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CC 02-07-56
£1:£:£ COUNCIL - -.. ...~ -~ .--~ '..... - 1)0 ;¡OJ!. 597 Cl'¡~i of Ci,L';;~!~'TI ~¡O J t~¡j llfol'nlH i\X 6-7064 .. I ~. U 'f' .. " !:.!._l!_..t.£~':':' (.1, n~::'f""¡ "f ~.J.",.-!,) M~_!/l'INC¡ TO C(-:N;>:P'-';'~H AiÆnEXj~TI CfT ':.':i:-· " O~tl\L:", E-:t Crrlí';:<NS 2/7/56 Couno 111neo Present: "ounc.11J'J1'!m libs.nt: .r.lndenmeyel'. r~eyerbolz. Nd;htll,aoo. ~<'I1oh 'Iiilll()" I. Tho m,)oting was cHlled to ordor at 9z)2 PM by Mayor r.lndo[1l~oyer. 1.. 110 ai.v tiod \;lw t t ht' Dln";,o/!,,, {}[ tho ¡nf}et.tm~ W'II to <.'0081<101' the lHnguHg~' of rOllolut tons dl"awn 1>y the City ¡. i.to,'uey (ove~'lng t;wc¡ "lnhßLlt(~d" ~Inn,ux~!tlon Pl'(,¡posaløs :'tel11ng 1-C. End. ç;,u.1to 1-('. '? :!Q furthor 1II;',1;od that Cltv FtlmlnløtNtol' I.til\!1rOnCO Martin M'I! ¡¡.nuLle to uttcnr.;. The Ma:ror t1¡I.II'Elfore fqpQlntGd ,1.UM:'01. 1",(!OIW¡'cJ He Lot1nf Clt1rk {'Ol' tJHI Q'lfon!.ng to tu]w tho m.1nutou. j. T':m r'a:!u}' ,'.eclnl00d fI quorl.lm 01' 1~ fH,i)·,ent, um1 ncltod t;ha t \;ho¡Jn In ut1;.¡¡mJtmcoillld boaN hIm cHll tho nt>aont mumber, C'Jlfficllrw.tl lllwn, in "un r1~,nülaco, fox' PUPPOA \H! of r'øfHJln;e t", h,1.m the tM t of tll" PI'}POllod I'fl801utl0J1.IJ. rr. I'l ty i\ t to;¡;'IWY ",udør¡¡on ·Jl{; l.H'¡I.'I!\iid ; ulto 1-(" ... t lon¡;th. He reviewed rOl~ thQ CQune.Ll th(~ fl·'pllcf.1blü ~H)FfI-çna or t~lO Govornmont Coåe I~nd oth,¡¡> ¡.',\lid",!! p".t'tlnont to ;;Pi,)pflr¡H'Oo",dm'a[j. a.. ~tQ 3't';B tòd thut t~lU fol1o>\'<vlr¡,', Bt~ØP~' d br;)øn tf:\kon: (1) 1\11 ¡¡r;ont 1'01' J.' (;¡'O\4P of c t tlÍ;<.m.ß d tl'strlnr.; t,} "I1!,\(IJ¡ to "up'Jl'tlr:o [llod !, W¡P Dud local desoriptlon w!.th tl1\) C'),Ðrl, of t;H "OLI.ndl:<1'1')(, Cow,..lt¡ulon on 1/;:CO/56. (;:~\ 'r¡\() tIt'!!'l') (1(11 ono of !.J:¡I!! oltlzun-proponont.a IIpp......x·oà I!t¡ th'" GOUIIC:tl !11(1oting (of 1/30/56) find PNIHmtocl II pGt1 t 10n l'oquoBtlng ¡'91'J11nølon to commorma f:nn<')x"tl~'n prooøedln"s on t;ll!t inlwt¡lteã bf>all1. (J1 The CouncIl l"øt'fu'J:'od the PQtltJ.nl1 to t;l:Io ;'l.'nntng CO!!!ril!!l!Il(m. (I,,) 1\ qUOl'W'¡ of G=.1:'1s1onera bCil1.n¡, pr',HHmt at thla 1/30!~}6 Gounoil m~ot1ni·", the Chøirnu:m of111od f.I Iwoohl me'lt1ng of tho P11H1n1.nlè Comm1aÐlon to oom.ldor tho rofel"8l. P.fto)· rH.I!1- oI.IIJo1f!(", thorntl.tt(,r by telophoml \V1.th tho n.bllßnt !t¡ombIH', ttH) Commlol!11.onol'lI rÐturnod to tho Council 11\aot1.ng Briel 1'Uod a wrlttl';ln l"oo01!wt')ndat;on to~thor wtth watve!'!! of w1"ltten not100 of ttu~lr ffi;)ct1ng. eft, copy of tho 1'Alvornble pccommomJI1- t;1on ls 1I.t;tl\chod to thoflI'J minuteø.) (S) Tho rounoll, at ',11 bHll1f' in IHJ381 on, thon voted to ;;1'11.1 tho! t' oonDont to the pot1thmo·/J. (11)a/5b) , (6) '¡'he ¡'¡fir gnd le!