CC 11-05-56
p.. O~ Bat '9'P
¡\.X 6-7064
C I T Y 0 Feu ¥ E R TIN 0
Collins School, Teachers Lounge
8:00 P.M.
Press Present: San Jose Mercury, D. Cox
Sunnyvale Standard, M. Soomil
Councilmen Present: Lindenmeyer, Meyerholz, Nathanson, Saich,
Councilmen Absent: (None)
II THE MINUC;":S OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING ON 10-15-56 were read and
the following corrections were noted: Item III~B-Line 23,
substitute "study" for "trial" ¡ Item IV-B-Line 12, substitute
"requested" for ""1dvised"¡ Item III-E-Fage 2-Line 10, delete
"which does not require any subst,3'lti31 8'~ount of time".
A. Written
. 1. Two letters from the State Dep~rtment of Public Works
reportcC' the "1pportionments to the City of Cupertino
for the ~u3rterly period ending September 30, 1956 as
~250.00 3nd c1441.72 for engineering costs in respect
to City streets and the 5/8 cent gas t~x :und respec~
2. A letter from Peter Tormey re~ussted that the City
reduce the insurance recuirements of Ordinance 13 to
(.,15,000/30,000 bodily injury andÔ,OOO ¡:;roperty
damage. The Mayor requested that the cities of Palo
Alto and Los Altos be contacted. in orc'er to determine
what insurance requirements prevail for taxicabs in
those .9reg s.
3. A brief of the proposed San Francisco Lgy ~rea Rapid
Transit Act was forwarded by County Executive.
4. The State Division of Highways forwarðed its resolution
establishing a freeway on ro~d IV~SC1~114-A, Cpo. Sunv,
MVw, accomj,xmied by a map showing the route of this
proposed State highway.
5. The State Board of Equalization r~turned an executed
contract for the State Administr·?tion of local sales
and use taxes, stipulötingu:cœterly pqyments in
adiition to monthly payments when the volume of taxes
B. Oral
~John Brown, representing the Cupertino Elementary
Scho~l District reporteQ the 3chool Listrict's views
on repairing the intersection of Mariani Avenue and
Randy Lane saying he had reached tentgtive agreement Ccuflcil¡¡;an Saich on the ro,\gh rLons" Councilman
11eyerholz stated that the six-i\Jch rocle base should
commence at the point at which the uld base ended.
r1r. Prollm felt that the road in ~uertion slnuld have
been dedic;ted long ago. He '3ö.cl th:J t the (astrict
would do wh~t it could with the fun~s evgilable.
Counci1m8n Heyerholz that tl1= Cl ;'.y would accept
dedication of the road when t~e ruai 1s brJught to t~e
specifica¡;ions acceptable to the Cc~r,ty. ;'.11', Brown
wished that the Council designate one of its members as
the party with whom he should oonduc~ hlr 4sulings so
thgt the dòtails of the ro."d work 00,,1C1 - '0i>oess with
the appreVFil of that person 01' ;wr.3·,U-;, -2Jdlli'ilmeg
Lindenme",';:.t..J;lQyed th?t Counciir:¡ar. Me:!<;r!.:J''': be des'g..
natecl tú 2,sslst Councilma:1 3a;.r,h in r"pre:;:',;nt'ng tics
City or. th13 road repair projeet; it 'Œ3 5èJcnded b"'
COU11C 11m;:!! ,Saich and carried ~ - Qo
2. ¡'h' " ò, M>':, Eaer told the Council t"1st S2n Jose's
"'3"e"'8 I,,'. 8 Annexation had bee<1 cont LlUed for 8nother
wee:~, the hearing now set for November 13, 15'156
A. Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways
Councilman Nathanson moved that the matter be postponedj
seconded by Councilman Lindenmeyer and carriedS - O.
B. Ordinances for Ad9ption
1. City Attorney Anderson read a draft of an ordinance
drawn at the suggestion of the County Sheriff relative
to intoxicated persons. He requested that copies be
mailed to the interested parties, namely Sheriff
Hawley and Spencer Williams, County Counsel. He noteà
that the government code requires that ordinances be
published by a city when its first year of incorpora-
tion has elapsed. This applies to Cupertino since
Ootober 10 marked its first year of incorporation.
The first reading of the ordinance was considered as
2", City Attorney Anderson read a resolution "Establishing
a policy on certain public land and buildings lying
within the limits of the City" and stating "That the
Flanning Commission be authorized and instructed to
review the present zoning of the (Cupertino) school
and adjacent land, make sure that the same remains in
the public use, and report the accomplishment of this
policy to the Council". Councilman Lindenmeyer mow
that the resolution be adopted as re~d; seconded by
Councilman Saich, and carried 4 - 0, Councilman Meyer-
holz abstaining. In a short discussion it developed
that there were three parcels of land involved. The
Council requested that a copy of the resolution be sent
to each member of the Flanning Commission.
C. Miscellaneous
1. Councilm~n Nathanson noted that the City Council of
Santa Clara had adopted a resolution changing the name
of Stevens Creek Road to Stevens Creek Boulevard. This
being the case, Councilman MeYerhol~ moved that the
City of Cupertino likewise adopt a motion favoring the
change in the name of Stevens Creek Road to Stevens
Creek Boulevard and notifying San Jose and Santa Clara
of this fact; seconded by Councilman Lindenmeyer.
carried S - O.
2. Mr. Baer mentioned that the "Walk" and "Wait" signs
at the intersection of Stevens Creek Road and Highway 9
do not seem to be synchronized. The Council requested
that Mr. Warriner, the Maintenance Superintendent for
this area, be contacted in this connection.
A. Attorney's Report
With reference to the expected weapon ordinance the Council
requested that the Sheriff's Office be contacted to expedite
forwarding of same.
B, Report of Roads and Maintenance Commissioner
Councilman Saich asked the Council to approve payment of
bills to Leonard McCarthy, the bills submitted being in the
amount of $2472.00, $186.60, and ~593.64. A previous bill,
already paid, totaled ~383.02. The combined total came to
$3635.26. This appeared to be somewhat in excess of the
anticipated expenditures for road mai8tenance and it was
eventually mQved bY Councilman Nathanson that a resolution
be drawn providing that the necessary money, i.e. the
differential between the budget and the expenses, be with-
drawn from the fund declared as undistributed reserve;
seconded by Councilman Lindenmeyer and carric:' S - o.
At this point it was necessary to adjou:n du- to a request
by the principal that the btJ.lldin'; be va>¡tcd by 10:45 P.M.
Respectfully Gubmitted,
~~.-<...o- \~ !.U (l"ç
Lawrence K. Martin
City Clerk