CC 08-01-60 132 P. O. Box 597 At 2-4505 ~ ~ o .... tI: C I T Y OF C U FER TIN 0 CUPERTINO. CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 1, 1960 Place: Time: 10321 S. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road 8:00 P.M. I. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: Others Present: Benetti, Lazaneo. Saich, Pelosi Nathanson City Attorney, City Engineer, City Clerk III. MINUTES OF JULY 5, 1960 were corrected as follows: page 2 (4), Motion made by Saich, seconded by Benetti; page 8, paragraph 2 should read, "Councilman Benetti felt that Mr. Galli may be willing..." ~nNUTES OF JULY 15, 1960: page 1, paragraph 3. "Councilman Benetti said that subdivisions should have a masonry fence or in lieu of the fence, reversing the houses. . ."; page 2, - paragraph 5, final sentence should read, "He also said that the Rousseau Company expects to assume half of the cost of signali_ zation", in place of statement that Rousseau "expects to participate." MINUTES OF JULY 18, page 5, paragraph 2, "City Attorney reported preparation of an Ordinance authorizing City Engineer to ~et lot levels. . .": page 7, Terms of the Water Commissioners should run four terms four years and three terms for three years. MINUTES OF JULY 21, 1960: page 1, Motion by Councilman Saich that City Manager be authorized to purchase a suction pump. . . Seconded by Lazaneo; page 2, "Councilman Benetti asked whether the City actually needs land in addition to what will prove available on the various school sites within City limits for use as neighborhood parks": paragraph 5, sentence to read, "Councilman Benetti felt park sites should remain in Neighborhood Plans to secure a lever for sites in the future": page 3, v, paragraph 4, City Engineer's statement should be corrected as follows: "Mr. Fleming explained that the State will consider a grade $eparation for an existing street. . .11 Motion by Councilman Benetti that Minutes July 5, 1960, July 8, 1960, July 18, 1960 and July 21, 1960 be approved as corrected. Seconded by Saich. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4-0 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. George Yamaoka--appeal for use permit, gas station. northeast corner Portal & Stevens Creek Blvd. Yßyor read letter from applicant requesting appeal of Planning Commission decision. City Clerk stated that C-l_H Zoning was granted approximately t~o years ago. ~I. Yamoaka introduced Mr. Sanor to present details. Mr. Sanor, 461 Bannon Avenue, Los Altos, representing Standard Oil, stated that they have had location under consideration for twelve to fourteen months, and according to their survey, this location would be a good one for a service station. Mr. Sanor stated that there are no service stations between Portal Avenue and Highway 9, with the exception of the stations located at Highway 9 and Stevens Creek. He further stated that they would allow nothing but the sale of petroleum products. Councilman Lazaneo suggested that matter be referred ~ck to the Planning Commission since site control for service stations is nowbeing studied by the City. Mr. Sanor stated that they are flexible as far as H Control is concerned and that they could do almost anything on this corner which would satisfy the City. Yßyor asked Mr. Sanor if they would be willing to have shake shingle type of service station. Mr. Sanor answered that they would. Councilman Benetti asked if this also held true of Chevron stations, Mr. Sanor answered yes. Mayor asked reason for diagonal fence shown on plan. Mr. Sanor replied that it is their intention toœvelop area behind fence at later date or when other commercial area develops. Councilman Benetti stated~at requirement is masonry fence. Council- man Lazaneo pointed out that this is true when commercial area is adjacent to residential. In this case, surrounding area is also 133 commercial and the requirement would not hold in this case. A masonry fence would be required at the end of the commercial development, buffering resiuential from commercial. Councilman Saich asked about excavation. Mr. Sanor stated that grades will tie in with the balance of the shopping center. v~. Sanor stated that the construction of this additional station in Cupertino would take care of Standard Oil, in this area, for a number of years. Motion by Councilman Saich that Yamaoka appeal be deferred until meeting August 4, 1960 study session. Seconded by Benetti. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays; None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4-0 Mayor asked Mr. Sanor if he would be present at August 4th meeting. Mr. Sanor answered that he would be present. V. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION 1. Ordinance 130 relating to obstruction of streets and highways and highways and prescribing penalties for violations thereof. Second reading. City Attorney reported that he had received a telephone call from a utility company respresentative who inquired relative to the application of the ordinance. City Attorney reported that utility company would contact City }I.anager for further discussion. In absence of City Manager, the enactment of the Ordinance was deferred until next meeting. 2. Ordinance 138 approving the annexation of certain contiguous inhabited territory, designated Homestead J. Motion by Councilman Benetti that reading of Ordinance 138 be by title only. Seconded by Saich. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4-0 City Clerk read title, Ordinance 138. Motion by Councilman Saich that Ordinance 138 be enacted. Seconded by Councilman Benetti. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo. Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4_0 3. Resolution No. 340 approving plans of Tract 1946, Pringlewood. Matter to be discussed VI (A) on Agenda. 4. Resolution 348 appointing Herman Ius to serve on the City Park and Recreation Commission. City Clerk read Resolution 348. Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that Resolution 348 be adopted. Seconded by Benetti. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4_0 5. Resolution 349 appointing members of the City Water Commission and setting terms of office thereof. City Clerk read Resolution 349 appointing Commissioners Woelffel, Stocklmeir, Ljllo and Childs for four_year terms and appointing Commissioners Camarda, Nudelman and Mc Daniel for three-year terms and accepting the resignation of Mr. Mc Daniel. Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that Resolution 349 be adopted. Seconded by Benetti. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4_0 6. Resolution 352 giving notice of proposed annexation of certain uninhabited territory designated Stevens Creek No. 6 Deferred until August 15th meeting. 134 7. Bubb Annexation #3. City Attorney read Resolution No. 353 ¡!JVlng notice of proposed annexation of certain uninhabited territory designated Bubb-3 making certain findings respecting said proposal and giving notice of time and place said Council will hear protests ,thereto. City Attorney asked City Clerk if original petition had been received and if it had been signed by 25% of the original voters, and if there were less than twelve registered voters in area. City Clerk answered yes to all questions. City Attorney stated that petition and report of City Clerk should be made part of the records of the City. .... ~ t:::: .... tIC Motion by Councilman Saich that Resolucion 353 be adopted. Seconded by Benetti. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Hays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4_0 Mr. Cecil Mahon. a property owner in proposed annexation, asked if time was proper to register protest. City Attorney explained that Resolution just passed set hearing date for September 19th and that he could register protest at that time. Mr. Mahon stated that he learned about annexation through newspaper and wondered if action had already been taken. City Attorney advised that no action could be taken without publication of hearing date in newspapers and advised Mr. Mahon to be present at hearing September 19, 1960. VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTTONS REQUIRING COUNCIL ACTION A. Planning Commission report re Mountain View-Stevens Creek Road. Mr. G8rdon Eustice, attorney representing Mr. Galli, requested copy of Planning Commission subcommittee report. Approval of plans. Tract 1946, Pringlewood, discussion held over until 9:30 until representative of Mr. Galli arrived. VII. PAYING BILLS Councilman Lazaneo read title Resolution 350 allowing certain claims and demands in the sum of $2.611.69. demand numbers 154) through 1552. plus Water Department claims and demands in the sum of $557.92. demand numbers 158 through 160 and 162. Motion by Councilman Saich that Resolution 350 be adopted. Seconded qy Benetti. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4-0 Discussion arose as to the necessity of reading entire resolution. City Attorney advised that Resolutions should be read in order that members of the audience would know what is being done in the City. Councilman Lazaneo read title Resolution 351 allowing certain claims and demands in the sum of $27.267.21, demand numbers 1536 through lS41, 1553 through 1565. 1567 through 1577, plus Water Department claims and demands in the sum of $17,038.18, demand numbers 149, 150, 163 through 169. 171 and 172. Motion qy Councilman Saich that Resolution 351 be adopted. Seconded by Benetti. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo. Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4-0 VIII. PROTESTS AND WRITTEN CO~JUNICATIONS 1. Letter of resignation from Mr. Wigger, Recreation Commissioner. 2. From City of Sunnyvale sending copies of their Planning Commis- sion Agenda and requesting copies of Cupertino Planning Commission Agenda. 3. Activities in Civil Defense. 4. County General Plan. 5. San Jose annexation, Stelling #12, running past Stelling Road. 6. From p. Ivan Myerholz requesting that improvements not be re_ quired at this time, Cupertino Union Church. Mayor read letter. Mayer stated'th3.t it has been City Policy to relieve churches of any l3t,:; hardships and stated that this matter will be taken up by the Planning Commission at meeting August 4th. Mayor asked if there was anyone wishing to speak on this matter. ~I. L. Paviso. