CC 02-27-56 C I T Y o F CUP E R TIN 0 J:', O. Box 597 Cupertino, C91ifornia AX 6-7064 Si"CI.Ü-, HELrDre; OF 'THE CITY COU~CIL, FEB, 27, 1956 Place: ~[lme : Cupertino Union School, Cupertino 8:00 J: .:¡. Press Present: Cu~ertino Courier, W. Norton Sunnyvale Standard, M. Soomil I ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Linden~neyer, He:,rerholz, Xati'1anson, Saich, '.Hlson Councilme'1 hbsent: (None) II S\LUTE TO 'l'HB FLAG led by N3yor Liné;enmeyer I II RE\LI!\G O? ru:rJ".c"-s OF i j'l:1lIOJ3 NESTING A, The Clerk was instructed to reed the mi~utcs of the prcvio'Js meeting. The fOllowin[, c.orrection8 were noted: Item IV-B-l, paG'e 2; line 19, dWt"O"Equ'Jlization", insert "Supervisors"; Item IV-P-l, p~ge 2, line 22, delete "April", insert "Narch"; Item V-ii-l, line 17, insert "if Eoard of Superv'sors sdopts for the County" after Uniform T3X Resolution; page 3, line 20, insert "et which time Councilman Wilson was absent" et the end of t118 sentence describing the f',1Ct th'?t the meetInrr 1,r2S reconvened th8 fol1ol^'i ~,? nir;ht. IV PETITIOí¡S,~JD CO¡r¡;¡UNIC¡,TIONS A. l;ri tten 1, A letter from the office of Frank Thill reeorted that the E08rd of Supervisors has determined not to flace the Uniform Sales 'lax on the agenda for the meetint: of Monday, February 27. 2. Cou!1cil1:an ;~a that1son reacl '3 letter concernL1g "safe ~3nd sane" firewor1cs and suggested? memo to Chief 1!;iggins requestinG 2ny furtller inform2'tion on the subject, Moved by Councilmpl1 Nathanson that the City asl{ tile County Fire Í'Îarshall to inspect CU~Jertino Union School for com:;liance \dth fire pr'2vention sta,nèwrd\. and forward a report to the School lrustees and the City Couheil; seconded by Councilman ',.ilson'md carried 5 - O. B. Or'Ü 1. Mr, A. L. Clar%, 150 Jules Avenue, San Francisco, ad- dressed the Council with regard to establishing a Cab Com;any in Cupertino. Mayor Lindenrneyer said that the proposed Business License Ordinance provided for a *25.00 fee per cab. City Attorney Anderson Sf) 1.d th,-Ü the usual procedure in licensing a Cab Comoany would be followed. This involves checkin3 the rpliability o~ the applicant, liability insurance mBtters a~d so forth. City Attorney Anderson asked that someone secure the Taxic20 Ordinances from Qne or two neighboring Cities. The Clerk was inst~~cted to notify ~r. Clark when the business license forms arrive, so that a 30-day permit mi~ht be issued, v UGTT?p,1rs,,% EUSIN",SS A. Ordinances for final adoption I, Eusiness License Ordinance Cit~' Attorney lmderson referred to SO":1e objectIons r21ised over the proposed Ordinance. He said thC¡t chaè1¡£es in the Ordinance would probably mean 3 30-day daIsy, ~r. Alan imderson of the: ¡'¡unicipal License TC'x ".ssocI'o,tioè1 re- affirmed his objection to Section 37, which he construed 3S a tax specific311y on vehicles, and hence unconstitu- tional. He compared it (Section 37) to a clause in Monterey's Ordinance, whIch the courts had held invalid. - 2 - He said that if the Ordinance were amended tonight (2/27/56) another readinz could be held in five days, whereupon the Ordinance would be effective immediately. The ,'ues tioD of just ":h9 t consti tuteå. "occas ional delivery" "18.S then discussed, Councilm9n í'Íeyerholz favored immediate p~ssage of the Ordinance, with amendments to follow when necessary. Alan Anderson still cucstioned the rates proposed. He 81so mentioned the rossibility of