Carried: 3-0.
5. City Attorney read Resolution No. 345 apDroving Planning Commission
Resolution No. 15 and ador,ting official forms of resolution as referred
to herein and ado,tinf standard form of Council resolution granting variances.
Motion by Counc',lman Lazaneo that Resolution 345 be adocted. Seconded
by Benetti.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Saich, Nathanson
Hotion Carried: 3-0
6. Resolution No. 340 approvinf
Item deferred until next regular
plans of Tract 1946, Prinflewood,
Council meeti ng, August, 1 1960.
7. Resolution 343, Agreement for law enforcement services. City Manager
stated that upon Council direction, agreement was referred to City Attorney.
Tn checking agreement City Attorney raised question in Paraf'raph 3 Fhich
stated thct members of the Sheriff's Department will be City employees when
making arrests. City Attorney felt that this would make the City liable for
an action of an officer ,chich might be contrary to official procedure. City
Manager checked Hith County Manager's office regarding insurance for false
arrest and he referred him to a Mr. Frank Thomas, Insurance Office for the
County. Mr. Thomas informed City í'lanager that the County does not have
insurance for false arrest. City City of CUDertino does not have this type
of coverage. City "~nager stated that tLis is a standard form of Agreement
that the County has sent to all of the cities. he feels that agreement should
be approved and he is having insurance a[ent check for insurance of this type
and will make a report at next Council meeting. Arproval of Resolution 343
deferred until next regular meeting.
City Attorney stated that he raised the point in order Uat the Council would
be aware of the f;,ct that the co '"tract had been changed to create the possi-
bility of liability on the City, however, he did agree that when officers
are making arrests that they would be employees of the City since they would
be performing a City function. City Attorney also stated that difficulty might
arise if Resolution is not adopted. He suggested passing Resolution and
checking later. for insurance. City Attorney read Resolution 343.
~¡otion by Councilman Lazaneo that Resolution 343 be adopted. Seconded by
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Saich, Nathanson
Motion Carried: 3-0
A. Planning Commission reDort re Mountain View-Stevens Creek Road. Mayor
stated that a study session, reviews and changes were made on Mountain View_
Stevens Creek Road and that Mr. Coburn and Messrs. Wilson and Cook requested
that this matter be deferred until August 1, 1960.
Councilman Lazaneo read title, Resolution 341 allowing certain claims and
demands in the sum of $1,433.70, demand numbers 1514 throug 1519, plus
Water Department claims end demands in the sum of $524.04, demand numbers
131 through 133.
Notion by Councilman Benetti that itesolution 341 be adopted. Seconded b,
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Pelosi
t\ay E:: None
Absent: Saich, t\athanson
Motion Carried: 3-0
Councilman Lazaneo read title, Resolution No. 342 allowing certain claims
and demands in the sum of iÿl,774.)4, deman numbers 1520 through 1535 plus
Water Department claims and demands in the sum of 4>1,992.72, demand numbers
134 through 143.
JIlotion by Councilman Benetti that Resolution 342 be adoDted. Seconded by
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Saich, Nathanson
Motion Carried: 3-0
1. From Paul Finch recommendin[ JamBs F. Koch as member County Library
Commission Board. Mayor stated to Mr. Finch that Council had recommended
Mr. William Hoyt to Board before receipt of his letter but requested Mr.
Finch to approach Mr. Koch to see if he would care to be on the Cupertino
Library Commission.
2. Pamphlet on Civil Defense received from Louis Æ. Wine, City Manager stated
that he will obtain cODies of pamphlet for distribution to citizens.
3. Letter from Board of Supervisors advising that ~uly 25tL has been set
for hearing petition to annex certain property to the City of Cupertino Water
Mayor asked if there were protests from the audience. Thrre were none.
Motion by Councilman Benetti that co'"munications be received and filed.
Seconded by Lazaneo.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Saich, Nathanson
Motion Carried: 3-0
A. Mayor reDorted that Councilman Said; was not present at meeting
because mecnber of his family was in the bospital. City Manager reported that
bids have not yet been received to oil and gravel Blaney Avenue. He reported
damage to the traffic signal on Stelling and Stevens Creek statinv that
repair work aas been ordered. City did not have insurance on signal, but
after checking wit! insurance agent and Sheriff's Department it was learned
that owner of car is resronsible for damages, and it was after receipt of
ttis information that he repair work to be done.
B. City ~,anager read sumrTlary of traffic violations for montL of June and
comparisfun of violations last year, indicating ttat number of violations
have dropped. City i'lanager stated ttat "'ire Marshal informed him that all
of the people who have been notified to remove weeds and have not complied
will be turned over to the Listrict Attorney's office. Mayor aSKed City
Attorney if anything could be done to prevent piling up of dirt in vacant
lots. City Attorney stated that the County experience is that ordinances
are anfavorable where they call for removal of fill on private property.
however, he felt that this could be stopped in most cases because storage
of fill in an R-l zone is a non_conforming use. City Attorney will check
subdivision ordinance further.
C. Council~an Lazaneo stated tLat he will report on air pollution at next
meeting. Councilman Lazaneo mentioned the agreem8nt between the Sanitary
District and the City of Santa Clara and will report back to Co,mciih after
meeting of Sanitary District. Hayor felt that Council should meet with
Sanitary Listrict to discuss mutual problems. Heetinf date set for August
4th. City Han8ger to write Sanitary District to ask if they would like to
meet at the City Hall. City E,ngineer felt Uat U:is ,could not f'ive Sani-
tary District sufficient notice. Councilman Benetti suggested setting
AUfust 4th of 11th as mertinf date and the Sanitary District could decide
date ",ore convenient for tr.em.
D. C.uncilman Benetti requested copies of tramDoline ordinance and conditions
accompanyin¡ use permits for traMpoline centers be sent to Recreation
Commissioners. Councilman Benetti reported that Hr. i"oodruff resigned from
the Commission and requested that the name of Mr. Herman Ius be considered
for replacement of Mr. Woodruff.
Councilman Saich arrived at 6:45 p.m.
Motion by Councilman Benetti that City Attorney be instructed to prepare
a resolution eppointing Mr. Herman Ius to theRecreation Commission.
Seconded by Lazaneo.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Nathanson
Motion Carried: 4_0
E. Councilman Lazaneo reported statement from County Controller, City's
share of fines collected for month of June, $916.02, California Highway Patrol,
$7.50, total $923.52; from State Controller, Motor Vehicle License Fees, $7,397.1~
State Board of Equalization report of sales tax, City's share 1959/60,:,39,442.
F. City Manager read Resolution 346 requesting California Highway Commission
Santa Clara County.
Seconded by
to authorize certain improvements or State Highway No. 9 in
Motion by Councilman Said: that Resolution 346 be adopted.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Nathanson
Motion Carried: 4-0
Mayor asked if ~,)5,OOO budget of ABAG has been approved. City Manager report-
ed tht it had been and felt that Cupertino's I'articiDation in Association
would benefit City.
Motion by Councilman Seich that $176.00
in Association of Bay Area Governments.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Nathanson
Motion Carried: 4_0
be apDropriated for membership
Seconded by Benetti.
G. City Attorney read ,iesolution No. 347 recormnending William Hoyt to
Bocrd of Supervisors to be considered for position on County Library
Commission Board.
Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that Resolution ;47 be adopted. Seconded by
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: NatLanson
Motion Carried: 4-0
City Attorney reported preparation of resolution authorizing City ~ngineer
to set lot levels and to recuire retaining walls. Resolution is to be
distributed through City Hanager so Jl¡hat Council may have op'ortuni ty to
H. Mayor reviewed report of Chairman of Planning Commission. No Council
action required. Councilman Lazaneo asked if Council may act on use permits
granted by Planning Commission. Mayor stated that in the event of protests,
either by the applicant or other interested parties, the Council will
review use permit application. Discussion aoose as to the five day period
in which protests may be filed. City Attorney felt that five days may not
be sufficient time but suggested that Ordinance 002(a) Revised, have a trial
period and should the five day period not be sufficient, the Ordinance
can then be changed.
I. City Engineer reported that developers of Pringlewood have requested
that decision be delayed until matter of Mountain View_Stevens Creek Road
has been settled.
Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that City ~ngineer be authorized to file
notice of comDletion, Homestead Storm Drain No. " Seconded by Saich.
Ayes; Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Nathanson
Kotion Carried: 4-0
City Engineer stated thct he had crepared plan on standard street lighting
on conjunction with P. G. & ~. and feels that if these and tbe master plans
were completed they would be helpful to the Planning Commission in their
discussion of the mast clan. His request was to complete and revise
present neighborhood plans and to modify storm drainage plan to compare to
recent tentative agreements of the State Flood Control District and to
complete street lighting plan. The estimated cost would be ~l,OOO. Mayor
stated that meeting would be adjounred until Thursday, July 21, 1960,
at 5;00 p.m. to discuss neighborhood plans.
