CC 02-06-56 C I T Y 0 F CUP E R TIN 0 ---- ------- P. O. BOY 597 CUPE]¡TIFO, C/ TIr'^,Jmv' AX 6-7064 SPECIAL ¡·IE :TIm OF 'l'HE CTTY cou'Tcn February 6, 1956 Place: Cupertino Union School, Cunertipo Time: 8:00 P.M. Press Present: San Jose Meroury-News, Dick Cox CUDertJ.no Courier, Vim. Norton Sunnyvale Standard, ~'!. Soomil I. ROLL CA!Æ Councilmen Present: Lindenrneyer, neyerholz, NE'thanson, Saich, Wìlson Councilmen tbsent : - II. SALUT.E TO T:IB FLAG led by Mayor Lindenmeyer III. iLADING OF MINUT.'::S OF PJ1EVIOUS H~~;'rnJG A. The Clerk was instruoted to read the Minutes of the previ- our meeting. The following corrections Viere noted: Item IV-B-l, line 3, should be "Los Altos Hills" instead of "Palo Alto"; Item IV-B-2, line 1, should read "Dan" (Hutlinger) instead or "Don"; Item IV-B-2, line 2, the word "Nörth" should be "Southerly"; Item V-B-l, line 3, insert "Mr. Wilson moved that the Council meet at 7:30 insteed of 8:00 for their 2/6/56 meeting."(The discussion reverted to the City /~~inistrator matter and other mat- ters without further act'on on the motion) Item V-B-2, line 1, strike the word "Tax"; Item V -B-5-a, ' ines 8 and 9, revise to read "Sunnyvale requested a renly to their boundary proposal by 2/7/56"; Item VI-A-2, line '., change "councilman Nathanson" to "Counsel fnnerRon"; Item VI-F-l, line 9, change "unanimously" to "5-0"; Item VI-G-', lines 3 and Lj., change "Councilman Meyerholz is desirous or a conference with County Counsel regarding a Sanitary Dist- rict" to "Councilman Meyerholz will have a conference with County Counsel concern:í,ng Sanitation District 1'7.1t IV. PETITIONS AND COI~jUNICATIONS A. Written 1. With regard to a letter adr'ressed to the City Council, Councilman Nathanson said the City Council should decide which days fireworks were to be sold, concerning both stores and roadside stands. He also said retailers must first receive a permit from the state, then from the city or cities in which they sell the fireworks. 2. Councilman Nathanson read a letter concerning the state Department of Education. 3. No further oral or written conununications. V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A, Ordinences for final adoption 1. None. B. Miscellaneous 1. Discussion: Typist for city a. Councilman Nathanson requested tha t the council ascer- tain whether Mrs. Miller would be available on a part- time basis. Mr. Leonard rep'ied thE1t I1r~. 11i'ler couldn't be spEred during the fru;.t seE1son. Council- man Na thanson suggested the city use !Irs. ~U l' er until she became too busy. Councilman é'aich asked to know the number of hours per week a tyoist would be necessary. Councilman Nathanson answered that two days a week should be sufficient, He asked Mr. Leonard if !lrs. Miller were available at present, to which Mr. Leonard replied in the affirmative. - 2 - Councilmen lTetl1anson made a motion that Council- man Saich Rnò the City Clerk look for a tyPist. ThlS motion vas seconded by Councilman Wilson and pas~ed 5-0. 2. Final approval of City Clerk a. Mayor Lindenmeyer said the verbal agreement as to wages called for ·;325 a month with a raise after six months. Councilm<n Wilson said he shoULd have car expenses. It was agreed to pay the City Clerk twice a month. Councilman Meyerholz felt that the time spent by the City Clerk in the City Hall should be by appointment si~ce there was much outside work to be done. Councilman Nathanson made a motion thst auproval of Hr, t~artin as City Clerk be accorded; seconded by Councilman Meyerholz and passed 5-0. 3. Progress report on business License ordinance a. Hr. Alan G. Anderson, secretary of the Municipal License Tax A1\societion, secured permis~ion to comment on the proposed Cupertino ordinance. ~fuile approving in general on behslf of his people, he took explicit eyception (1) to language in oil companies - saying it was both ambiguous and dis- criminatory. (2) He WDS critical of tr.e hand1.:l.l.g of license tElLS on snecific trucks on groun:'!Cj tlw t the business is licensed - not the sp&ci~ic -c- hicles _ (J) He objf'cted to the s'3ction 0:1 i'!.sh peddlers on srounds that thìs was beyond the J!;.::OlE:- diction of the city. The Councilmen ~nò the City httorney took note of his objections and asked that he submit sampl& ordinances more satisfactory to his people. ~he Heyor requested a membership list for his !\ssociA.-· tìon. 4. Sewerage report Councilman Meyerholz reported a meeting with the Counsel of Sanitation District #7. He aaid more would be known on the subject after this weak's heering in .'3unnyvale. Councilman NE1'!;hanson made e motion that a Councilman ask the Boerd of Suuer- visors to chenge Sanitation District 1'7 to a Pani- tary District. This was seconded by Councilman vVilson and carried 5-0. Council:nan Nf\thanECm wra s directed to make the request. 5. Purchase of office supplies Councilman Wilson directeð the City Cl.erk to ti\k& inventory and make a report 2/l315b. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Attorney's report 1. City Attorney .'3em J. Anderson stated that the notices on the annexation of Quito 1-0 must þe posted in three public places, He asked Councilman Meyerholz for a report. Councilman Meyerho1z stated ~"at Quito l-C and Stelling 1-C have been filed with the Boundaries Commission. Councilman Heyerholz said that contiguity of municipal property to the city was not prerequisite to annexation. Mr. Anderson suggested a letter of courtesy to the Boundaries Commisston in San Jo~e. Councilman \iilson said that t.he days of living beyonè'. city limits and within the j!;.risdi~tj.on of the count;, appear to be gone. The people m~st mEke a chcice as to what city they wish to join, or the decision may be made for them. Councilman Meyerholz reported on a recent incorporation meeting in Saratoga; they &re concerned about San Jose ennexillg land by the unin·· h&oited territories method. - 3 - B. Report of Finance Chairman 1, Counc~lman Meyerho1z reported the aggregate wages due Mrs. Pnthony. C. Report of Roads and Maintenance Commissioner 1. Councilman Saich declfCred that the City wouldn't accept for annexation ereas with streets be¿ny in need of repair until Sf'ir' streets "'ere in SEtisfec- tory coni1ition. D. ,¡eport of Police End Fire Chief 1. Councilmen NathEnson reported meeting with Frrnk Thi1l, CountyExecutive .Counc'.'.!l1I'n NathAnson read off several written bids for the CUT1ertino pol.ice ~erv~ce. E. Report of Bui'ding rni1 Health In0nector. 1. No report F. Report of Planning Cowmission '.. No report G. Miscellaneous 1. Councilman '¡iIson read a letter he had prepared 'Ii th regard to the Sumyvale boundary dispute. The letter st,ted that CUpGrtino was unable to agree to a common boundary at Homestecd Hoad. The letter was orally approved by the other Councilmen. E. Good and '¡elfare of the City VII. ADJO:JRN1'ŒNT at 11: 00 P. N. Respectfully submitted, Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk