CC 10-15-56 p. O. Box 597 '-\.x 6-7064 C I T Y 0 F CUP E R TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CrtLIFORNIA REGULAR MEETI~G O? THE CITY C0UNCIL OCTOBER 15, 1956 Place: Time: Collins School, Teachers Lounge 8:00 P.M. Press Present: San Jose Mercury, D, Cox S'.mnyvale Standard, M, Soomil I ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Wilson, Meyerholz, ¡.hthenson, Sc'ich, Lindenmeyer (None) Councilmen Absent: II THE MlNUT~S O? THE fR..VIOUS MEETING on 10-1-56 were read and the following corrections were noted: Item IV-B-line 2, "with the second reading to be given in 30 days" W8S corrected to read, "with the second reading to be given at the next meeting, the ordinance to be effective 30 days thereafter; Item V-E-line 2, insert "After recommendation by the City Treasurer" before "Councilm~t].. [,:8th<mson moved"; Same item, add "It was also moved by Cou.nci1ms:.Jl.-ª?ir&, seconded by Councilman Meyerholz, and carried S - 0 th..t nine cents ~er mile be paid to the City Attorney and City Clerk for travel expenses, \\hen on City business. III PETIT IOES,NL CONIlUNI C.." '1'1 ONS A. Writ ten 1. Pacific Gas and Electric Com~any sent word formally accepting the Gas and Electric Franchises ßr~nted to it by the City of Cupertino under Ordiuünces No. 2ó and 27 passed by the Council on the 17th day of September, 2. ::':'everal procls!Jlations were executed by the Mayor but not re~~ eue to time limitations. B, Oral T,-Sheriff Ibwley explained that" new scr¡eC:ule was antici- pc¡ted for his force within 8 fev; weelm. Additions to his staff wJUld augment the Sheriff I s Office to the extert of 50~. In discussing this new schedule, the Sheriff mentioned th"t the City of Los ,ltos has a w2apon ordinance which his office 1!!:Lld be g18Q to for- ward to Cupertino. One of the provisio~s of this ordinance specifies th,t any juvenile cc¡rrying c.ny weapon must be accompanied by ~n adult, In referring to radar, the Sheriff st"ted th~t it w~s widely used throughout C~liforni8_ The unincorporated arcé'S seem to be offering the m8jor 0Pt:Osition although the :"-;Jposition as a vlhole is not gresc, He st~ted the purroses of radar 8S thceefol{: I, [etecting speeders 2, Psychological deterrent to speeding 3. Recording to determine whether a particular street is being used for excessive speeds. The C)\:c·"s·c.\ê)n i'1volvi,1g the use of raè.çt> to determine speec'. 18 ·:~,_w being ';;qken to the ::;uprer,¡~ Court in order to es ::Ü¡;r,: t,; J..eg811ty. Sherlff Ha\'l~.ey himself recomli1~::::.~~· 1;he '~lse of rad8 r IJ Councilmen S!ich sugcested a trial period. This sugges- tion seemed to meet with gener'Ü approvplo Hayor 1iIilson aslÅ“d Councilmen Nathanson for his recOl~me',1d3tion in the matter, Councilman Nathanson ~greed that I trial period would be appropriate, and introduced the'.: ,'),jE")r, of parking along Highway 9 betweer2 ,>11 :~.vcr'--",1~' StE;ven~ Creek HO;Jd. Counc11m9n N3thêl.n3c-t.'~ Y'::PC)):ts:: ~,!v-,. 00U::"-cy TrJffic Engineer L. T. Smeltze~ ~elt that Ob6,,7~ction of either the sidewalk or the roadway would be sufficicr' grounds for enforcing parallel parking. Attorney Anderson felt that the police power could serve to regulate p~rking in this area. The possibility that a -2- public nuisance existed in this situ2tion offered alt~rnative grounds for regulation. One way to dis- cover whether local authorities have the necessary jurisdiction would be to issue citations to those backing on to the State Highway and wait for someone to test this power in the courts. Sheriff Hawley said that backing onto the State Highway is illegal. Councilman Nathanson said that the County Engineer will not give time to the City except in a strictly advisory capacity which does not require any substantial amount of time. IV UNFINISHED BUSINESS A, Sheriff's Office - See III-B above. B. Cupertino Cab Company - presentation of insurance policy 1. Mr. Peter Tormey, representing Andrew Clark to whom a permit was granted to operate a taxicab in the City of Cupertino last April, requested that public liability reluirements be reduced, The cost of carrying the insurance now recuired by Ordinance 13 amounts to about $800. Mr. Tormey suggested that this worked an undue hardship' ~n his client. Attorney Anderson told !1r. Tormey to make a definite request in writing to the Council who in turn might see fit to reconsider the insurance requirements imposed by the Taxicab Ordinance. Mayor Wilson advised the Chief of ?olice, the Road Commissioner and the City Attorney to discuss the matter in conjunction with the interested parties, and arrive at a solution. In response to a question by Councilman Meyerholz relative to the decrease of traffic fines, Sheriff Hawley speculated that the word may be out. He added that the use of radar plus the addition of 24 men to the staff will increase the amount of traffic control. With reference to the possibility of a