CC 04-15-57 p. O. Box 597 CITY 0 F CUP E R T I NO CUPETITINO, CALIFORNIA Al 2-4505 Place: Time: Collins School, Teachers Lounge 8: 00 p. M. Press Present: S. Steinreich, Sunnyvale Standard Mrs. Conde, Cupertino Courier D. Cox, San Jose Meroury I ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: Meyerholz, Nathanson, S8ich, Wilson None II THE 1UEm:':5 OF 'l'IIL PRI:VIOUS BEETING ON APRIL l5, 1957 were read; the following correotions were noted: Item IV-B add "Mayor Wilson asked Bill Norton of the Cupertino Courier for an esti. mate". Item V-F-l, change the second sentence to read "He said he would like to initiate consideration of the appointment of a City Hanager to assume the administrative worl{ of the City Council." Third sentence: Delete "This appointee could" insert "He announced that he was establishing a Development Committee to," III PETITIONS ùNL COMrmNICATIONS A, Written 1, Office of the Sheriff - Acknowledgement of change of speed limits on State Sign Route #9, 2. Office of the Sheriff - Report on parallel parking matte: ). Secretary of Stete - Certifying receipt of Ordinance No, 3), which sets forth approval of the annexation of Homestead 4-C. 4. Skte Controller - Alcohol Beverage License Fee, September li 1956-February 28, 1957 in the amount of .,;;970.00. 5. Department of Public Horks - 1956-57 fiscal year total allocation.5394.67. 6. A. C, Stevens, Jr. - Resolution to name representative to proposed Recreation Commission. 7. Azule 'Nomen I s Club - Request for cooperation in obtain- ing a solution to the traffic congestion on State Highway 9. 8, Howard McLaughlin - Request for waiver~ a license fee for a fireworks stand; also request to sell Buddy Poppies without payment of license fee. Moved by Councilman Nathanson, that the business license fee for the sale of fireworks be waived inasmuch as the State and Fire Marshal's requirements have been met; seconded by Councilman Wilson, carried 4 - 0, Moved by Councilman Wilson that the City of Cupertino endorse th~,sale of poppies on May 24 and 2S; seconded by Councilman Saich, carried 4 - o. 9. Mark Thomas Compal~ - Information as to the services which the firm can perform for the City of Cupertino. 10, Public Utilities Commission - Public Hearing on Pacific Gas and Electric Companies electric department rate incrEase application No. )881l. Moved by Councilman Nathanson that the Cupertino City CounciJ~~p record as being opposed to the rate increase requested by p, G. & E.; seconded by Councilman Saieh, failing 2 - 0 (2 in favor none opposed) on the abstentions of Wilson and Meyerholz. 11. Some l5 additional letters were then read by the Mayor. B. Oral ~1vith reference to road matters, Councilman Nathanson ooved ~~ the Cupertino Union School Di~ct be notified that the intersection of RaDdy Lane and Mariani Avenue does n,Qj;Jeet specifications. that the City is awª~JLng action in the repair of the corner and the presenta~ion of the deed; seconded by Councilman Hilson, carried - O. The Council indicated its willingness to fix the crof'swall{ if the roadw2.y ~.s a~( r.'·~fól t,." ";¡"p ,', ' -2- 2. With regard to the Rodriguez subdivision, Councilman Saich and Meyerholz reiterated that Rodriguez ~venue and Western Drive and the street in front of the stores had been offered for dedic?tion but not accepted. Mayor Meyerholz requested that the City Attorney check with the County Counsel to determine whether the City can legitimately accept these streets and procedure for so doing. He requested a report at the next meeting. Councilman Saich said that the County is requiring all subdividers to retain one foot of roadway. J. Mayor Meyerholz referred to the recreation matter. Councilman Nathanson reported that Ralph Lindenmeyer had been requested to attend a recreation meeting at the invitation of Duchin Thomas. Councilman Saich suggested that the new Councilman take over the recrea- tion position for the Council. 4. The Mayor said that the City should prepare the reports necessitated by the Federal Highway Act. A letter from Mark Thomas addressed to Mr. Saich, offering to prepare the necessary reports for ~200, was read. The letter also mentioned code section 2l07.5, which provides about ',.l,OOO annually for a City the size of Cupertino for engineering administration. The Mayor asked the City Attorney to investigate this section and determine for what purposes the City can use these funds. 