CC 05-14-56
p. O. Box 597
AX 6-7064
Place: Collins School, Teachers Lounge
Time: 8:00 p. M.
Press Present: San Jose Mercury
Sunnyvale Standard, M. Soomil
Councilmen Present: Wilson, Lindenmeyer, Meyerhole, Nathanson,
Councilmen Absent: None
The Clerk was instructed to read the minutes; the following
corrections were noted: Item III-A-5 insert "certain" before
!tundersigned" , Item IV-B line J substitute "required" for
·stipulated" .
A. Written
1. A letter from the County Boundary Commission described
four new proposed annexations within three miles of the City
Limits of Cupertino, namely: Moorpark #5 to San Jose, Serra
#5 to Sunnyvale, Ortega #3A to Sunnyvale and Alice #3 to
Mountain View.
2. California Supply Company advised that the volume of busi-
ness derived from Cupertino by them does not warrant their
taking out a license at this time.
3. John Martin requested written notification as to what
action had been taken by the Council on his petition for
exclusion from ·Stelling i-C'.
4. Sheriff Hawley wrote that Captain Perusina has instruction!
that any arrests within the City of Cupertino stipulate, as
shown on the face of the citation, that Cupertino is the
proper jurisdiction.
5, State Controller Kirkwood replied that $910.99 was paid to
Cupertino in the December, 1955. apportionment, leaving an
estimate of $8489.01 to be paid in June, 1956. He confirmed
that the estimate for the 1956-1957 fiscal year is $9700.00.
6. A copy of a letter to Mr. Salvatore Cefalu from H. K.
Hunter indicated that Sunnyvale would allow Cefalu to connect
to the Sunnyvale sewer system subject to the approval of
Cupertino, since the home in question is within the City
Limits of Cupertino.
B. Oral
1, A member of the Audience addressed the Council. He said
that the El Camino Hospital District embraced the areas
covered by Mountain View and Fremont High School Districts.
He also said that the "study group" had advanced from the
study stage to the point where they were considering actual
formation of the District. The speaker agreed with Judge
Atkinson who withdrew from the group because he felt that the
purpose of the organization was really to make a survey rather
than actually form an assessment district. It was moved bv
Councilman Nathanson that the City Clerk write the Board of
Supervisors advising that the City of Cupertino prefers to ~;
excluded from any tax assessment district or bond survey
necessary to finance the proposed El C'!mino Hospital Distrj.':)';
seconèed by Councilman Saich and carried 'í -..Q. The Counc!,l
requested that a copy of this letter go to pjter Torlliey aLd
Seymour Groner, the representatives of the C;¡pertino area on
the hospital committee.
2. John Gasich mentioned the possibility of withdrawing eigh~
acres from "Homestead J-C". Since the matter was not yet
before the Council, Gasich was aSked to confer with the
proponent of "Homestead 3-C".
- z -
A. Ordinances for adoption
Three new proposed Ordinances were presented by the City
Attorney, one prescribing the duties of the City Treasurer,
another prescribing the duties of the City Clerk and the third
providing for the presentation, rejection, approval and pay-
ment of claims and demands against the City.
B. Business License List
The list contained some 75 nemes applicable under Ordinance
10 and about 140 under Ordinance 15.
C. Speed Limit Signs
See Report of Police and Fire Chief
D. "Homestead 3-C"
See III-B-2
E. Miscellaneous
1. Councilman Nathanson presented the latest version of the
city seal which was to be taken back for further retouching.
2. Councilman Nathanson reported discussion on the possibility
of renaming Stevens Creek Road. He said there was general
agreement that the name "Stevens" must be retained. The
people toward San Jose seem to prefer elimination of the word
"Creek". The most likely possibility at the present appears
to be "Stevens-Carlos Road" or "Stevens-Carlos Boulevard".
3. Councilman Meyerholz reported that the Cupertino Sanitary
District would meet with the representatives of the City of
Santa Clara on the following Wednesday,
4. Councilman Nathanson reported that Cupertino's County Con-
tracts were on Frank Thill's desk; Mr. Thill would like to
discuss these contracts with the heads of the various Cuper-
tino departments.
A. Attorney's Report
See IV-A above
B. Report of Finance Chairman
Councilman Meyerholz reported a balance of $1948.27. Moved
by Councilman Nathanson that warrants to Miss Beatrice Pon,
Kennedy Business Machines and the San Jose Mercury be author-
ized for payment; seoonded by Counoilman Saioh and oarried
S - O.
Councilman Lindenmeyer moved that the City Clerk and City
Treasurer be authorized to purohase a fil~ cabinetj seconded
by Counoilman Nathanson and oarried S - O.
C. ~rt of Roads and Maintenanoe Commissioner
No report
Counoilman Nathanson mentioned the freeway route and
questioned whether or not it was routed to the best advantage
of the City of Cupertino.
D. Report of Polioe and Fire Chief
Counoilman Nathanson reported that he, Captain Perusina and
Sergeant Gilleran had oanvassed the area. There are 3 speed
zones in and near the City Limits. The present limit is 55
in front of the Firehouse, If the traffic code allowed, he
favored reducing the speed to about 35. The regulations
governing speed limits take into consideration the number of
houses along the way plus auto and pedestrian traffio. Mayor
Wilson appointed Counoilmen Nathanson, Lindenmeyer and City
Attorney Anderson as a oommittee to consult and reaoh a
reoommendation on the problem.
E. Report of Buildin~ and Health Inspector
Counoilman Lindenmeyer wished to say that he had investlgateð
the nature of his job as Building and Health Inspector and
understood what is required of him.
F. Miscellaneous
my--:;- tornLY Anderson reported that the CitJ' Att;ornej of
Sunnyvale had informed him that the Zeszuteks and Shearers
had been dropped from Sunnyvale's annexation in that area,
"Ortega #3". Attorney Anderson asked the C01;;noil for autn..
orization to d1smiss,without prejudice, the case of Sunnyvale
versus Cupertino. It was so moved bv Councilman LindenmeYe~,
seoonded by Councilman Nathanson and oarried S - o.
- :3 -
Z. that the City Clerk inform
Salvatore Cefalu that the City 0 Cupertino granted him per-
mission to connect his house to the Sunnyvale sewer system,
seoonded by Councilman Meyerholz and carried ~ _ O.
VI On motion, properly seconded, the meeting stood adjourned at
10:45 P.M.
R~. :~ctfU.l~y __SU~~itted'
I\~ ,( (XJLJ[i;;
Lawrenoe K. Martin
City Clerk