CC 02-27-56
o F
J:', O. Box 597
Cupertino, C91ifornia
AX 6-7064
Si"CI.Ü-, HELrDre; OF 'THE CITY COU~CIL, FEB, 27, 1956
~[lme :
Cupertino Union School, Cupertino
8:00 J: .:¡.
Press Present: Cu~ertino Courier, W. Norton
Sunnyvale Standard, M. Soomil
Councilmen Present: Linden~neyer, He:,rerholz, Xati'1anson,
Saich, '.Hlson
Councilme'1 hbsent: (None)
II S\LUTE TO 'l'HB FLAG led by N3yor Liné;enmeyer
I II RE\LI!\G O? ru:rJ".c"-s OF i j'l:1lIOJ3 NESTING
A, The Clerk was instructed to reed the mi~utcs of the
prcvio'Js meeting. The fOllowin[, c.orrection8 were noted:
Item IV-B-l, paG'e 2; line 19, dWt"O"Equ'Jlization",
insert "Supervisors"; Item IV-P-l, p~ge 2, line 22,
delete "April", insert "Narch"; Item V-ii-l, line 17,
insert "if Eoard of Superv'sors sdopts for the County"
after Uniform T3X Resolution; page 3, line 20, insert
"et which time Councilman Wilson was absent" et the end
of t118 sentence describing the f',1Ct th'?t the meetInrr 1,r2S
reconvened th8 fol1ol^'i ~,? nir;ht.
A. l;ri tten
1, A letter from the office of Frank Thill reeorted that
the E08rd of Supervisors has determined not to flace the
Uniform Sales 'lax on the agenda for the meetint: of
Monday, February 27.
2. Cou!1cil1:an ;~a that1son reacl '3 letter concernL1g "safe ~3nd
sane" firewor1cs and suggested? memo to Chief 1!;iggins
requestinG 2ny furtller inform2'tion on the subject, Moved
by Councilmpl1 Nathanson that the City asl{ tile County
Fire Í'Îarshall to inspect CU~Jertino Union School for
com:;liance \dth fire pr'2vention sta,nèwrd\. and forward
a report to the School lrustees and the City Couheil;
seconded by Councilman ',.ilson'md carried 5 - O.
B. Or'Ü
1. Mr, A. L. Clar%, 150 Jules Avenue, San Francisco, ad-
dressed the Council with regard to establishing a Cab
Com;any in Cupertino. Mayor Lindenrneyer said that the
proposed Business License Ordinance provided for a *25.00
fee per cab. City Attorney Anderson Sf) 1.d th,-Ü the usual
procedure in licensing a Cab Comoany would be followed.
This involves checkin3 the rpliability o~ the applicant,
liability insurance mBtters a~d so forth. City Attorney
Anderson asked that someone secure the Taxic20 Ordinances
from Qne or two neighboring Cities. The Clerk was
inst~~cted to notify ~r. Clark when the business license
forms arrive, so that a 30-day permit mi~ht be issued,
v UGTT?p,1rs,,% EUSIN",SS
A. Ordinances for final adoption
I, Eusiness License Ordinance
Cit~' Attorney lmderson referred to SO":1e objectIons r21ised
over the proposed Ordinance. He said thC¡t chaè1¡£es in the
Ordinance would probably mean 3 30-day daIsy, ~r. Alan
imderson of the: ¡'¡unicipal License TC'x ".ssocI'o,tioè1 re-
affirmed his objection to Section 37, which he construed
3S a tax specific311y on vehicles, and hence unconstitu-
tional. He compared it (Section 37) to a clause in
Monterey's Ordinance, whIch the courts had held invalid.
- 2 -
He said that if the Ordinance were amended tonight
(2/27/56) another readinz could be held in five days,
whereupon the Ordinance would be effective immediately.