~l doscrlptlon We.B X'Qftl.,(j w10th t;ho Clerk of the T:oUflòr'1'l<'lF Conrn18111on tho followtn.,' dOY, 1/:nJS6. ('1) Tho :\<JI.mdfH·los r0!11t:11~l'lon cpnl'ovod (;:lÜ to 1-0 {, t tllotr l'ðgulnr ¡;wet1nc of 2/6/';6 b. i"'" ¡,ndOl'lJon thon fluùvllttod to tho ("oUUG'.l u ;wopol.1od rOl.lolutlon ~Hltho'l¡;ln tho ?r·.<ponøntn to 01. rcul¡;¡ tö n pot11;1011 in ¡'nl1()p of t1.0 IH'OPO!'l(Jd ('¡It() 1-(' l1u.t)()l\l1t1.on. o. nUJ:J:'.mz I<'QVOC 111 Nnl;ht¡noon tu.at tills InUr;u.'"!léO bø i:I doptatî t111 "{)aoll.~tlõn '11. :'ucondod by ;[(),rorÌ101¡r,,. e,; l'l'lml L~-O, by tho 1 =--mr-' " --..... Counc': ti10n r)l'-~\1iir;(H!l,,:. .1.,..1(') nbm6>1t tou.n(u.l.\Hnn,_,',;11rJon. had P(4ut ù_n n:ro VO(,tî by l.ol!!P\w[Jo bof()r,~ th II.! ¡;:o",t;tn", 'd¡d hl'ld wlroJ h:i." {~on'::h~nt tl) 't.hß3: ht,_~ll.1l-11;::: of t;:\.Ì,ç. ,~10et.l:-1/" tø t.b.o c.tt~_l' Clffle;;:}. ("op;r ()f 'otJolut1on :11 .. t;t,., 011·)(1 to t bem!! ¡11lnutef,' III. IV. - 2 - ;tl'>ll1u¿" l-C Tho Cit;; lcttoI'ne;; øtt.\tad tl¡,ut tl110 PI'UjloBul ia alßO Qno for ¡;,n 1,;nJl;ìUl;j,QU of l1'Jh¡.¡bltild terrlt()r-,¡, und thut tho follOVl1:;'¡i;,.~ tO~1¡¡ /1/,\ VQ b eontf\kOfn ." . ,". . 1. 1/17, ,:>\)0 ¡, ptU;l1:.1on wa.1I plac.ed 'JOfQI"C tÌ.o ",ou.~o11 <It tholr ntlotlnr: on that dstfJ IIsldn," CQnsont to tJ;lil¡;l.n proo6edln.'s to nnnox "n aMI< now known 11;11 ntall1¡¡g 1-(". Proponnnt;l\ did \Jot ÿr:went ¡-, lOGs.1 dosorlptlm! or mlllp wIth fJUI netltlon. 2. 1/17/;.;6. Coul1cll rnferred tho pot1tLm to tho "booinG Comm18Ðlon. J. J./ltì/.S6. ì'l"Tmlng Co].!mlsslon 00I1¡¡l,1o)'od tht, potltion at thølr "work 88as10n" 11100t171'" (It«m. IV-Q on the "'genð...) ¡'hoy- :t"EIoor:JiJlðndoc' th¡;¡t' tho '~ou!10I1 gl'~.1:'It tho COUl}(Ir~ roquoal;..,d by potltlon"I'ß. 11·· 1/30/';6. {. ~Wlp !In'; leG!),l dasct'lptI_m of thø Drop'Hled ¡¡WCB WlJ¡¡ rUed wIth the (,lerk of tlH) ho\¡:ndllrlo¡¡ Ct'!11H'ill!slon by ¡'II Hgent of propQnent!). :;. 2/6/56. '¡'he ¡:ol.l.nde,riE/8 Commll1l11on at tholl' I'ef;ul!.'l' meeting iii i'rl'Ov~,d 1;110 IMp, 6. h1'teI'.thlß rev!..,,,, Mr. "ndõ)rs()n su¡""',lttc.u:1 fl r'rn1't of n resolutIon l!uthQT'lxiuf' tho Pl"t'1)om'utlil to ci!'culHte a netltJ.on tn :favoJ' of 000 propO(J'"'' nnll:J;q¡t!Ol}, 7. ,,¡UrTON: ':0-",,,:' !¡y- :.flloh T IT r; I,/. ;UV' :;¡r¡""TT'J,,'1) J3;~ ,r:,,;'·,opr',j:· i.'·( ~rH;, e'<)!HiG:TL i~r': rr ,;,:i)r,!.!'?T/J.H P12. :'~(lOonded by l1C!t"(lnson. Garrlod !f-O. WilmJr! 'Ù)filont, hut' 11M} vot~~ II] tol'ilphonA ",rtOl' hO¡¡I'ln,'. thø I1U1tfJrlnl rObCl to hÞ,. (f'oPl of l'Qcolutlon 12 flttl1ühGQ to th()~lc ¡;'1Î-nut,;u, ~ Ai dJOlU'IJi1wnt 1. 1<11'11'0>1' Llw).ßT.1')l(..1fH' mlrJOilllCèld thn t lHK>th('l' li!1.HIC!tfJ1 ,,\~'øtln;; w():.Ild be ohlled uPQn l";H)>i'J1vtnC II rfl,I"vll;lJ or putllw:;\;! Dn tr~lm I,h" p(lpO::, publ1fih.tnr~ thal!Q two 1'\!l101utions. 2. }~,dJ{.)d¡~nm@1't .collowßd Ht 11:t)2 1'M