CC 04-02-56
P. o. Box 597
AX 6-7064
Place: Collins School
Time: 8:00 P,M.
Press Present: Sunnyvale Standard, M, Soomil
S~n Jose Mercury, D. Cox
Councilmen Present: Lindenmeyer, Meyerholz, Nathanson,
Saich, Wilson
Councilmen Absent: (None)
The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meetings on March
19th and March 26th, and the following correction was noted
on the March 19th minutes: Item VI-C Line 11, change "down
Stevens Creel{ Road" to "out the Stevens Creek and Prospect
Roads", In the March 26th minutes: Item II-B-l, line 4,
change "zoning" to "building permit".
A, Written
1, A letter from the County Boundary Commission was read.
The papers listed and described two new annexations within
three miles of Cupertino City Limits.
B. Oral
A. Ordinances for final adoption
1, The Greenbelt Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 002 was
read. Moved by Councilman Wilson that we adopt the Green-
belt Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 002: seconded by
Councilman Saich and carried 5 - O. Moved by Councilman
Nathanson that copies of Cupertino's Amended Greenbelt
Ordinance be sent to each Supervisor, the County Council,
and Messrs. Belser, Krushkhov and Marshall of the County
Planning Department: seconded by Councilman Wilson and
carried 5 - O.
2. Moved by Councilman Wilson that we pass a Resolution
adopting Ordinance No. IJ, the Taxicab Ordinance: seconded
by Councilman Saich and oarried 5 - O. The Clerk was
instructed to handle the proper procedure for posting.
B. Miscellaneous
1. Mayor Lindenmeyer called the Council's attention to the
$100.00 fee for Dog Hospitals, as per Ordinance 10. He
questioned the amount of the fee by comparison with other
fees listed, Councilman Meyerholz felt that the fee was
designed to restrict Dog Hospitals in the area. Councilman
Saich felt that the fee was discriminatory; he also felt
that the Planning Commission has power to deny a permit to
potential Dog Hospitals, thereby controlling the quantity
of D0g Hospitals through the Planning Commission rather
than through the imposition of a high license fee. City
Attorney ;'\.nderson suggested that we wait a month and con..·
sider at that time such valid complaints as have been madeù
rather than cor.sider complaints at this time. Councilmm·.
Wilson mO"Jed that the Business License Ordinance be 8,~:;è".·;
to è'''''';.e·~ at the end of JO days, the Dog Hosp~ta.l c;:;"ò~t;.~¡.·
and c.l:t1e~' cases of apparent hardship to be cacried ,>', sr
and r.ot billed until review: seconded by Councilman Sal:::"-
and carried 5 - o.
- 2 -
2. Civil Defense Director - Mayor Lindenmeyer reported that
Cupertino is scheduled to house 6000 evacuees from San
Francisco in the event of enemy attack. He nominated Mr.
Shelley Williams to the post of Civil Defense Director
for Cupertino, The Council asked that a letter of appre-
ciation be directed to Mr. Williams for volunteering his
services. Mr, Williams resides at 20955 Alves Drive,
3. With reg8rd to public relations in connection with the
proposed Sanitary District, Councilman Nathanson reported
that there are 13 candidates and 2 assessors all or most
of whom will speak on April lOth at the Cafeteria of
Collins School.
Councilman Wilson announced that there would be a
preliminary airing of a new master plan for the City of
Cupertino, plus election returns, at the same time.
4. The Council referred to a resolution requesting readjust-
ment of our judicial district, passed in January or pre-
viously. No answer had been received from the Board of
Supervisors on this question and the Council asked the
Clerk to contact the Board again and request the status
of our resolution.
5. Moved by Councilman Nathanson that John Mise be informed
of the Cupertino City Council's wish that the name of
San Carlos Street in San Jose be changed to Stevens creek
Road; seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 5 - o.
A. Attorney's Report
1. City ,\ttorney Anderson reported that the Vehicle License
Tax is in effect since it was passed as an urgency
Ordinance at the last meeting.
2. M0ved by Councilman Wilson that the Clerk publish in the
San Jose Mercury a notice of intention to circulate a
petition calling for annexation of the territory designated
as "Cupertino Quito 2"; see,onded by Councilman Saich and
carried 5 - 00
B. Report of Finance Chairman
Councilman l"íeyerholz reported th3t the City has received a
total of $2021..18, with expenditures of 8pproximately
$1300.00, leaving a balance of approximately $800.00,
not including three warrants signed at that moment.
Moved by Councilman Saich that we pay the Attorneys'
bill and two miscellaneous warrants; seconded by Council-
man Wilson and carried 5 - O.
Councilman Meyerholz authorized a warrant to be
drawn f0r $100000, in favor of the City Attorney, to
cover litigation in the "Quito l-C" annexation,
The question of a written contract for City Attorney
Anderson was then discussed.
Councilman Wilson reported that the County had
granted our request for Plann:ng Commission aid. The
County Planning Dep3rtment has been assigned to do this
wO!'k, rather than the County Planning Commission.
C, Report of Roads and I1aintenance Commissioner
1, Councilman reported that no answer he,d been received
from G, T. McCcy, State Highway Engineer.
D. Report of Police and Fire Chief
1. Councilman Nathanson said that Sheriff Hawley prefers to
discuss the matter of police protection with the City
Cour.cil bsfore drawing a contract, With regard tc con-
tracts, ~he Counc 11 wondered what had become 'Jf p.t 1('"('
rec.':este f'or (1)ntracts invol-¡ing other ,ervieE's ¿we:" Br,
þ"U'-'<'.l::. h:;«lth, building inspection, et:.c;:¡
E. Rep'Jrt uf Builäing and Health Inspector
No report
- 3 -
F. Report of Planning Commission
No report
G. Miscellaneous
1. Councilman Wilson estimated Cupertino's revenue from sub-
ventions at $17,000.00 rather than t14,000.00. He sugges-
ted the City aim at a budget of $27,000,00.
2. Mayor Lindenmeyer reported that he had been contacted by
the Chamber of Commerce of the City c·f Santa Clara. The
Chamber of Commerce seemed to feel that a sewerage agree-
ment may be reached between t~e two CIties.
3. Moved by Councilman Wilson that we publish an amended
notice of protest hearing to the effect that said hearing
will be held at Collins School rather than Cupertino Union
Schoolj seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 5 - o.
Respectfully submitted,
J\~(:~-~'--v-- 1\ l((~
Lawrence K, Martin
City Clerk