CC 07-21-60 129 F. O. Box 597 Al-2-4505 C I T Y OF C U FER TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA ADJOURNED RECULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JULY 21, 1960 I. 10321 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Councilman Absent: Others Present: Benetti, Lazaneo, Pelosi, Saich Nathanson City Manager, City Attorney, City Engineer, City Clerk Place: 'rime: II. Moved by Councilman Lazaneo, seconded by Councilman Benetti that Audrey L. Weston, Water Department cashier, receive salary in the amount of $340.00 per month, carried 4-0. !'loved by Councilm:·n Saicr that the City I'.anager oe authorized to pur_ chase a suction pump for the Water Dep2rtment for an amount not to exceed $375.00. Second by Councilman Saich, carried 4-0. III. The Hayor stated that the meeting had been called for the purpose of discussing Neighborhood Plans which are now 9 in number. Mr. Fleming nroduc:d the map indicatinr the various Neighborhood Plans and started the discussion of Neighborhood Plan No.1, which seems to correspond closely with the actual development of that quadrant. Minor changes in the street pattern will be necessary to make themap conform exactly to the eventual circulation pattern effective >1hen the area is completely built. Park sites are also outlined on the map. Mr. Fleming said U:at as pieces of pronerty combine or cbange ownership nlans need constantly to be revie>1ed. Park and streets can be altered at the discretion of the ~ouncil. Councilman Lazaneo questioned the location of a park in a commercial area, feeling that land prices dictated that nark and recrccation facilities be located in residential zones.. The Mayor questioned the location of the street on the south side of Stevens Creek Blvd. between Vista and Rcndy. He asked wLy Vista is not designed on a straight line. He said that some consideration should be given to another location for that proposed street taking into view proc'ej·ty lines and ownership. Councilman Lazaneo said that the City should capitalize on the ground available at the local schools much in the manner of the practice being followed at Collins School. 'he Mayor reported that Gladys Snyder, State Recreation O"ficial, the recre:tion sites should be placed adjacent to school sites. is considred a definite principal among the State Recr:ation autborities. maintains This The City Manager said that it is very difficult if not impossible to fix exact sites for parks prior to the development of the proper'ty. He said that it has been his experience that park and recreation facilities can be successfully acquired and developed uy cooperation with subdividers or land development agencies. It is common, he said, for such building corporation to satisfy the wishes of the City agencies during the hearing process before Planning Commissions and City Councils. They are often .'Ìlling to comply with the tentative or prospective City plans in order to expedite the commercial phases of their program as well as satisfy the public interest and increase the co~mercial value of their building program. Discussion followed as to wbether U!e nark sites should be shown on the map. Considering the ouestion from several view points consensus appeared to be that it ,.'ould be advantageous to continue shoHing sites on the map even though a differen~site might ultimately be picked. The City Attorney reviewed the court cases relative to school sites and eXLressed it Has analagous to recreation sites. If a City has adopted a Master Plan the City Council can apnrove or disapprove school sites and the laH of the State provides that it takes a 4/5 vote of the School Board to over-rule the City and choose its own site. In this event the City can normally litigate the issue in the courts. 130 Councilman Lazaneo said he is in favor of placing the issue of recreation before the voters of the City and polling public opinion to determine whether or not it will meet the wi shes of the people to call a special election for the purpose of floating a ond issue designed to provide funds necessary to carryon the recreation progrpm within the City. ~ ~ ~ .... ~ Councilman Benetti asked whether the City actually needs lend in addition to .~1at will prove available on the various school sites within City limits. Councilman Lazaneo submitted for discussion the po.