CC 02-20-56
o F
C U ? ~ R TIN 0
,,'. O. BOX 597
AX 5-7064
February 20, 1956
Cupertino Union 3chool, Cupertino
8:00 i .~I.
:.?ress Present: Cupertino Courier, ',Vill. j~orton
Sunnyvale Standard, M. Soomil
Councilmen Present:
Councilmen Absent:
Lindenmeyer, Meyerholz, Nath8nson,
Saich, Hilson
II SALU'l:'E TO THE FLAG led by !1ayor Lindenmeyer
A, The Clerl< \'IPS instructed to re3.d the mlnutes of the
previous meeting. The following corrections were
'lm. Norton of the Cupertino Courier WLeS not here
2/14/56; Item V-C-4, line 5, insert the phrase "for
legal reasons" after the word medilun; Item V-C-5,
line 1, insert between the worus "meet1ng" 3nd "In"
the phrase "of Directors of S9nitetion 0istriot ~7";
Item V-C-5, line 15, ch3n~e the words "our own" to
read "a municipal".
A. 1..vri tten .
1. The Clerk read letters from the County Ea¡ineer's
Office describing specifications for undergY'ouüd
installetions. The letters also 3s~ed that the
Clty Council approve the recommendations eud return
them to the County office. The 18ttelos were not
sigu:"d by Hr. Eushnell himself::11thow)1 they cemCè
from his office. Coullcilm;,n liathansoll wanted some
cOffi'TIunic''ttion diY'cctly from ¡.ir. Pushncll. Council-
man 38ich moved that we apoY'ove the County specifi-
cCltions for unò.ergrounci inst:"llatj~ons. Councilm".n
~ilson seconded, sni the motion pJssed 4 - 1.
Councilman Nathanson votinv "no I'.
2. Councilman N8thauson read ~ letter concerning police
ser'vice q',d referred to several other communic'Jtions
on the same topic. A few of them cont8ined aprlica-
tions for the job of ~olice chief.
B. 01'81
1. Mr. Mark Th~~as was asked to spcqk 9t this point.
TIle Council eX9ressed int?rest in f'Plan err in 8
"'ri tten sa'1i tat ion en:"1neerin" rCY'o)'t by fl')!'Ì( 'rho'" _,
Plan C involved a 46¢ rate, ~9¢ after the fifth Y0¡
Mr. 'llhor3:?',s said th:1t considel'~'~tj_on of the area not':_,h
of Hooestead Ro~d required more study. He ['8i~ th .:
a S8nitation District could rai3e ~ouey by 2 yeBr};
t9X. This could be used as a distY'lct cout~ibut1c~
to 3n 8ssessment district. Lonus, uncieY' the 1911
Act, could be paid in cash or amo~tized over a 24
year period, in which case the 1ntcr:cst ¡--tes wo:\1,-'
be hiS~h. Councilman Meyerholz said th::t ,.'1111 k't' ,~',
District it7 ana the City of Cupertino s;,,) :'~~ ~:O!' ,,; .
the sevJaL~e problem jointly. He sab tl13tri~t<:,;c.,l:
District *7 woul~ be forced to build sewer~ 30~UEr
or 1é.ter; that we must ta,{e 3anitation 0istri':to it7
into account. In answeY' to a question CO'-lCCY'-':Lll€
- 2 -
different charges for those who are in present need
of a sewer as against those who may need it in the
future, Mr. Thomas replied that those paying the
larger sum would require a reimburseoent 9ëreement.
Councilman Nathanson said that [J'my people resent
outside control of the sewer system. 30me of these
people vote6 for Sanitation District ~7 out of
expediency although they were not satisfied with the
arrangements. Councilman Meyerholz noted that we
mi~ht take advantage of Santa Clara's offer to use
thej.r outf211. City Attorney i'.nderson pointed out
that a contract with San Jose would be necessary
inasouch ~s San Jose has the treatment plant. Mr.
Thomas said that Santa Clara is likely to start its
own ::'Lmt. 'fiith re,?rd to cha:,¡'in,: the S9!Üt9tioll
District to 3 S2nit~ry District, Mark Thomas commented
tlvt " retition mi':ht :1at be necessary if the
S,:~ni tat ion District msde such a recommen:-lation to the
Bo"rd of Equalization. Councilman Meyerholz reported.
that the subject of bounCtary Ché1n:,:")S woula be dis-
cussed by the Sanitation ~istrict Eoar~ at its meeting
on the second ';iednesŒsy in .'-i;;ril,
A. Ordinances for final adoption
1. City Attorney 30m Anderson reported that he had received
a pro~osed form of a sales tax resolution, sent by
Hr. Hamann. Nayor Lincienmeyer said th3t at a recent
meeting ~ith County Manager Thill, the various cities
fel t the County was not ent i tlf,6 to a ,share in the
proDosed 821es tax. He mentioned that Ssn Jose,
Los Altos, Los Gatos, ~nd Morgan Hill have enacted
and orio collectinG their own city 801es tax. City
Attorney Anderson ad.ded that sales t3xes are one of
the prime reasons for strip qnnexations. Councilman
Nathanson said that Cupertino woulci :".cquire revenue
in the neiZhborhood of ~53,OOO,OO a year from the
proposed sales tax and. that the City ~ould benefit
substanti31ly even if the County deducted a sizable
"'"ount. ~10ved by Councilman Nathanson, seconded by
Councilman 32ich, that Cu-:oertino '-JÖ.opt the sample
Uniform T''Jx Resolutian with the stipulation that a
"due" share be desifll3ted for the County; carried
4 - 0, Councilman Meyerholz abst9ining,
E. 1 - See IV - B
2. City Attorney Sam Anderson reported th9t the final
re9.ding of the business license ordinance would be
held next week,
3. City Clerk reported that the business licenses
~ere ordered 9nd should be here around March 1.
4. City Seal selection,
No decision W9S reached.
5. N")tl1ing on record as to erection of' sit~ns wi thin
the City. Hoved by Councilman Nathanson, seconded
by Councilman Saich, that any intel'E;sted org:mization
cont3ct the r;roperty owner concerned, "!nel then submit
their proposóÜ to the Planning Commission i'f they
vJished to erect si¿¿:lls. Carried. 4 - 0, Councilman
~ilsOll abst9ining.
6. See V-2 above
- :3 -
7. Councilman Meyerholz evalu8ted the ~91,000.00 price
a fair appraisal of the school as a baainess pro-
positio~. but explained that the City's purpose W~8
not a business venture. He also said a school could
not be built nowadays for less than ~2ü.OüO.OO a
clr~ssroom. Moved by Council;nan Nathanson, seCOll'C'lc(i,
by Councilman 3aich, that B date be secured to offer
bid for the Cupertino Union School property,
Carried 5 - 0,
8. Councilm:m 38ich said that very fe¡¡.¡ people know the
property lines that will be hit by the proposed
Freew-oy. ¡'loved by Councilman NathB,lson, that Messrs.
Sinclair and Booker, of the Division of Highways, be
asked to name a dote for a meeting with the City
Council - Feb. 28, Feb, 29, or March 2 were suggested
at 2:00 F,M, in Collins School; seconded by Councilm8D
S?ich '?ud c3rTié'ù 5 - o.
and the
Feb. 21
this point the 11:00
t·· dj .
"~r- -, ,or r co 1....1 '-;.r',
m·...., ,~. Inb \\80 a o..1r,~ ,'-~
8t 8:00 ?H,
_ .M. deadline was reached
till the followin[ niGht,
'\, Attorne~"s ¡¡,.port; Ordinances 'md ResolutIons
1, ¡loved by Councilman ¡!cyerholz ths.t R"solution No. 16
concernin,,: the Stelli;18" l-C ,'in'1ex3tion, be ad.optcdj
seconded by Counci,lman Sr3.ich'n.i. célrried 4 - O.
Ref3rdin¿ the Annexation ~ot of 1913, Councilman
~ath8nson 3~id. that a law suit would evellt~:lly be
required to determine the proper use of the
Uni;1lnt ltcd '['erri tories .",ct.
2. ¡1ovsd by Councilman Salch that Hcsolution ¡'o, 17,
provldin¿ for County Health ServiceD, be adopte~,
secoTIc¡ed by Councilman Nathanson an¿L carried 4 - o.
B. Heport of li'inr,¡,nc('j Chairm9.TI
Moved by CouncIlman ~aich that payment of State
Co¡;¡~ens8tion Funa bill of ~15.00 and ~j7.50 for a
bonÒ. to GU.T-\erti;.1') Realty r:"nó Ir.lSUreil1c. Cc)mrany "or:.,
8.uthori;~>:;dj seconded by C.:)tHlcilman N9.,llsn:::;on .=.;nd
carried It - O.
C. Report of Roads 8n¿ Kainte~8ncc :ommissioner
No rCI)Ort
D. Report of iolice and Fire Chief
Moved by Councilman Meyerholz t~l~~t ~lcr!{ wrlt,~':1
rC'q~L'-stJ':H~ County to prepaY'; 8 c.ont:l"'<:Jct fox' :;ìul"ic~l.l
serv:icc for use of CUf'(:..'rtino, secO~1.ded bv ,:jou.nci·~T.1..P"
Saich 8~d carried 4 - 0,
E. Report of 21.1t1:in3 Bnd Health Ins'~ctor
No r,¿:port
F. Report of "Ì'JmÜn' CommissIon
No re~~ort
G. Miscell?ncous
)/0 re]:ort
VII Adjournment at 9:40 ?,N,
Respoctful'~ q'Umi tted
Lawrence _-:: r(~r'tiñ·
City CIerI,