City ~ngineer presented request from Cupertino School District that sidewalk
on Bonacich pronerty be allowed to be adjacent to the curb and gutter since
maintenance of planter strip between sidewalk and curb would create a pro-
blem with use of sidewalks by school children.
Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that exception to Section 17, Subdivision
Ordinance, be granted to the School District allowing sidewalk to be ad-
jacent to curb and gutter and Dlanter strip to be adjacent to fence.
Seconded by Benètti.
Ayes; Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Nathancon
Motion Carried: 4_0
Mayor reported that there will be a meeting with San Joce, July 19, 1960
regarding storm drainage and that width of McClellan has been set by City
at 60'.
Mountain View_Stevens Creek Road matter held over until next Council meeting
August 1, 1960.
Wolfe Road discussion held over since applicants wish to study suggestions
of the Council ~iven at meeting July 15. 1960.
City Manager will be attending meeting in Los Angeles, July 19, 1960, re
widening of Highway 9.
Gas station sites discussion held over until August 1, 1960.
Mayor suggested that a committee be formed
H control for presentation to the Council.
are to work with City ~aaager on report.
to gather information regarding
Councilman Lazaneo and 3enetti
Applicant, Benson Construction, notified Council that tentative map has
been withdrawn and will refile map at later date.
Councilman Benetti request~d Council to make a study of gas station locations
within the City and suggested a freeze be put on station until termination
of such study. Mayor stated that freeze would not really be necessary since
Council will review all protested use permits which a1'pear before the
Planning Commission. City Attorney stated that rule set by federal courts is
that a gas station, wLich is a nuisance, may oe np.ulated ·out may not be
excluded. It may be lawful to exclude [as stations from R-l zones or from
a certain type of zoned area, but City Attorney felt their difficulties
could result by putting a blanket veto on gas station~. Councilman Benetti
stated that he did not intend to exclude gas stations entirely but rather
to allow the Council to consider location of gas stations within the City,
etc. This matter to be discussed Thursday, July 21, 1960, at 5:00 p.m.
Motion by Councilman Saich that $462.00 be anproved for payment to the
Fremont High School District for participation in recreation program and that
letter of transmittal be sent to the District explaining the City's
particiDation in program with the School District. Seconded by Benetti.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Nathanson
Motion Carried: 4_0
City Clerk read Resolution 344 transferring storm drain funds from the
Storm Drain deposit to the General Account.
Motion oy Councilman Lazaneo that resolution 344 be adopted. Seconded
by Saich.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Nathanson
Motion Carried: 4_0
City Clerk read Ordinance 137 ordering stop signs to be placed on roads
intersecting East éstates Drive and La har Drive.
Ì'lotion by Councilman Lazaneo that second reading of Ordinance 137 be oy
title only. Seconded by Benetti.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
l~ay s: None
Absent: ¡\athanson
Motion Carried: 4_0
Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that Ordinance 137 be enacted. Seconded by
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Nathanson
Motion Carried: 4_0
Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that second re2dinv of OrdinRnce 78(b) be by
title only. Seconded by Benetti.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, SaicL, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: èJathanson
Motion Carried: 4-0
Ci ty Clerk read title, Grdinance 7¿( b)
Motion by Councilman Saich thet Ordinance 7B(b) be enacted. Seconded by
¡ouncilman Lazaneo.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
]';ays: None
Absent: Nathanson
Motion Carried: 4_0
Terms of the Water Commissioners to be set at meeting July 21, 1960.
City Manager pointed out that four terms should run for four years
and three terms for two years.
Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that City ~ngineer be allowed to attend
League of California Cities convention in October. Seconded by
Councilman Lazaneo amended motion to include Building Official.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Nathanson
Motion Carried: 4-0
~1ayor eead letter from Santa Clara County Contractors and Homebuilders
Associa tion stating that all subcontractors shodd pay city business
Mayor read letter from City Clerk advising of invitåtion from City
Clerk of San Jose to meet July 19, 1960 at San Jose City Council Room
to discuss, (1) Mutual boundary lines, (2) McClellan Hoad Storm Drain-
Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that meeting be adjourned until Thursday,
July 21, 1960, at 5:00 p.m. Seconded by Benetti.
Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Nays: None
Absent: Nathanson
Motion Carried: 4-0
Meeting adjourned Monday, July 16, 1960 at 9:55 p.m.
i ty Clerk
t~. Ui~