CC 02-14-56 £l!Y o E £U££HTINQ p. O. BOX 597 CU.2~R'IINO, CnLIFOENE AX 6-7064 S.?¿CIi,L NEETINCi OF' 'I'EE CITY COU'iCIL FebruJry 14, 1956 Pl'3ce: Cupertino Union School, Cupertino Ti:,e: 3:00 i.I:. Press Pr~sent: S~D Jose Mercury-News, Dic^ Cox Cup"rtino Courier, ','...,. Norton SU1Tl~JtV~31e St3.nd.8rd, u. Soo:::il 1. ROLL C..,.LL Councilssn £rEseDt: COUl'1C i 1 '~E::'~:J ;':LÌ)S 1211 t : Linden-'::c;yer, r.lcyerholz, 33ich, Wilson N8th:'nson II. SALU:::'E ':0 :~:r,:,' FL..'J led by Ì13yor Lindell"(òyer III. IV. V. BE -;.TII:K.1 OF' i'iINU·I.'~:·, _) CT:" .c- L~~;VIOU,'.) I·1EL1'ING '. Th0 Cler~ w~s instructed to reJd the Minutes of the previous meeti~~. The follow in, corrections were notp.cl: Item III-A, line 7, should read "Mr. Nathanson" rather than "Mr. ~ilson"; Item VI-A-l, line 7, should be municipally owned property" rather th2.n "municipal property"; Item VI-A-l, line 10, insert after the phrase councilman Wilson said, "for the benefit of certain people in the sudience"; Item Vl-C-l, line 2, strike out the words "areas with". ?ETITIONS AND COrmUNICATIONS A. Written = none B. Oral = none UNFINISH~D P-USIN~SS A. Ordinances for final adoption 1. None B. Resolutions for adoption 1. City Attorney Sam Anderson reRÓ resolution No. 13, submitted it to the Council an.l 8S;';ed that it be accepted. Mayor Linden~eyer moved th9t it be passed and Councilman \,ilson seconá.ed the motion. The Council voted for the resolution 4 - O. Councilman Nathanson being absent, City httorney !~nG.erson then resd resolution l,'o. 14. Councilman heyerholz made a. '!lotion that it be accepted. This was seconded by Councilman Saich and passed 4 - o. C. Niscellaneous 1. Councilman neyerholz suggested th3t Mr. Martin's signature be registered ~iith the bank, replacing Mrs. Anthony's, for the purpose of signin: warrants, Councilman Saich m"'de a motion to this effect and Councilman Wilson seconded. The motion was passed 4 - O. 2. Mayor Lindenmeyer referred to the business license ordinance and gsl,ed if a 'èrotest hearin<: were necess~, Mr. Jim Small objected from the floor t~ the fee for barber's license, saying there was too little differ ence between the barber's fee ano the supermarket fa' City Attorney Anderson suggested, after a short dis- cussion, that complaints from the public be submittf. in writing. 3. Purchase of office supplies a) The Council examined some sa~ple licenses s~nt d' by Carlisle. Councilman Meyerholz made ~ moticn that the Clerk be empowered to purchase the needed :icense applications. Councilman Wilson seconded. Th~ motior was passed 4 - o. - 2 - 4. Councilman Wilson asked whether it is necessary to publish legal notices in the San Jose Mercury-News, referring to the question of cost. City Attorney Anderson said that a daily paper is generally con- sidered the better medium, 5. Councilman Meyerholz reported on a meeting in Sunny- vale concerning the sewer problem. Mayor Lindenmeyer asked for an approximation as to the extent of Sunny- vale Terri tory wi thin Sanitation District if7·, Councilman Meyerholz estimated it at 215 acres. Councilman Meyerholz referred to present difficulties over the sewer system and indicated that a shortsighted policy will prolong the difficulty in the future. He doubted that chemical advances in the near future would eliminate the need for a public sewage system, Councilman Wilson asked about the possibility of a sewerage system owned and operated exclusively by Cupertino. Councilman Meyerholz replied that it would be possible to form an assessment cl1strict and build our own sewers. Councilman Wilson favored the possi- bili ty of forming our own sanitary district. Council- man Meyerholz added that it would involve a petition comprising 25ß of all voters. Councilman Wilson said the first step would be a sample design and an estim- ated price. Mayor Lindenmeyer suggested a motion to invite Mark Thomas to appear at 7:30 before the next council meeting. Councilman Wilson made the motion; it was seconded by Councilman Saich. and passed 4 - o. 6. After the recess Mayor Lindenmeyer introduced the subject of City Seal designs, The Clerk passed around the five seals submitted by students at Fremont Union High School. Mayor Lindenmeyer suggested a decision be made at the next meeting. Councilman Wilson suggested that they be shown to professional designers in the meantime. Mayor Llndenmeyer asked the City Clerk to submit a letter of thanks to Mr, Goodell, Principal of Fremont Union High School. 7. Councilman Meyerholz said that purchase of Cupertino Union School for ~90,OOO.OO was a questionable move from an economic standpoint, since the building eVidently cannot be used as a place of public assembl- age without considerable repair work, He estimated the cost of repair at ~50.000.00. Councilman Wilson expressed interest in the building at a lesser price. Councilman Saich said each Councilman should look into the matter and each arrive at a price. Councilman Meyerholz said that his price was ~41.000.00, Mayor Lindenmeyer suggested that Councilmen Wilson and Saich look the building over on Saturday, VI NEW BUSINESS ~, Attorney's Report 1. City Attorney Anderson read an introductory letter from the Division of Highways and the City Clerk the read a proposed resolution, Councilman Saich made, motion to adopt the resolution. which became resoh,- tion No. 15. and it was seconded by Councilman Wilsc and passed 4 - O. B. Report of Finance Chairman 1. Councilman Meyerholz reported that the City ha~ recently received two checks, one for a garba!;" contract and the other from the County for speedin¿: fines, totaling about.$70.00. They have been deposited in the bank. - :3 - C, Report of Roads and I1aintenance Commissioner 1. Councilman Spich reported that the Glstrict Engineer said that the Mercury and the Standard should rerun the Freeway informstion, Those .rho wish to speek on the subject may do so at a meeting to be held F"bruary 17 at Mountain View High School. Councilman Meyerholz said that this will give the "right-of-0ay" men some idea as to where the resistance might be, Mayor Lindenmeyer reported that he had a call from the Kiwanis Club requesting that they be permitted to erect their signs a few feet inside the City limit signs. Councilman Wilson suggested that the City Clerk read the proper Ordinance to determine what, if anything, had been said on the subject. D. Report of iolice and Fire Chief 1. Councilman Kathanson absent. E. Report of Luildin~ and Health Inspector 1. No report F. Report of Planning Commission 1. Mr. Leonard reported that the lawsuit concerning the "Johnson l-A" annexation started tOday, i.e., February 14, He also re)orted that the meetings of the Planning Commission ~ould be held on Friday in the future, although nGxt Wednesday's meeting would be held as scheduled. On Friday, a hearing would be held on the batch plant zoning, and three other parcels, G. Miscellaneous . 1. Councilman Meyerholz requested that Council meetings be scheduled bi-monthly rather than every week, as at present. He favored special meetings when necessary, General discussion followed and it was tentatively agreed to meet each rem:Üning Monday in February and twice monthly starting ¡larch, H. Good and Welfare of the City VIII Adjournment at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, t~ ,<. ~CLC.. Lawrenc2 K, Nartil1 City Clerk