CC 06-17-57
P" O. Box 597
L 'Y
Al 2-4.50.5
o F
Place: Collins School, Teachers Lounge
Time: 8:00 P.M.
Press Present: D, Cox, San Jose Mercury
Mrs. Clark, Sunnyvale Standard
Mrs. Kerr, Cupertino Courier
Councilmen Present:
Councilmen Absent:
Meyerholz, Nathanson, taizis, Saich, Wilson
and approved.
A, Written
1. County Health Officer: Inasmuch as th~ last case of
rabies in this county occurred over 12 months ago, plea~
be advised that the designation of Santa Clara County
as a "rabies endemic area" has expired.
2. County Controller: Traffic fines for May - ~873.96.
), National Automobile Club: Announcement of Inter-City
Accident Prevention Contest.
Councilman Nathanson requested that the City advise the
National Automobile Club and the California Association
of Insurance Agents that the City of Cúpertino endorses
this contest.
4. Fire Marshal's letter concerning fireworks permits,
Moved by Councilman Nathanson that the permits for the
various applicants be approved as recommended by the
Fire Marshal; seconded by Councilman Wilson, carried 5-0
5. County Controller: Second installment of municipal
tax on property - ~2569.)3.
6, State Board of Equalization: Distribution of local sale
and use tax for the period April 5 to May 7:
Net Collections ~2754.)4
Pro-rate percentage (91%> 2506.45
Less tentative cost of administration
(1,7%> 42,61
Warrant enclosed 2463.84
7. Cupertino Chamber of Commerce: Invitation to the City
Council and all the employees of the City to accept a
membership at large in the Chamber of Commerce, The
Mayor, in ag~eement with the Council as a whole, request
that the City acknowledge the blanlcet membership extendE
by the Chamber and express its appreciation.
B. Qral - None
A. Ordinances and Resolutions for Adoption - None
B. Appointment of New Planning Commissioner
Mayor Meyerholz reported that he had spoken with Edwin Myer¡
who tentatively accepted the post. The Mayor said that he
intended to discuss the matter further with Myers and expect
to appoint him officially.
C. Agreement for Maintenance of State Highway in the City
Councilman Nathanson said he would be inclined to sign the
agreement for maintenance with the Division of Highways if
the State takes title to the additional seven feet of road·
way adjacent to the storefront area. Otherwise he preferrEC
to table the agreement till the parking situation is solvec.
The Mayor requested that Resolution 42 be sent to., the
Division of Highways, The Council will await results,
D. Rodrigues Subdivision
1. The Mayor reported that John Rodrigue:3 has a proposal
which he will refer to the Streets and Roads Commission.
for consideration, A report will be made at the next
2. Mr, Nathanson asked that a letter be dispatched to the
State requesting a temporary signal at Homestead Road
and Highway 9, mentioning the POSSibility of Sharing
the cost, The Mayor said he would entertain a motion
that the City Clerk write to the State asking for such
en agreement. So moved by Councilman Nathansonjseconde,
by Councilman Saich, carried 5 _ O.
E. Denial of R-J-H zoning in connection with apartments at
Miller & Stevens Cree~ Road.
Mr. Motre, in appealing to the Council, said he was surprise,
that his application was rejected becausê of lack of sewers.
He said he would like to work with the City in gettiñg sewagE
facilities. Mayor Meyerholz told Mr, Motre that his pro-
perty was just beyond the limits of the Cupertino Sanitary
District, ';ut w1tt,,1n time Ci1iy',bf Cupertino which has no
sewers. Although there is now no agreement with,the City
of Sunnyvale, after a court decision expected on Wednesday,
there may be a possibility of hooking onto ~he Sunnyvale
sewer and the City may be able. to talk business after the
court decision, the Mayor said.
F. Miscellaneous
A brief discussion developed over the sixteen inch cast. iron
pipe laid by California Water Service on Homestead Road.
Attorney's Report
Mr. Anderson had been excused for the night.
Report of Roads and Maintenance Commissioner
The Mayor said he expected a more specific statement from
Leonard McCarthy on his bills submitted. He requested that
the bills state exactly what work had been done and when.
