CC 03-26-56
p. O. Box 597 AX 6-7064
Cupertino, California
Cupertino Union School
8:00 i.11.
Press Present: Sunnyvale Standard, M. Soomil
Ssn Jose Mercury, D. Cox
Councilmen Present: Lindenmeyer, Meyerholz, Nathanson.
Saich. Wilson
Councilmen Absent: None
A, Written
1. The notice of intention to circulate annexation petition
designated "Quito 2-C" was read. Mr. Joseph l'iardesich,
one of the proponents. presented the map, designated as
Exhibit A. This was referred to the Planning Commission
after discussion by the Council. ilanning Com'nission
Chairman Leonard told the Council that the .2lanning Com-
mission has examined the map of the ~roposed annexation
tentatively d8signated as "Quito 2-C". The Planning
Commission found that this territory lies entirely within
j;he Cupertino Jr.ion School District, and is, therefore,
wi thin Cuper'tiJ0 I s logical sphere of influence. They
further found that it is proposed for annexation by
election, whic\1 ¡rives all residents an opportunity to
vote. Theref::-re, they recommended that the City Council
grant permis2:on to the proponents to circulate the
petition. Moved by Councilmgn ¡-¡ilson that the .2lanning
Commissiön recommendations and report be approved as
stated; seconded by Councilman Saich, and carried 5 - o.
2. The Clerk re3d a letter written to the Board of Supervisors
concerning County ~lanning Commission technical aid.
Burrell Leonard's letter on the same topic was also
presented and read.
3. A letter from G. T. McCoy, State Hizhway Engineer, was
read and discussed. 1"11". McCoy, speaking for the California
Highway Commission, asked for all pertinent data on the
proposed freeway in order that the Commission may act for
the best interest of the State. He requested th~t the
City Council of the City of Cupertino decide whether a
hearing on the matter is necessary. And if so, to advise
him by regular resolution of the Council. Moved by
Councilman Nathanson that a resolution be adopted reques-
ting a meeting with G, T. McCoy on hpril lbth or later,
either in the Bay Area or Sacramento, whichever is more
convenient to the State Highway Engineer; seconded by
Councilman Meyerholz, carried 5 - o.
B. Oral
1. Planning Commission Chairman Leonard reported that a
proposed Greenbelt Ordinance was discussed at the last
meeting of the Planning Commission. Mr, Leonard felt
that a statement of policy by the Council on the Green-
belt question was in order. He said that a draft of a
Greenbelt Ordinance had been approved 4 - 0 by the
Planning Commission, He recommended that the Council
adopt it, so as to clarify the City's poSition on the
- 2 -
While he h2.d the floor, Chairman Leonard 'Üso reported
that Mr, Bienchi had ap~lied for rezoning, which was
denied, Mr. Bienchi then substituted the request for
"single family" dwelling zoning. The Commission (and
the County flanning Commission) noted thst the request
was in order, but that the plans seemE:d identical to
those for the "duplex". The Flonning Commission granted
the request subject to a written guarantee from Mr.
Bianchi that this dwelling was in fact single family.
The Bianchis signed this agreement, feelin[ that the
building can be moved, if they so desire, at some future
time. The younGer Bianchi will use it as his own resi-
dence for the present.
Chairman Leonard also delivered ~360.00 in checks to
Councilman Meyerholz. This reven~e developed from
Planning Commission hearing fees.
A. Ordinances for adoption
1. An Ordinance of the City of Cuper'~il-lO a'nending Ordinance
No. 10 and providing for licensin€ of additional business
for profit and establishing a sChedule of license fees
therein. City ~ttorney Anderson recð the amended portion
and Councilman S3ich moved that it be adopted as an urgency
measure, Coüncilmân Wilson seconded and the motion carried
5 - O.
2. City Attorney A~derson reported a meetinG with a repre-
sentative of l¿->~ific Gas & Electric Com""my, He submitted
applications I':CC)m P .G.&E. fòr electric end gos franchises,
The franchJs,,,r, would provide, for Cupertino, between 1
and 2 percel~t, úf the gross annual receipts of .o,G.&E.
arising from the use, oT,)eration or -¡Jossession of said
?,G.&E, requests that we publish the resolutions
when adopted, at their expense. The Clerk read the
resolutions numbered 19 and 20, for gas and electric,
respecti vely. Moved by Councilman ¡'leyerholz that San
Jose Mercury be desi[Dated as the publishin~ medium,
the protest heé\ring to be helion :ipril 30, 'seconded by
Councilman Hilson and carried .5 - O. Moved by Councilman
Saich that Resolution 19 be adopted; seconded by Council-
man Wilson and carried 5 - O. Moved by Councilman Nathanson
that the San Jose Mercury and April 30 be approved as the
paper and date for prot~sting; seconded by Councilman
Wilson and carried .5 - O. Moved by Councilman Wilson that
Resolution 20 be approved; seconded by Councilman Meyerholz
and carried 5 - o.
3, The Clerk read a proposed Ordinance: An Ordinance of the
City of Cu?ertino, State of California, Amending Ordinance
No. 002, recognizing Greenbelt rlgreements, farm zoning,
and providing for agricultural zoning of areas that may
be annexed. The Ordinance provided that "811 agricultural
lands presently within the City Limits of Cupertino and
being used for agricultural purposes either within or
without a Greenbelt Agreement shall not be rezoned in
any case unless the owner of said land shall request re-
zoning, Moved by Councilman Saich that the Greenbelt
Ordinance be adopted; Seconded by Council:n311 Wilson, and
carried 5 - 0,
B. Miscellaneous
1. Moved by Councilman Nathanson that the School :oard be
contacted ~ith a view to reserving a room in Collins
School every monday evening for the Council Meetings,
and the first and third Fridays of the month for the
Planning Commission; seconded by Councilman Saich and
carried 5 - O.
2. Moved by Councilman Nathanson that Chairman Leondard's
letter be attached to the Council's letter to the Board
of Supervisors; seconded by Councilman Saieh and carried
5 - 0.
- J -
J. Moved by Councilman Meyerholz th9t ~he C~erk be empowered
to pU~c.r, a copy of the GoverDm'.L~ Corte for the Council;
seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 5 _ 0,
A. Attur~ey's depcrt - see above
B. Rer-ort vf -"'~L"nce Chairman
1. Councilmar. ¡'lcycrholz reported th3t he receLred $425.00
during the mcecing. $)60.00 cf this mù~lcy C3me from the
Planning CoumiEslon and $65.00 f~'om b'..!s:'n,?ss license fees.
C. Miscellaneous
Legislation to create a State Pl'mning ",eu0Y for the
principal purpose of making aV2ï.:roble P,,:ã.er'll planning
assistance for cities of less t~rll 25,GOC population
has been in'vT('cbced in both housc's, !"loved by Councilman
Meyerholz tilat the Clerk write 3- '.etter to Clark Bradley,
Bruce Allen and Jack Thompson rcoueeting their SUPfort
of ;i.B.), 3,13. 18 and 3.8.28; seccnded. by Councilman
Wilson and carried 5 - o.
V ADJOURNMENT at 10:25 ?M.
RRspectfully submitted
í(L..A.."~'.(,~'- t < .
Lawrence-i{, Nartin
City Clerk
. ,,- --..