CC 07-30-56 p. O. Box 597 C I T Y 0 Feu PER TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JULY )0, 1956 AX 6-7064 Place: Time: Collins School, Teachers Lounge 8:00 P.M. Press Present: San Jose Mercury, Dan Hruby Sunnyvale Standard, M. Soomil I ROLL CALL Counc1lmen Present: Wilson, Lindenmeyer, Meyerholz, Nathanson, Saich Councilmen Absent: (None) II READING MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING, approved as read. III PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Written 1. A letter from the Department of Pub11c Works, Sacramento, signed by G. T. McCoy, to the effect that three additional culverts will be installed paralleling the existing structures. 2. A letter from J. p. Sinclair of the Division of Highways stated that the State will accept and hlake a part of the record pertaining to any freeway location such information regarding local street traffic, public buildings, etc., as any City wishes to present. 3. A letter from Clifford St. Croix, Deputy County Engineer, concerning the procedure for filing a record of survey map was tabled. On this topie, Burrel Leon8rd reported engineering trouble with the County. Their latest word is that they lack jurisdiction in Cupertino engineering affairs. They also appear reluctant to describe the procedure when and if they did have jurisdiction. Councilmen Meyerholz sug- gested thqt the Cupertino delegation visit County Executive Thill for clarification of the engineering service to which we are entitled, if any, B. .Q!:ü 1. Mr. Warfield, Mr. Lagorio, Dr. Hughes and Dr. Kelly were present to represent the proposed EI Camino Hospital District. Mr. Lagorio recalled that, last January, five Cities appointed delegates to a committee formed to inves- tigate the need and desire for a hospital in this area. This action was prompted by a report drawn in November of 1955. Hospitals can be built by several different methods; voluntary contributions, private donations, religious groups, or public district hospitals. In this case the district hospital appeared to be the only possibility. The gist of Cupertino's thoughts on the subject lay in the concept that the method for financing the propose~ hospital was inequitable, although the need for a hospital was acknowledged. Councilman Meyerholz proposed construc- tion of a hospital by a different method, Buch as individual donations. After discussing the issue for an hour or so, it was moved by Councilman Saich that a resolution be drawn re- questing the Board of Supervisors to exclude the City of Cupertino from the El Camino Hospital District; seconded by Councilman Nathanson and carr+ed 4 - 1, Councilman Lindenmeyer voting against. IV UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ordinances for Adoption 1. It was moved by Councilman Lindenmeyer that reading of Ordinance No. 21, amending Ordinance No. 10, be waived: seconded by Councilman Saich and carried S _ o. It was then moved by Councilman Nathanson that Ordinance No. 21 be adopted; seconded by Councilman Saleh and carried S - o. ~---. - 2 - 2. It was moved by Councilman Saich that reading of Ordinance No. 22, an Ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance #2 by reclassifying a certain portion of the City of Cupertino from an A-2:B-4 district to a C-1-H, be waived; seconded by Councilman Lindenmeyer, carried S - O. Moved by Councilman Meyerholz that Ordinance No. 22 be adopted, seconded by Councilman Saich and carried S - O. B. P.G.&E. Franchises - no representative from the Utility Company was present. C. Miscellaneous Councilman Nathanson suggested that a letter be drafted informing the County that the City of Cupertino agrees with County views on the Stevens Creek Freeway with a slight deviation. V ADJOURNMENT at 10:30 P.M. - - - - - - I THE ADJOURNED MEETING RECONVENED THE FOLLOWING MONDAY, AUGUST 6TH AT 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: Wilson, Meyerholz, Nathanson, Saich Lindenmeyer II PETITIONS A}ID COMMUNICATIONS A. Written 1. State Board of Equalization - the latest estimate, consi- dered reliable, figures Cupertino's revenue from a 1¢ sales tax at $17,295.00, a sharp revision of previous guesses which ranged around $50,000.00. 2. Estimate for official seal - all the members of the Council had not seen the finished seal and discussion was postponed until the seal was at hand. III UNFINISHED BUSI1~SS A. Ordinances for Adoption lNone ) B. P.G.&E. Franchises Mr. Love, Counsel for P.G.&E., reported that his Company was willing to accept a franchise under the 1937 Act. Comparing the present franchise with the proposed contract, it appeared that Cupertino would stand to receive some $1400.00 as against $200.00 under the present arrangements. After some discussion Councilman Meyerholz moved that Cupertino pass resolutions of intention to grant gas and electric franchises subject to the provisions of the 1937 Act governing utilities; seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 3 - 1. Councilman Nathanson against. The resolutions to be numbered 24 and 25, and the hearing to be set for September 10, 1956. C. Tax Rate Ordinance No. 23, an Ordinance of the City of Cupertino determining the amount of taxes necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property for the year 1956-1957, was carried 4 - 0 on a motion b¥ Councilman Nathanson; it was seconded by Councilman Saich. 19,000.00 was established as the amount of money necessary to accomplish the stated purpose~ Councilman MeYerholz moved that the City Clerk be author- ized to inform the County Controller that $,25 has been deter- mined as the Cupertino tax rate for fiscal 1957; seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 4 - O. Councilman Nathanson moved that a resolution be adopted stating that the Cupertino City Council has set the tax rate at $.25; seconded by Councilman Meyerholz and carried 4~. - :3 - D. Miscellaneous Councilman Nathanson moved that Cupertino officially notify the Board of Supervisors that the City favors in general the proposed Stevens Creek Freeway but that we also favor a slight deviation from the proposed route in order to prevent the disruption of the Cupertino tax base, which in turn would affect the tax base of the County of Santa Clara, and the State of California¡ seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 4 - o. IV NEW BUSINESS A. ttto~eY's Report None B. Report of Finance Chairman (None) . - C. Report of Roads and Maintenance Commissioner Councilman Saich reported that he had hired Leonard McCarthy to patch the roads. He expects. the work to start in a week or so. D. Report of Police and Fire Chief Councilman Nathanson said he expected a statement soon from the County on the amount of the City fines for July. E. Report of Planning Commission ~None) V ADJOURNMENT at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~\Q.<>. ~~ V; (Jt ,,~. Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk