CC 07-16-56 p. O. Box 597 C I T Y 0 Feu PER T ¡ N 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JULY 16, 1956 AX 6-7064 Place: Time: Collins School, Teachers Lounge 8:00 P.M. Press Present: San Jose Mercury, D, Cox Cupertino Courier, W. Norton (appeared at 9:00 P,M.) I ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: Wilson, Lindenmeyer, Meyerholz, Nathanson, Saich None II READING MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the following corrections were noted: Item V-C change "spent" to "expended"; Item V-A insert "granting of" before "use permit"; Item V-A insert "and that a use permit be granted" after "C-1-H". III PETITIONS A!\TD COMHUNICATIONS A. Written 1. A letter from the Office of the Registrar of Voters noti- fying Santa Clara County Cities that the name of the person or persons residing on each parcel to be annexed must be noted on the annexation maps in the future. 2. Memorandum of agreement in triplicate, for major City streets, 1957 fiscal year. 3. A letter from County Counsel accompanying the County Contracts. 4. Announcement from California Highway Commission that August 2nd has been set for a public hearing to be held in the Fremont High School auditorium with respect to the pro- posed freeway location of State Highway Road IV-SC1-114-A. 5. A letter from District IV Division of Highways explaining that comparative estimates by the California Highway Commis- sion of alternate routes are required only if requested by an affected City or County which transmits with its request such information relative to the estimates as it may wish to have presented. With regard to the freeway information, The Mayor appoin- ted Councilmen Saich, Meyerholz and Nathanson to meet with Karl Belser of the County Planning Department to determine what the County wishes are, and if suitable to Cupertino, to endorse the same. B. Oral 1. Assemblyman Clark Bradley explained. those aspects of the Bradley-Burns law which prompted questions by the City Counci~ He pointed out that the amounts given to Counties by Cities ranged from 0 in Los Angeles County to .45 in San Benito. The average cut, of City revenue, acquired by the County in the 16 Counties, wherein the law is affective, seems to be about 10%. He explained that one of the main purposes of the law lay in its title, namely that this enabling legislation allowed, for the first time, a uniform sa10s tax within the entire County. This obviates the burden upon local commercial disëricts of hav ing to compete with neecr-·by f'hoppin¿ centers unaffected. by the sales tax. His presentation £:,l'E'C'tl:/ clari- fied the question for the City Council. IV UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ordinances for Adoption 1. Councilman Lindenmeyer moved that Ordinance No, 19, an Ord:nance decreasing the 55 HoP.H. speed limit on Steven2 Creek Road, and Ordinance No. 20, providing for the presenta- tion, rejection, approval and payment of claims and demands against the City be approved, as read originally, by unanimous vote of the Council; seconded by Councilman Nathanson and parried by unanimous vote of the Council. - 2 - 2. An Ordinanoe amending Ordinanoe #10 and reduoing the license fee for dog and oat hospitals from $100.00 per year to $25.00 per year was given a first reading and oarried '5 - O. 3. An Ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 002 by reclassifYing a certain portion of the City of Cupertino from an A-2:B-4 district to a C-1-H district was given first first reading and oarried S - O. B. Completion of Count V Contracts The communication, mentioned above, from Spencer Williams explained that the original and two copies of each of the various agreements between the County and the City relative to the rendering of municipal type functions are returned for execution. The basic law enforcement agreement is identical to the one formerly executed by the City and incorporates the changes made by the City, and also adds a new paragraph 3, providing that Sheriff's Office personnel shall be deemed employees of the City while making their arrests. The Mayor asked the City Clerk to examine the agreements, and if they prove identical with the Cities' copy, to deliver to him for signature. C. Miscellaneous 1. Attorney Anderson said that he expects word from Mr. Love of P.G.&E. in a week or so. 2. The Mayor requested that the Civil Defense Director, Mr. Shelley Williams, report to the City Council on the Cupertino plan in case of emergency. J. The Mayor reported that the City s0al is almost finished. V NEW BUSINESS A. Attorney's Report Attorney Anderson reported that he had found certain code sections which indicate that a savings deposit for inaotive funds is proper. B. Report of Finance Chairman Councilman Saich moved that a warrant be drawn in favor of El Dorado Restaurant in the amount of $26.55; seconded by Councilman Lindenmeyer and carried S - o. C. Report of Hoads and Maintenance Commissioner Moved bv Councilman Saich that the City Council adopt the resolution suggested by the Division of Highways approving memorandum of agreement for expenditure of gas tax allocation for major City streets, Seconded by Councilman Lindenmeyer and carried S - O. 2. Councilman Saich reported Leonard McCarthy's opinion, concurred in by Councilman Meyerholz, that spending money for road patching now and in the near future would result in a saving later. Councilman Meyerholz suggested that the roads be put in decent condition by October 1st. 3. Councilman Saich also mentioned that a Robert S. Heed, representing the Civil Engineering Firm of Wilsey and Ham, is interested in doing engineering work for the City. D. Report of Police and Fire Chief No Report E. Report of Building and Health Inspector No Hc,'ort F. l-!1sce:J.lan"ous Thë-¡.¡ayc.! requ<2Jsted a report f:'om the Pl-~n,.h6 Comm,ssL:. at the next neetL¡g. VI A;)u'OUHNJIEI"r at 10 :30 .P .N. Respectfcllly submittE~, ~~. 1-\ llltJ.co La~¡rence K. Marti!. Cit¡ Clerk . .--