The ,'ues tioD of just ":h9 t consti tuteå. "occas ional
delivery" "18.S then discussed, Councilm9n í'Íeyerholz
favored immediate p~ssage of the Ordinance, with
amendments to follow when necessary. Alan Anderson
still cucstioned the rates proposed. He 81so mentioned
the rossibility of non-compliance. City Attorney
Anderson felt th9t this was a threat to violate
CUDertino's Ordinance and should carry no weight,
Councilm2n '38ich felt that some revisions should be
considered lest we deprive the City of business. ~fter
the recess, Alan Anderson offered a one-sentence
amenð'TIent, to wit: Terms of this Ordinance shrÜl not
be deemed nor construed to '3r:)":'ly to 3ny public utility
which m::¡'<es [31'1 anmnl p9y~ent to t,w City under a
franchise or si'TIi12r asreement.
Councilman Meyerholz moved th9t the Council withhold
decision until th~ Pollowin~ weeicj Councilman 3aich
seconded and the motion carried, 4 - 1, Councilman
Wilson voting "no".
1. Councilm~:m Meyerholz com:)osed éj letter to the Board
of Su~crvisors requesting that 9 ièolicing contract
be dr3wn,
2. The City Scsl \"8S discussed amI it 1>i'~S a.greed to return
the winninc design (by .'irnond Irwin) to the School with
suggest ions for C11')11[e,
A. Attorney'e Report; Ordinances Bnd B¿solutions
vJ i th regard to anncxat ions, Counc ilrn?\l1 i<,,,th··mson said
that Cup0rtino has adopted a policy of ~ccepting requests
for annexation.
S, Report of Fin9nce Chairm8n
Moved by Council~an ~ilson that warrailts be signed for
th~ Typist, Clsr~ 3~d St8te Com)€TIsation Fund; seconded
by Councilman l"athanson and c3rried, 5 - o.
C. Report of Rogde 8nd Maintenance Com~issioner
1. Councilman 38ich instructed the C12r~ to confirm the
March 9 meetinf with Mr. Sinclair at Collins School at
2: 00 i'. "i,
2. Counc ilmsm S9 ich reDorted thiJt County "11i inEO'2T r·ushnell
8dvised \IS to write r1r. Bl~c!{ and ""s!c h11'1 to arr8nge
2, m8etin~ with l'·~r. Bushnell in S~?-n Jose Conc(;rninc: a
ditch at Route 9 ~nd McClellan Ro~d.
D. Re70rt of Eolice and Fire Chief
No rer;ort
E. Rcçort of Su:U:::in:: 2nd Health Ins'.:ector
No report
F. R'Tort of ilrmning COf'1rnission
Chair~Bn Leonard reported thet the ~lqnn1 Commission
wished to recommend C-l-H on the first rarc"l, lí-l-H on
th? second parcel, M-l-H on the tl1rid parcel and denial
of M-2-H on the batch plant (the fourth parcel) - all
concerning the Blabon-',~21s¡1 pRrtition. The ~l.anning
Commission S\ÍE:O recommended that the City ·~J,n to maKe
prov i s ion for an area tha t could Bccommo:l:.,t" industry
of the batch ¡:;l"mt type. Moved by Council¡nan ¡'¡':;yerholz
that the Council meet as a Comrnittee of '111,,; \~hole to
discuss the recoml:Jendation of the Llanning Commission,
- 3 -
J:!ayor Linden'11eyer set the time at 7:15 befor, the n,"xt
Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Wilson and
c8rriccl 5 - o.
G. MISC"2;LL;,~mOUs
1. Budget Sessions
Mayor Lindenmeyer reported th~t the first and third
110ndays of th'3 month were to be '.¡sed 9S work sessions,
while the '''ècond and fourth !10nd2Ys \l:ere to be the regular
meetings for the Council. He mentioned Tuesday, March 13,
as the meeting time for the school purch9se discussion,
Councilman Heyerholz reported th8t the Bo"rd of Supervisors
has called for an election to change Senitation District
,,7 to a Sanitary District.
~1r. Loon9.rc' rETorted th"t the "'lar.ninë Commission. has n.o
objection. to the Rotary Club placin,~; a temporary sign. on.
the Eldorado Restaurant.
Respectfully submitted,
j(~~u.. '(. ~(t~
Lawrence 1\. I'Jartin
City Clerk