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Cupertino. stated that they are making this request because they are attempting to raise $20,000 to build an additional Sunday School building and if improvements are required at this time, they will not have sufficient funds. He also stated that from the Safeway store up to the Church, there is nothing in the way of improvements. Councilman Saich asked if land in front of Church had ever beenœdicated. City Engineer answered that it had not been. Mr. Paviso stated that he felt certain that Church would dedicate, because at time Church was built, it was set back from road to allow for street widening. City Engineer stated that the City has, in the past, permitted that the party in question prepare the plans and assure that the work will be done. 7. Letter from Highway COITmission regarding widening of Highway 9. 8. Letter from Idlewild Homeowners Association, July 24, 1960 recommending Nick Kuhn, Tom Burrascano and Robert Jackson to serve ~ as Civil Defense workers. ~illyor reported that Civil Defense Program will be organized within a week and that the Council will discuss matter. 9. rrom Boundary Commission notifying of annexations to Sunnyvale. Motion by Councilman Benetti that communications be received and filed. Seconded by Lazaneo. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4_0 IX. A. Councilman Saich reported that a resolution to call an election next spring will be on the next agenda of the Board of Su~ervisors. It was his feeling that they will adopt the Hubbard Plan and requested approval to vote in favor of Plan. Mayor stated that this had been previously discussed and approval had been given to vote in favor of Plan. Next meeting will be held August 10. Councilman Spich will attend. B. City Manager not present. F. Mayor reviewed City Manager's report. Regarding street sweeping, Councilman Saich requested cost estimates for sweeping city streets. Councilman Benetti asked if a member of the qecreation Commission could be present at meeting to be arranged between Council, Planning Commis- sion and County Planning Commission regarding Stevens Creek area recreation. Mayor reported that !1r. Carruthers, County Planning Department had re- quested meeting August 8, however, this date conflicts with regular meet- ing of Planning Commission. Tentative date will be set at meeting August 4th. C. Councilman Lazaneo reported receipt of complaints from Idlewild subdivision regarding stagnant I,'ater in the storm channel. County Flood Control will drain area and will also try to alleviate problem in area. A report will be coming from the Flood Control District and he will for- ward a copy to the Idlewild homeowners. Councilman Lazaneo read letter from Fire Marshal regarding spark arrestors. D. Councilman Benetti requested that letters be addressed to various people in the state requesting their presence at Recreation Commission meeting and also to school district regarding appointment to the Recreation Commission of one of their members. E. Councilman Lazaneo reported that the annual audit of City books has been finished and will be ready for presentation at the next meeting. G. City Attorney reported preparation of an agreement to be executed by all members of the Council regarding membership ABAG Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign agreement between Cit:; of Cupertino and ABAG. Seconded by Benetti. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4_0 136 City Attorney reported preparation of agreement between the City and Kaiser Chemical & Aluminum Corp. to install their facilities on City-owned property. City Attorney read letter addressed to him from City Manager stating that everything was in order as far as the City was concerned. City Attorney felt that Agreement ~as in order. Motion by Councilman Saich that Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign agreements between City of Cupertino and Kaiser Chemical & Aluminum Corporation for location of pumping facilities on City_owned property. Seconded by Lazaneo. Ayes: BFnetti. Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4-0 ~ ~ ~ - tiI: Ci ty Attorney reported that he appeared before the Board of Supervisors to have six parcels annexed to the City of Cupertino, five of which are not contiguous. The Board of Supervisors wished to study this further todetermine if they should alloH annexation of City-owned property which is not contiguous to the City. The legal question of the San Jose Water Works and the City of San Jose is involved, "nò in view of the greater problem with which the Board is faced, City Attorney requested authorization to request Board of Supervisors to withdraw City's request and he will seek other means to annex parcels. Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that City Attorney be authorized to write to Board of Supervisors requesting withdrawal of City petition to annex certain properties to the City of Cupertino. Seconded by Saich. Ayes: Councilmen: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Councilman: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4_0 H. Resume of Planning Commission Actions previously given by Chairman. I. City Engineer said that he had no written report since nothing had been submitted by the Agenda deadline. City Engineer reported that Wilson & Cook had submitted a revised tentative map for their subdivision on Mountain View_Stevens Creek Road whereby houses will face Mountain View_Stevens Creek Road. He has not had opportunity to check map, but will have a report ready for submission to the Planning Commission at its next meeting. ¥~yor stated that Planning Commission recommended that i~provements on Mountain View-Stevens Creek Road be required by developers. Mayor asked if there was anyone in audience to speak regarding matter. Mr. Gordon Eustice, 160 ¡~in, Los Altos, attorney representing Mr. Galli, stated that he has presented letter to City Attorney referring to some of the legal points which Here discussed. ¥I. Eustice reviewed that there are a total of eight lots and that arrangements have been made with tLe Sanitary District to sewer three of the lots off Mountain View-Stevens Creek Road. For the time being they will use septic tanks for the property which is not connected to the sewers. The Sanitary Listrict is in agreement with this plan. Mr. Eustice stated that as far as the streets within the subdivision are concerned, there is no problem with the City, however, there is a definite problem in the Mountain View _ Stevens Creek area. The Planning Commission report stated that the City cannot£ford to put in streets which will service mainly heavy trucking. Mr. Eustice stated that the subdivider cannot afford to do it either. Mr. Galli has been requested to give sufficient width for the roads (at this point Mr. Eustice stated to City Attorney that he would withdraw one of the objections raised in his letter to City Attorney) and that ¥~. Galli is prepared to give for street widening. ¥I. Eustice stated that it is his understanding that there has to be a 12" base on street. Ordinarily. residential streets require 8" base. The City, he stated, is trying to say that they cannot afford it so let the sub_ divider do it, but the subdivider should not have imposed upon him the problem or the expense or the hardship of creating a road that his subdivision is not going to use. If this were residential traffic the problem would not exist but the principal reason that the provlem exists is because of the Permanec,te traffic on the road. Mr. Eustice stated 1M that developer is required to develop the streets fronting subdivision and Mountain View-Stevens Creek Road is the rear of lots 7 and 8 and they are being required to not only give width for a major street but also to improve it so that it will come up to the City's standards for non_residential use. Mr. Eustice feels that this is an unfair exaction and also that the fence requirement is an unfair exaction. If R-J zoning would be granted it might be worthwhile since they might be in a position to pay for some of the improve- ments since the property value would be increased. Mr. Eustice stated that he appreciates the City's problem but it is the problem of the entire area and because the developer has a little land fronting on this area. it should be his entire problem to pay for the entire improvement when the entire City of Cupertino is not prepared to bear the burden. Councilman Lazaneo stated that when Mr. Galli appeared before the Council, his compensation was exclusion,óf sidewalks in subdivision. Mr. Eustice stated that this was for land dedication. Councilman Lazaneo stated that it was for improvements along Mountain View_Stevens Creek Road. Mr. Coburn stated that he recalls discussion of sidewalks and that Mr. Galli requested that sidewalks be eliminated. He does not recall discussion of their being left out in relation to giving anything on Mountain View_Stevens Creek Road. Mayor stated that at time of discussion he was insistent upon sidewalks in the area to take care of the school children. Mr. Galli stated at that time that he would be happy to comply with any wishes of the Planning Commission and the Council. The vote at time of approval was 4-1, he, (the ~4yor) voting against elimination of sidewalks. There was discussion at that time about improvements on Mountain View-Stevens Creek Road but the discussion was a slight one. Mayor stated that ~ilson & Cook have submitted a revised map with houses facing Mountain View - Stevens Creek Road and statedfuat the Council would like to see everything facing Mountain View-Stevens Creek Road because it makes a nicer looking road. Mr. Eustice stated that he was not present at hearings and asked if the matter of improvements was discussed at the time that street widening was discussed. ~4yor answered that any improvements would have to go