CC 12-18-56 p. o. jjox 596 C I T Y 0 F CUP E R TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL D5CE~EER 18, 1956 Ax 6-7064 Place: Time: Collins School, Teachers Lounge 8:00 P.II. I ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: Meyerholz, Nathanson, Saich, Wilson Lindenmeyer II THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS ¡~EETING ON DECEi18ER :3, 1956 were read; the following corrections were noted: Iteln III, A, 5, George Prine was identified as the Assistant County Flood Engineer; Item IV, A, add "The ordinance was tabled for further consideration and did not count as a first reading." III PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Written ~ëity share of fines collected during the month of November - ~275"56. 2. November 26 bank balance $856.10 (Plus ~'lO,OOO savings éccount). B. Oral ~It was reported that the stoP sign at Stelling Road and Stevens Creek Road was åOVin. (A telephone call during the meeting announced th'3t a county lmit was in the neighborhood at that moment and would restore it to standing position). 2. Complaints had been received concerning the operation of the "";alk-Wait" signals at the Cupertino stop light. The Council requested that a proper ezpL'nation of the signal system be publicized so that the public would understand the operation of the lights. IV UNFINISIffiD BUSINE3S A. Homestead 4-C Examination of a recent Los Altos Annexation named Stevens Creelc No.1 indicates that this Los Altos At1t1exation and Cupertino's 4-c overlap. The Council took the matter under consideration~~,ld requested that Aronsen be contacted to verify the findings of the County Boundary Commission. B. Ordinances and hesolutions for ;~dQ!2.tl01.l Ordinm1ce No, :31, an ordinance prohibiting drunkenness or intoxication in any public place or on any street, alley or h~ghway in the City of Cupertino and providing a penalty for the violation thereof, was given 8 first reading. This ordinance meets the approval of both the Sheriff's Office and the County Counsel. C. Miscell'3,neous 1. 11ïê-ëõuñõil was satisfied to allow the McCarthy and S~icsman Insurance Policy to lapse, since the road work ~as complete for the time being. 2. The Council noted that 3telling l-C Revised Annexation map had been approved by the County Loundary Commission. v NE'd A. BU'3INESS Attorney I s Re'Jort 1. City Attorney Anderson report0d that the Firearm Ordinance being contemplated by both City and County has encountered some obstacles. 2. City Attorney Anderson asked the COWJcil to verify the various details in the traffic ordinaè¡ce under consider- ation for Cali Avenue. :3. Múyor Wilson asked that the State Division of Highways be requested to paint Ped X markings both north and south of the pedestrian crossing at the post office, with diagonal stripes through the horizontal lines which now exist. The possibility of fJ:l:ng the ~~ttQ~ V2? ,t)'~fi" r;~)]'1.~} 0.e.rr::dü ----~------,--- -2- B. Report of Roads and Maintenance Co~mis0ioner 1. Councilman Saich announced satisfaction with the road work accomplished thus far. 2. Councilman Meyerholz said he would like the Council to consider an ordinance requiring connection to the proposed sewer line for people within a certain distanc thereof, possibly 200 feet. 3. Mayor Wilson reported that the following points were made at the Streets and Highways MeetinË December 17: a. Planning to reduce traffic b. Initiation of a survey of traffic development c. Cooperation between the various jurisdictions in getting the roads through. d. The state will bear a large share of the costs. e. Supervisors to appoint a committee to study the roads. f. The possibility of industry paying a large share of the bill. g. Action, not merely survey. Report of Police and Fire Chief 1. Councilman Nathanson suu:;ested thr;.t the National Board of Fire Underwriters and the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau J:,e contacted reletive to insurance rates which apparen- tly h9ve not been examined since the incorporation of the City. It was noted that the fire station is equipped with modern apparatus, with fire hydrants at regular intervals, Councilman Saich moved that a lette be drafted to that effect; seconded by Councilman Nathanson and carried 4 - o. 2. Councilman Nathanson suggested that a load of gravel be dumped in front of the lumber company to help fill the ruts at the side of the roadway. J. i\. rocent estimate by Captain Perusina of the Sheriff's Office indicated that in a given period 80% of the cars heading west on Stevens Creek Road exceeded the speed limit. 4. Councilman Nathanson reiterated his opinion that the 25 mile zone on Highway 9 should be extended. In this reó.ard he requested that the Highw<r Divis ion again be contacted 011 the st2tus of their speed survey for Highway 9. 5. The City Clerk was authorized to purchase a Christmas tree for the fire house, with the balance of the $25 allocated to be used in wh3tever way the firemen decid£ Report of EuilcUng and Health Inspector _ None Re£~rt ~lqnning Com~lission Chairman _ None Report on Streets and Highways meeting of December 17. 1956 See V - B above. Miscellaneous Ï~\~~3 reported that the sewer line had re3ched Burrel Leon:'l'd's east property line. C. D. E. F. G. VI ADJOURNNENT - 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Í ( ( - '0.. t.t.h~~1., -t-t "'\ . (l . a~ awrence K. Martin City Clerk