Councilman Saich said he would bring this to McCarthy's
attention. Mr, Saich suggested striping Stevens Creek Road
and mentioned the possibility of redoing the striping on
McClellan and Stelling as well. The ~~yor sugGested that
we hire the County to do the striping and Councilman Saich
said that héwould price both the County and McCarthy,
Report of Police and Fire Chief
l. Councilman Nathanson announced that Cupertino was the
host City for the next meeting of the County Police
Chiefs, Ltmcheon is to be held on ~une 20 and Mr.
Nathanson requested the help of Mrs. Mil1chevich to
prepare tickets and take the money.
2, He also said he would check with the Sheriff's depart-
ment to learn why no officer had been stationed at the
Union Church on Sundays about 10:45 A, M.
Report of Planning Commission Chairman _ Not present
Recreation Report
Councilman Paizis said he had attended a meeting on June 7
in San Jose and that action in the matter of recreation seem,
to depend on Cupertino's stand in the matter, Mr. Paizis
read the four alternatives offered. The Committee requested
formal action by Cupertino,
Mayor Meyerholz said it was fallacy to talk about parks,
He suggested that the school grounds be used, Councilman
Paizis said j; was agreed that those portions of the school.
district in other cities should be handled by those cities.
In this way only county territory and the City of Cuperti~o
remain, The problem is to solve the recreation needs of the
City of Cupertino and the unincorporated territory in the
school district. The Mayor observed that the Council can't
exercise jurisdiction and spend money outside the City limitr
Mr. Paizis suggested that the City develop its own program
and handle activity within Cupertino City limits.
Councilman Nathanson requested that Mr, Paizis select a
couple of people to serve with him in developing some tan-
gible plan, including just what the City should do and how
much it will cost, and also to consider the possibility of
correlating the activity with other jurisdictions. Mr.
Nathanson agreed that the City Council should take care of
the City, The Cupertino Union School Dlst,ic.,t j-':''1''te,'-
take r:·are of the unincorporated &i'(08 d.:,.';' ·c·..,.,(' :";', ':
within the district can handle their 0;';11 teJ:'c::·,,···,":. 'L'ne
Council should decide what the City of Cupertj" .gment wi~
Memorandum of agreement for expenditure of the En~ineerin~
Allooation for the City streets durln~ the 19~8 fiscal vear.
The Mayor recommended that this agreement be referred to
the City Attorney for examination. The Council concurred.
Memorandum of Agreement for Ma~or City Streets. 19~8 fiscal
This agreement WaS also referred to the City Attorney for
examination and report at the next meeting.
Freeway Agreement between the State and City of Cupertino
covering the portions of State Hi~hwav Route 114 within the
City between McClellan Road and 0.2 miles north of Homesteaè
Ãftër reading the covering letter and referring to the por-
tions of the agreement, Councilman Wilson suggested that it
be returned to Mr. Booker, Division of Highways Engineer, on
the ground that the agreement is "presumptious" at this time.
The Mayor advised that the agreement be tabled and that the
City reply to the request by statinc that the matter has
been referred to counsel and that no action will be forth-
coming until recommendation has been received.
l. Councilman Nathanson suggested that Mr, Euphrat be
approached concerning his offer to make a posthumous
donation of land to the City for a park.
2. The Mayor introduced Mr. Blair and Mr. Halstead from
the Engineering firm of Wilsey and Ham. Mr, Blair, a
member of the firm, told the Council that his company
has served as engineering consultant to several cities.
At present the firm of 120 people is serving the cities
of Milbrae and San Rafael.
The Mayor told 11r. Blair that thus far the Ci ty has
had little occasion to use an engineer but that it must
have a master plan. He said he hoped to have a resolu-
tion at the next meeting authorizing preparation of a
master plan,
Mr. Nathanson asked Mr, Blair how much such a servicE
would cost.
Mr, Blair said that he himself would be the represen-
tative for the City of Cu)ertino, .
In concluding the Mayor told Mr. Blair and Mr.
Halstead that .the City would keep their firm in mind
and may want to consider them should an appropriate
problem arise. He reiterated that this is dependent on
freeway locations.
). The Mayor referred to the recent annexations approved
by the County Boundary Commission.
4. Mayor Meyerho~z mentioned the letter from the City Clerk
and said that he would call a personnel meeting shortly.
~spectful_lY submitted, _ _ ,
.~-~ ,<. ~~~
City Clerk