through the Engineering Department and he did not know if requirements have varied in the last two months. City Engineer stated that there was never an indication that improve- ments would not be required on Mountain View_Stevens Creek Road. He stated that any developer with plans on Stevens Creek, Highway 9 or any major City Street would be required to dedicate and improve as part of the development. He stated that the problem is not that the requirement is wrong but that there is a case where lots back up rather than face the road. Mr. Eustice stated that ¥æ. Galli has been out of town and he would appreciate it if the Council would delay action until he has had opportunity to confer with ~~. Galli since it might be possible the Mr. Galli willwnt to withdraw. Matter deferred until August 15. 1960. Mr. Anthony Lagorio, 30 Whitney, Los Altos, attorney, stated that he is represent- ing property owners outside of the City who are considering annexation and are concerned with requirements of the City. Mr. ·Lagorio asked if requirements would be assessed to individuals acquiring property on a use permit. Councilman Lazaneo stated that same conditions might prevail as those regarding Cupertino Union Church, i.e., that they be required to post a bond and agree that when the development moves up to property that improvements will be made. Mayor asked if property is to be developed into institutional use. Mr. Lagorio answered yes, that the first portion would be an institutional church and school area, however, no definite plans have been drawn. Owners are attempting to learn requirements of the Cityefore moving in. M4yor stated that road improvements and land dedications are requirements of the City. ~~. Lagorio asked if City would specify type of fence. Councilman Lazaneo stated that when buildings back up on road, a particular type of fence is required. City Engineer stated that the Council and the Planning Commission are goinF to have to consider a dividing line for buildings fronting and backing road. City Attorney, addressing M~. Lagorio, referred to his statement that the improve- ment on Mountain View-Stevens Creek Road must be reasonably related to the improvement in the subdivision itself. City Attorney agreed on the æse submitted that there must be a correlation and relation between the benefit by the improvement going in and the suodivision that will carry the burden of it. If we can hold that it is a subdivision, authority rises out of the subdivision map act. If a subdivision is put in on the property and if Mountain View_Stevens Creek Road is left as it is, a two lane road because no one can afford to improve it, would 188 no~ th~ City be derelict to its citizens to provide a nonpassable street-_ ~h~ch ~s,qui~e common in Lcs Altos. City Engineer stated that every street ~n the C~ ty l~ a Permanente thorougfare. If the City takes the position that,Mr',Eustlce reco~nends that since 90' streets are not related to subdlvlslonbei?g,built, it should follow that street should be improved or that the subdlVlslon should not be built. Mr. Lagorio stated that from the City:s standpoint, the problem is recognized that the road must be widened a?d,lmproved. The question is, how much of it can the City have the sub_ dlVlder do. The City feels justified because of fiscal reasons however h~ questions the legality of it as to the amount of improvement~ and dedica_ hons that are required, fences included. City Attorney stated that Homestead R?a~. Prospect, Bollinger, have all been widened, without exception, by the subdlvlders who have put the population in along those streets. City Attorney asked if now. due to legal approaches, if City should adopt a policy of leaving goat trails rather than 90' streets. Mr. Lagorio stated that City must require normal dedications, but putting in a street which would be of benefit to other parts of the City is going beyond legal rights. City Attorney stated to ~I. Lagorio that if developer had 100 acres. as a subdivider, he would have to put in a street. If there were no Stevens Creek Road, the subdivider would have to put in entire street. There is now an exiisting street which subdivider does not have to put in and therefore obtains an economic benefit of an existing street. Mr. Lagorio stated that City is Tying to solve certain problems but is pushing property owners too far. Councilman Saich asked if Mr. Lagorio is City Attorney for Los Altos. Mr. Lagorio stated that his clients are interested in annexing to Cupertino and that he is also City Attorney for Lcs Altos. City Attorney stated that Mr. Lagorio is a part-time city attorney and that it is his duty to xepresent his clients in this matter. Co~ncilman Saich asked Mr. Loughlin what use he planned for his land. Mr. Chris Loughlin. 