CC 09-16-57
P, 0, Box 59?
Al Z-4505
C I TL 0 F 0 U P 11: R or I N 0
Place; Collins School, Teachers Lounge
Time: 7:00 P,M.
Press Present: Hrs, Kerr, Cupertino Courier
Mrs, Clark, Sunnyvale Standard
Councilmen Present: Meyerholz, Nathanson, Saich, Wilson
Councilmen Absent: Paizis
read; the following corrections were noted: Item V-A-l~~ine 1,
insert "professional planning" after the word abqut". Item.
V-E-6-Last line, delete "at 10:10 P.M.", add !lUI1tl1Sept. lO."
Minutes of the Regular Meeting Adjourned to Sept, lO, 1957
were corrected as follows: Item 4-Line 4, add "with the provisioJ
that the worl! be done at no cost above the (';200 retainer".
Cupertino's Director of Civil Defense, Shelley Williams, stated
that the revised plan seeks to procure an accredited Civil
Defense Agency, He distributed two pamphlets, one dealing with
food supplies in an emergency, the other referring to emergency
After general discussion relating to water sources and storage
penetration of radioactive fallout, and federal surplus property,
Mr, Williams presented a revised Civil Defense Plan, pOint by
Moved by Councilman Wilson that the He ised Civil De
Dis st PIa be do ted as od ied n S te I
seconded by Councilman Saich, carried _ O.
Colonel Brown, Regional Coordinator of Civil Defense, with
headquarters in Salinas, said that the City would have an
accredited Civil Defense Agency upon passage of an Ordinance
designating a specific person to negotiate for surplus federal
property, with the signature of the person so designated in the
ordinance, The model ordinance is included in C.D. Bulletin
No. 39 and can be passed as an urgency measure.
A. Hritten
1. B. W. Booker, Asst, State Highway Engineer: Copy of
letter to County Road Com~issioner requesting proposed
geometric typical section information covering planned
curb to curb widths, median widths, if any, widths of
traveled ways, parking strips and sidewalk areas, for
certain roads, including sections of Stelling, McClellan,
Stevens Creek and Homestead under County jurisdiction.
2, G, C, Olson: Copy of a letter to County Traffic Engineer
requesting 25 mph or 35 mph speed zone on Bollinger,
between Arlington Lane and Blaney,
Mr, Nathanson asked that the City answer by noting
that the area in question is under the jurisdiction of
the City of San Jose and the County,
), H, R, Cobb, Asst. District Engineer, Division of Highways:
Copy of a letter from Los Altos resident requesting a
traffic officer at the intersection of Homestead Road and
Highway 9 during the evening peak hour.
Mr, Nathanson asked that the writer be informed that
a study of this spot is in progress,
4. Controllers Office Santa Clara County: Fines collected
during the month of August - City share = $593.)6.
5. Santa Clara County Sheriff's Dept.: Traffic Violations
cited within City of Cupertino. July total 90. August
total 47.
6. Public Utilities Commission: Notice of Hearing to PaUf1<
Telephone and Telegraph Company and to all interested
parties concerning authorization to increase rates and
charges for telephone service,
Councilman Nathanson favored City 0PPos1tion on
general pr1nc1ples.
Moved by Councilman Saich that the matter ora rate
increase for P.T4T. be tabled; seconded by Councilman
Wilson, carried - O.
A. Ordinances and Resolutions for Adoption
1. Blaney l-C revised Annexation
The Mayor read the petition signed by owners of more than
one-fourth of the property in the annexation, by area and
by value.
Moved by Councilman Saich that the City reco~ize and
accept the petition; seconded by Councilman Wilson and
carried 4 - O. ,
B. Social Security Agreement and Resolution
Upon hearing the reading of the necessary papers, the
Mayor requested that they be turned over to the City Attorney
for examination.
C. Rental of City Hall
On leatning that the owners of the store, currently being
used as the Cuperttno Dress Shop, are willing to lease the
space for 090 per month, it was moved by Councilman Wilson
that the City lease the Zarko property for City Hall purposes
sub1ect to a r v 1 b. the City Council aft r ex ination of
the premises on the fOllowing davi seconded by Councilman
Saich, carried 4 - O.
D. ROdrigues Avenue - Chvrsanthemum Grower
During the course of the meering a letter was presented by
Curtis Z. Woodruff on behalf of himself and others stating the
belief that use of certain real property fronting on the south
side of Rodrigues Avenue is detrImental to the immediate '
residential area. The letter gave notice of their protest
in the matter.
In general discusSion, Mr, Leonard of the Planning Com-
mission said that, while he had not spoken to either of the
men involved in the prOjected flower business, the City is
þrotected by safegaardà exercised by the County. He added
that the building permit machinery is in effect when agricul-
tural use ends. It is a matter of opinion as to what is good
and what is beautiful, he said.
The Mayor said the City could not prevent the owner from
removing his trees nor prevent the eXistence of a flower bed,
but can prohibit sub-standard housing. He felt that a person
could not be deprived of the use of his property unless a
hazard to health or safety existed.
Councilman WilSon advised the people concerned that notic!
will be sent to parties within 300 feet of the property, if
a hearing is set,
A. Corte Madera Highlands LID
Jack Fleming, representing Mark Thomas and Company,
presented maps of the Kyne and Cummings Subdivision, also a
deposit of $500 to pay for any advertising or other expenses
incurred on its account, He said the proposed Local Improve-
ment District would construct curbs, gutters, streets, and
lights and would provide for the issuance of serial bonds for
any work remaining unpaid. He said the assessment is not a
tax, but amounts to a mortgage on the property. The figure.
per house will be known wþen the assecsment hearing arrives.
It will apprOX1mate $2000.
Mr. Fleming read the four resolutions necessary to organ-
ize the District. Moved by Councilman Nathanson that Resol-
utions S" S4. SS, and S6 be adoPted; seconded by Councilman
Wilson, carried 4 - o.
The four resolutions are, respectively, A Resolùtlon,
"Approving petitions of property owners for cQnstruction of
street pavements, curbs, gutters, storm sewers, sanitary
sewers, water lines, gas lines, lighting, and all other work
auXiliary thereto, in Corte Madera Highlands Local Improvemen'
District; apPointing engineer of work therefor; direoting
preparation of plans and specifications; and appointing legal
counsel for said proceedings." "APproVing Assessment Distric":
Map Corte Madera Highlands Local Improvement District."
"Aþprov1ng plans, grades, and specifications Corte Madera
Highlands Looal Improvement District." "Resolution of
Intention To construct stre~t 'Pavements cur'os, gutters I
storm sewers, water lines, gas lines, lighting, and all
9tner work auXnl~J'Y ttu1I'ato."
counoilman Wilson moved that th~ Mayor be authO~i~êd t~ he contract e teen _..eêl" of work and
le~al counsêl heeeSSBl"V in the formation of Corte!1adèra
Highlands LID; seconded by Councilmah Saieh, oarried 4 _ O.
Meetihg adjourned, ll:OO P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
/5/ Lawrence K. Martin
City Administrator-Clerk