stop sign at the corner of Highway 9 and Homestead Road, the Sheriff said that the State evidently feels there is insufficient traffic at the present time to warrant a stop sign. He added that stop signs in themselves are not without dis- advantages. Accidents tend to cluster around stop signs. Traffic control incurs additional property damage but ' results in fewer deaths and m?jor accidents. He cited Section 531 "Following too closely" as the major cause of accidents. Councilman Nathanson reiterated that the City is interested in testing the use of radar. The Sheriff said that he would put it in use and would produce statistics but issue no tickets until the Council was satisfied the device is beneficial. One of the main difficulties said the Sheriff, is that each community tends to keep traffic moving slowly throughout its own area while expecting to trsvel through other communities as though it were a freeway. C. Miscellaneous 1. Mayor Wilson noted that October 22 was the date for the protest hearing on San Jose's Madera No.8 Annexation. He hoped to secure substantial protest to the annexation 2. The Council wished that a letter be sent to the Histori- cal Landmark Committee of the City of Santa Clara regarding the renaming of Stevens Creek Rn d. Cupertino favors retention of the name Stevens, eit, r Stevens Creek Boulevard or Stevens Boulevard woulu be dgreeable, 3. The Mayor requested th9t the State Depart-went of Finance Office be contacted in order to consider the possibilit~ of applying for a local planning assistance grant. V NEW BUSINESS A, Attorney's Report 1. The Council decided to postpone consideration of the Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways. This Agreement involves maintenance of the traffic signals at the corner of Highway 9 and Stevens Cree.!r Road. -3- 2. Attorney Anderson reported thRt subventions can be, and h2ve been, used for a wide variety of purposes. The main distinction in the use of funds lies between pro- prietary and governmental functions, On this basis expenditures for such items as pools or p~rks might be questionable but the ordinary functions of road main- tenance, police protection, etc" do not seem open to question. 3. Councilmen Meyerholz moved that a full reading of Ordinance 30 be waived on unanimous motion of the Council; seconded by Councilman Saich and carried S - O. Upon hearing the final section of Ordinance 30 Council- man Saich moved th~t the Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Councilman Lindenmeyer and carried S - o. B. Report of City Treasurer 1. ~uarterly Report of the Treasurer, Balance June 30, 1956 Receipts: City of Cupertino: October 1, 1956 :,,11181.65 ilanning Commission Licenses Fines General :;p 316.12 1385~76 1127.72 3399.63625~.23 ~174J5.88 Disbursements: Warrants 68 to 104 inc. ~ 3492.52 Balance as of September 30, 1956 $13943.36 Cash Position: Cash in First National Bank of Cupertino ";,14252.77 Uncashed warrants 309.41 Cash balance,p13943.36 2. £Q£ncilman Lindenmeyer moved that the Finance Officer's report be approved as read; seconded by Councilman Saich and carried S - o. C. Report of Roads and Maintenance Commissioner 1. Councilman Saich referred to the speed. limit on Highway 9 and suggested that the State be cont9cted in order to determine what speed may be expected on th~t road. Councilman Nathanson suggested th~,'t we write the Div- ision of Highways to the effect that we are in the process of making a survey and that we would like to discuss the matter with the St:~te with the aim of setting a speed limit agreeable to all parties. The Council agreed that this was a good idea. D. Report of Police and Fire Chief 1. No report. E. Report of Building and Health Inspector. 1. No report. F. Miscellaneous 1. Mayor Wilson sugðested that Cupertino send a representa- tive to Los Angeles for the League of California Cities Convention held October 28 to 31st. He sugGested that Burrel Leonard act as represent3tive of the Nayor. Councilman Nathanson then moved that Burrel Leonard, if he has ~he time available, represent the City of Cuper- tino at the League of California Cities meeting, to investigate planning and other matters, ~.·i th sui table expenses; seconded by Councilman Saich 1'11: £~:l_rried S - 0 2. Burrel Leonard told the Council of the 1- ~st develop- ments in the gas station applications, wittl particular reference to the eventual width of streets such as McClellan and Highway 9, near McClellan and Silverado. The question involved eventual projection of existing streets. Silverado for example might be cut through to Blaney.. -4- 3. ~fter some discussion Councilr.¡sn 3'-;ic\1 moved th'?t I1rs. Justice be offered ~2,OO an hour, four hours daily; seconded by Councilman Neyerholz and carr'led 4-·- 1, ¡"¡ayor \Hlson opposed, VI ADJOURNI!LFT ,lt 10:50 i.N. Respectfully submitted, kú..,.-\9....-~ Luwrence K. City Clerk 0-<. l((c~ ¡¡["rtin