282 Second Street, Los Altos, stated that the Master Plan gave no indication what the City would permit in that area. R-3 zoning had been granted by the City to property adjacent to his. Councilman Saich asked if area could be served water. Mr. Loughlin stated that he informs prospects ttlat they would probably have to go into Cupertino, but prospects wish to first see the Master Plan. Councilman Lazaneo suggested that they not wait for approval of Master Plan. Mr. Loughlin requested copy of proposed ~~ster Plan. Mayor suggested a meeting between Mr. Loughlin and City Manager to discuss matter. City Engineer stated that he had received inquiry from Mr. Crump regarding the possibility of obtaining building permits for three model homes on Blaney Avenue. City Engineer has improvement plans submitted but has not had opportunity to check them over. Mr. Crump has also taken out sewer permits, City Engineer recalled that in the case of Country Life Village and one of the Rousseau tracts, developer was allowed to build models before the tract had been completed. Mayor asked if City would be protected if bonds were posted and building permit issued. City Engineer asnwered that City would be protected. Mayor aaked if models would be put in without sidewalks, curbs and gutters. Mr. Crump stated that improvements would be put in after entire subdivision had been approved b) the City Engineer and the map had been recorded. Mr. Crump stated bat the danger which the City would be facing would be that the three model homes would be built and the subdivision might never be approved and the improvements might never be put in in that area. To protect the City, a bond or cash could be placed with the City covering estimated amount of improvements for these three homes. City Attorney stated that the City should also have a letter ~ating that developer will take responsibility for non-conforming uses, i.e., that he will conform to setbacks and that houses will comply with all building requirements. Motion by Councilman Lazaneo that Ward Crump be issued building permits by the Building Department for three model homes Jronting on Blaney Avenue and that cash in the amount of $4,500 be posted with the City to cover the total cost of the improvements fronting Blaney Avenue and that Mr. Crump state, in writing, that he will seek no variance and that houses will follow the Subdivision Ordinance. Seconded by Benetti. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Motion Carried: 4_0 ro- ~ ~ .... t:!I: 139 X. A. Deferred until next meeting with City of San Jose. (McClellan Road Storm Drain) B. Discussed under City ¥mnager's Report (Highway 9) C. Discussion August 4, 1960 (Gas station sites) D. Councilman Lazaneo requested that this be taken off Agenda until further information is received £rom surrounding cities. (Feasibility of H. control Ordinance) E. City Engineer stated that he conferred with the County Planning Staff and San Jose Planning Staff as to their views on where Wolfe Road should end. Both County and San Jose show that Wolfe road goes from Bayshore southerly to Prospect Road. Sen Jose has a new subdivision on Wolfe Road and subdivider has been required to set back 90', City Engineer will have all of this information ready for August 4th meeting. Traffic report has not yet been received. Mayor suggested that Mr. Finctbe Dresent at August 4th meeting to present views of Idlewild homeowners regarding Wolfe Road. Mayor stated that Planning Commission, ~~. Walters, Idlewild homeøwners, are invited to œ present to discuss Wolfe Road. Mr. Finch asked if Mobil Oil would also be discussed. ~Ayor stated that it would be discussed. Mayor requested that letters be sent to all interested parties--Mr. Yamaoka, Rousseau Organization. Messrs. Leonard, Lester, Cali, Galli, Robert H. Taylor Construction Co., and all interested owners from Homestead Road to the City limits. Councilman Lazaneo stated that Mr. Finch had been assigned by the Idlewild Homeowners Association to work on H control for service stations and suggested that they work together as soon as information is received. Councilman Lazaneo suggested that they also consider Planning Commission suggestions on H. control. Mayor stated that Chairman Leonard had suggested that applicant sign letter setting forth conditions, and letter to be kept on file with City. Councilman Saich stated that if conditions are not listed in Planning Commission recommendations, the Council should refer matter back to Commission. XI. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Benetti commented on Chamber of Commerce report, stating that no mention was made in report regardinf disposal of funds contributed by the City. He requested that City Manager write Chamber requesting a report on expenditure of $500.00. Councilman Benetti requested that a letter be written to the Planning Commission asking them to refer any application pertaining to recreation to the Recreation Commission and also requesting that applicant appear before Recreation Commission. Motion made by Councilman Lazaneo that meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Benetti. Ayes: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Nays: None Absent: Nathanson Carried: 4-0 Meeting adjourned August 1, 1960 at 10:45 P.M. APPROVED: Q1LL~f 9 p~ Mayor ATTEST: ~A'~L City Clerk ,~. fu;h