-,sibility that park sites be delineated from the Neighborhood Plans unless and until the financial resourses are available to purchase the sites designated on the map and a lever to secure the sites for the future. The ;'Iayor sajd that he would like a specific report from Gladys Snyder on the sUl·ject. Councilman Benetti recalled that a definite cormoi tment has been made to the people by the City _ that profits from the Water 'works will be devoted to rEcreation for Ule City. Councilman i3enetti said the ltecreation Commission definitely feels tr,e parks should be used for actual recreation rather than baby-sitting area.,. The Mayor directed that all mpterial available on the subject be trans_ mitted to the Recreation Conooission. IV. The Council turned to !-.eighborhood Plan No.2 which was surr.marized and explained by the City Enrineer. This area is enclosed by Stevens Creek Bl vd., stelling Hoad, HighTaY 9, and the soutr.ern City limits near HcClellan Road. The Hayor proposed tL?t Western Drive be deadended on the north end so as not to create a dangerous traffic situation on the three Town and Country Subdivision streets. If VJestern is extended through to Stevens Creek Blvd. some traffic would use the three streets to avoid the signal at the corner of Hiphway 9 and Stevens Creek Road, effecting residential streets. It was noted that the o,mer of the commercial property to the north and east of Western had ar;reed verbally that Western should not be extended beyond its present point. Councilman Laz.aneo ar:reed that the street should not be continued over to Stevens Creek Blvd. and the trëffic should not be funneled tr.rough Scofield and adjoining streets in tbat way. Councilrran S"ich said tl1êt the owner on tr.e north of the subdiviffiion may have changed his plans since indicating that he had no intention of opening \'Jestern Drive. The lliayor said that the matter should be brouEht to the attention of the Planning Commission. V. Neighborhood Plën No.3. This area is bounded by Stevens CrEek Blvd., Blaney Ave., the eastern city limits located along the Cupertino High School prol'erty, and the southern City limits running along Idlewild subdivision and joininE the High School property. Councilman Saich asked tLat the City Lngineer be autr.orized to contact the Cities of San Jose and Saratoga to determine their plans for Wolfe Road, including widtL, cross section, etc. The ¡v¡ayor submitted for discussion the feasibilj.ty of eliminating Wolfe Hoad south of Stevens Creek blvd. thus alleviating some traffic congestion around the much discussed East Estates Urive. He noted that a relatively short strecL of Wolfe Road lies within the City limits south of Steven s Creek Road. This alternative might eliminate the necessity for locating or relocating holfe Hoed vitL reference to E.ast ",states Drive and the proposed MobU Oil Cas Station and ,muld rermit Wolfe Road to be oontinued along its Drevious plan line for which most of the easements are verbally guaranteed. Discussion turned to the northern rea ches of 1,-iolfe Hoed ",Lere it inter_ sected Junipero Serra Freeway. Mr. Fleming explained that tre State will consider a grade seapration for a vaper street but not an inter- change except on condition that a City [{esolution so requesting be placed on file with the State Division of Eir;h>rays. 131 Councilman Saich and the CityJ:.nvineer obcerved that Wolfe Road has long been on the drawinE boards as a part of the County Expressway System. Councilman B~netti avreed that consideration should be given to stop- ping WoJfe at Stevens Creek Ro'd. Councilman Said; disaprped say:i.nv th.ot plans r,ave been laid for the extension of Wolfe Road and abandoning the easements is not a food idea. The City Envineer proposed first that all the planninF ag-encies concerned be contacted to determine the status of I'hlfe ,Jithin their jurisdictions and second that his office make a traffic projection sèudy displaying all the intersections in and around East Estates Drive and Stevens Creek Blvd. The Hayor said that the experience with Stelling Road has not been encouraging and noted thct streets that are considered as 90' thorough- fares do not always materialize as such. Councilman Lazaneo favored postponing further consideration of Wolfe Road to August 15. He moved that the City Council authorize the City Engineer to make traffic studies depicting three or more different phases of Wolfe Road altern"tives, also learn projections of said road ,'i thin adjoining jurisdictions - the three al ternati ves named being the elimination of Wolfe south of Stevens Creek Blvd., second. the presently contemplated plan line and third, the relocation of Wolfe to a point equidistant between Miller and East Estates Grive, second b,y Councilman Saich, carried 4-0. Moved by Councilman Lazaneo that Wolfe Road sicussion be deferred from the August 1st agenda to a study se,sion AUfust 4 at 7:00 p.m., with all interested carties invited; second by Councilman Benetti, carried 4_0. Meeting adjourned 7:00 p.m. APPROVED: (M.~HßÆlÁ }:~ Ci ty Clerk / ,,, . (Jg ~h