non-compliance. City Attorney Anderson felt th9t this was a threat to violate CUDertino's Ordinance and should carry no weight, Councilm2n '38ich felt that some revisions should be considered lest we deprive the City of business. ~fter the recess, Alan Anderson offered a one-sentence amenð'TIent, to wit: Terms of this Ordinance shrÜl not be deemed nor construed to '3r:)":'ly to 3ny public utility which m::¡'<es [31'1 anmnl p9y~ent to t,w City under a franchise or si'TIi12r asreement. Councilman Meyerholz moved th9t the Council withhold decision until th~ Pollowin~ weeicj Councilman 3aich seconded and the motion carried, 4 - 1, Councilman Wilson voting "no". B. NISCELL::'.NEOUS 1. Councilm~:m Meyerholz com:)osed éj letter to the Board of Su~crvisors requesting that 9 ièolicing contract be dr3wn, 2. The City Scsl \"8S discussed amI it 1>i'~S a.greed to return the winninc design (by .'irnond Irwin) to the School with suggest ions for C11')11[e, VI NE~ LD3INESS A. Attorney'e Report; Ordinances Bnd B¿solutions vJ i th regard to anncxat ions, Counc ilrn?\l1 i<,,,th··mson said that Cup0rtino has adopted a policy of ~ccepting requests for annexation. S, Report of Fin9nce Chairm8n Moved by Council~an ~ilson that warrailts be signed for th~ Typist, Clsr~ 3~d St8te Com)€TIsation Fund; seconded by Councilman l"athanson and c3rried, 5 - o. C. Report of Rogde 8nd Maintenance Com~issioner 1. Councilman 38ich instructed the C12r~ to confirm the March 9 meetinf with Mr. Sinclair at Collins School at 2: 00 i'. "i, 2. Counc ilmsm S9 ich reDorted thiJt County "11i inEO'2T r·ushnell 8dvised \IS to write r1r. Bl~c!{ and ""s!c h11'1 to arr8nge 2, m8etin~ with l'·~r. Bushnell in S~?-n Jose Conc(;rninc: a ditch at Route 9 ~nd McClellan Ro~d. D. Re70rt of Eolice and Fire Chief No rer;ort E. Rcçort of Su:U:::in:: 2nd Health Ins'.:ector No report F. R'Tort of ilrmning COf'1rnission Chair~Bn Leonard reported thet the ~lqnn1 Commission wished to recommend C-l-H on the first rarc"l, lí-l-H on th? second parcel, M-l-H on the tl1rid parcel and denial of M-2-H on the batch plant (the fourth parcel) - all concerning the Blabon-',~21s¡1 pRrtition. The ~l.anning Commission S\ÍE:O recommended that the City ·~J,n to maKe prov i s ion for an area tha t could Bccommo:l:.,t" industry of the batch ¡:;l"mt type. Moved by Council¡nan ¡'¡':;yerholz that the Council meet as a Comrnittee of '111,,; \~hole to discuss the recoml:Jendation of the Llanning Commission, ^_~__..______....____._____....___.__.________________._____.o__.__ - 3 - J:!ayor Linden'11eyer set the time at 7:15 befor, the n,"xt Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Wilson and c8rriccl 5 - o. G. MISC"2;LL;,~mOUs 1. Budget Sessions Mayor Lindenmeyer reported th~t the first and third 110ndays of th'3 month were to be '.¡sed 9S work sessions, while the '''ècond and fourth !10nd2Ys \l:ere to be the regular meetings for the Council. He mentioned Tuesday, March 13, as the meeting time for the school purch9se discussion, H. GOOD ,Pt ',':c:LFARE OF CITY Councilman Heyerholz reported th8t the Bo"rd of Supervisors has called for an election to change Senitation District ,,7 to a Sanitary District. ~1r. Loon9.rc' rETorted th"t the "'lar.ninë Commission. has n.o objection. to the Rotary Club placin,~; a temporary sign. on. the Eldorado Restaurant. VII ADJOURNMENT at 11:00 i.M. Respectfully submitted, j(~~u.. '(. ~(t~ Lawrence 1\. I'Jartin City Clerk