CC 01-21-57
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P, 0, Box 597
Al 2-4505
Place: Collins School, Teachers Lounge
Time: 8:00 P.M.
Press Present: D, Cox, San Jose Mercury,
M. Soomil, Sunnyvale Stendard
Councilmen Present:
Councilmen Absent:
Lindenmeyer, Nathanson, Saich, Wilson
II THE MINUTES OF THE .?REVIOUS rr-ÆTniG ON J',NUŒY 7, 1957 were read;
the following corrections were noted; 8dd "D, Cox "md M, Soomil,
reporters for the San Jose Mercury and S~nnyvale Standard
respectively were present, Item IV7A-l-Line 8, substitute John
for Mayor. Item IV-A-I-Line JO, substitute an~le for parallel.
Item IV-A-2 delete "and that the 25 m.p.h. zone be extended to
the north and south of their present limits on Highway 9.
A, Written
The letters listed on the agenda were taken up in order.
E. Oral
ëõüñcilman Saich noted that two people appeared at the last
Planning Commission meeting to protest the development of the
proposed Vistica shopping center. Mr. Leonard of the Planning
Commission said that the matter had not yet been set for
public hearing and that the people within 300 feet of the
area will be notified of the hearing for rezoning, He said
that the matter may not be heard for a couple of months.
A. Use permit for Eustice and Eldridge
Mr. Leonard reported that Ordinance 2 provides for revocation
of the use permit if the conditions specified on €,ranting
the permit are not adhered to. The commercial use must con-
form to City requirements and County specifications or H
control. T. A. Backman is also proposing a service station.
Chairman Leonard reported that all parties including Eustice,
Backman, and Ravizza have agreed to dedicate property and
make satisfactory arrangements with Sanitary District on storm
and sewer drainoge. Councilman Nathanson moved that the
report and recommendation of the ¡lanning Commission be
adopted and a use permit be granted, inas:'luch as that bOdy
has studied and examined the applic9tion; seconded by Council~
man Saich and carried J - 1, Councilman Lindenmeyer opposed
on the basis of too many service stations in Cupertino.
Mr, Leonard of the Planning Commission acknowledged some
doubt about the number of service stations but said that the
Commission felt that this p8rticular corner was not very
desirable for any other use and that it's better to place
service stations at the outskirts of town rather than in the
center, Councilman Lindenmeyer noted that the ditch along 9
was a danger point for traffic. Mr. Leoûard said that a
wider road Was in the offing and that solution of storm drain-
age may help matters.
B, Ordinances and Resolutions for ...doption
Ordinance No. 32 "an ordinance of the City of Cu¡ertino
amending section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by reclassifying a
certain portion of Cupertino from an R-J-H district to a
C-l-H district" was given a first reading.
~~_____n___'______n_ ___________
C. The City letterhead is to be printed on unwatermarked bond in
light gray ink.
D. Welcome signs
The Council decided to ask two or three people to submit
sample designs for the inspection of the CounCil.
E. Miscellaneous
1. It was noted that the City Limit sign on North Highway 9
had been moved further north, adjacent to the Cupertino
de Oro Club.
2, Mayor Wilson asked the Chairman of the Planning Commis-
sion about progress on the general plan. Mr. Leonard
told the Council about a meeting with Karl Belser
scheduled for January )1 in which a contract would be
discussed for providing such technical and advisory help
as would be necessary to complete a subdivision ordinance
and a general plan, among other things. Mr. Leonard
said the ultimate development of the middle of the City
is problematical. It is hard to tell what will happen
to the land in this middle portion of Cupertino. The
Planning Com:dssion would like indic'3tion from the owner-
ship concerning the ultimate use of the property, Mayor
iV11son observed that there might be a "tough time flushint
the intentions of the owners". Mr. Leonard noted that
certain facilities are necessary before much development
can take place, storm and sanitary drainage among them.
Councilman Lindenmeyer suggested joint meetings of the
Planning Commission a nd Council, eventually to include
the School Board, the Sanitary Listrict, and possibly
neighboring cities.
Report of the Roads and Maintenance Commissioner
1. Councilman Saich reported that the schoal road project
around the intersection of Randy and Mariani was pro-
gressing well.
2. He estimated~200 to :¡¡'275 to fix the southwest corner of
Stevens Creek Road and Highway 9. A couple of posts
appear to be necessary at the edge of the drain. Council-
man Lindenmeyer moved that !-Jr. Saich be authorized to
repair road damage without successive authorizations by
the Council. This motion was withdrawn upon Council
feelings thc;t this authorization was now present.
Councilman Saich said that he would' authorize Leonard
McCarthy to use a few tons of black top to fill chuckholes
Report of Police and Fire Chief
1. Mr, Nathanson gave January 21 (late!' altered to Jan 28)
as the deadline for the tow truck dealer at 20))) Stevens
Creek Road to clear the premises of auto wrecks and tow
2. Councilman Lindenmeyer requested a "Slow School Crossing"
sign at the Stevens Creek exit of the St, Joseph's School.
The Council asked that this be referred to the City
ReDort of Building and Health Inspector _ No report.
Report,of Civil Defense Coordinator
Mr, Williams reported that he is setting up a card folder for
filing in the City Clerk's Office. The School District
program which is in the process of formation is supposed to
operate under the City. Mr, Williams presented folders
listing the people in charge of certain facilities at the
various schools in the Cupertino Elementary School District.
A more detailed plan will be presented later.
Respectfully submitted,
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