5. The Mayor proclaimed the week of May 5 through May II as Good Will Week in Cupertino. IV UNFINISHED EUSINESS A, Ordinances and Resolutions for Adoption - Civil Defense The Civil Defense papers, including three resolutions and several charts, were distributed to each Councilman for study before acting upon them at the next meeting. B, Appointment of a New Councilman Councilman Saich produced a list of thirteen or fourteen names. Upon consideration it appeared that about nine of whom lived in the City. Councilman Wilson said the Council should appoint a man from a subdivision to represent the people who voted for ex-Councilman Lindenmeyer. He urged appointment of someone with a strong interest in government and stated his feeling that George Paizis could be detatched from the Planning Commission, Councilman Nathanson moved that George Paizis be named Councilman to fill the unexPired term of Councilman Lindenmeyer, resigned, and that a unanimol ballot be cast in his favor; seconded by Councilman Wilson, carried 4 - O. The Mayor observed that this created a vacancy on the Planning Commission which could be filled at the next meetin[ A short recess was declared in order to notify Mr. Paizis of the appointment; he accepted. The Mayor requested that an oath of office be prepared for Paizis to sign at his first meeting. C. Miscellaneous 1. Councilman Wilson requested a review of next years budget 2. Councilman Nathanson requested that the service clubs be contacted again and informed that the City will erect the welcome signs upon receipt of ~40 apiece. The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to make the necessary arrangements with the proper property owners, namely Hewitt and Craft. J. Cupertino Courier submitted a bid for quantities of 2,000 letterheads 18~ x ll) and 2,000 #10 envelopes, on any of three bonds. Plover Bond - a 25% rag paper was selected by the Council. The price quoted is $)6.05 for the letterhead and ~42.50 for the envelopes. Moved by Councilman Saich that the City accept this bid by the Courier for 2,000 envelopes and letterheads on Plover Bond and the City Clerk be instructed to place theorder; seconded by Councilman Nathanson, carried 4 - O. -3- 4, A~'., Adams was present at the meeting to voice objectio] to'"J:he Red alternative of the proposed Jl.\l\ipero Serra F~~ay, which cuts through Garden GateV1¡lage. Mr. Adal!!.$ 11 ves in that tract. The I1ayo~advised that the, Dj¿vt.ion of Highways will hold a meetl11g" in'Cu.!JerUno t.t th,!3 people of the vicinity request. ' He 6~estelÌ that Mr..,Adams write to the City Council I'fòqùest1!1.g I; I feeting.. Thé-,'Gity will then forward his request a'nd ask t'he'",· . ~~.hWay Commission in this area to disouss the portions .ofii,~e freeway routing through and near Cupertino., V NEW BU5INÈ.$5' A. Attorney's Report Mr. Anderson summarized the latest letter from Sheriff Hawle; relative to the parallel parking situation on Highway 9. In recent conversations Mr. Anderson recommended to the State that they take the additional seven feet in order to resolve the problem. The Mayor asked the City Attorney to reply to Hawley's,letter. B. Report of Roads and Maintenance Commissioner Commissioner Saich reported that McCarthy would start the sealing jobs as soon as weather permitted. C. Report of Police and Fire Chief 1. Councilman Nathanson referred to a meeting on City and Regional Planning. Moved by Councilman Wilson !hãl Burrel Leonard be authorized to attend the Politics of Planning Cont,erence at Richmond, expenses paid; seconded by Councilman Nathanson, carried 4 - O. 2. Cupertino designated as host at next lawentoreement meeting. 3. Councilman Nathanson requested copies of the "Emergency Sanitation Booklet". Shelley Williams, then present, sai he would procure. D. Miscellaneous 1, The Hayor read his tentative budget for 1957-58. 2. Councilman Nathanson requested that Burrel Leonard be asked to aubmit a bill for supplies used on Planning Commission business. ). Mr, Anderson requested authorization to sign a Request for Tax Cancellation on property within the City now owned by the School District. The Council gave approval. VI ADJOURN[~NT - 10:50 P,M. R1,pectfullY SUbmi}ted, '. \ ìlfu.9-~R. t'\, ~ LAvlRENGE K. MARTIN City Clerk