CC 01-17-56 £.ITx. Q E C U ¿ b n T I X 0 ". 0-: BOX 597 -- -- - - CUPERTINO, C LI;:;ORNL SPEC I ,L MEI:TING OF THE CI'n counCIL LNU.RY 17, 1956 Pl.gce: Time : Cupertino Union School, Stevens Creek Road 8: 00 £11 Press Eresent: CupE:rtino Courier, -,;. Norton ::;"ll Jose Nercury-:'¡ews, ;(. H'1nËen Sunnyv?le 3t2nderd, M. ~oomil I. Introduction by ... Roll C,Ül: I1·":yor Lll1dellmeyer Councilmen iresent: Lindenmeycr, N9th'J.nson, Saieh; ",ilson JlIeyerholz, Councilmen ,bsent: ~one B. 591ute to Flqg led by Nc,yor Lindenmeyer C. Introò.uction of Councilmfcn, Plg,nning Commission Chsir- msm, Ci~y_ttorney and Secretary by Ns.yor Lind(;nmeyer. II, Inspection of BarS, Commissioner Burrel Lson8rd .. Ch'1irrr.?l1 Leon',rd described the amlex"tion inro,:ds by other cities. III. Cupertino I s re9son for incorpor"tion, Councilman '.Hlson -. Councilmpl1 ',ilson st?ted incorpor,·~tion wss 3 defensive Move by the residents of CUDertino to ;revsnt invasion by other cities. B. Highest tsx item is the school t3X. IV. Sewer proble~ls, Councilm9.n tkyerhols ". Councilmsn ¡'1e:\,crholz st'.ed 2n ':deqU'~te w<Jter supply ?nd scwgge system is a necessity for gny city. B. .djacent cities are promising sewer lines to prospective 9nnexees. C. ,bond ,Üection may be held s.nytil~e qfter February 5, 1956 far 8 3gnit?ry District, V. Greenbelt gre"1 in the City, Councilm8n Nethenson ~. The County has set up green b~lt 30nes, subject to review in five years. B. Councilm?n Nathanson highly recommended a greenbelt area within the City limits. . C. The "gricultur.,Ü Unit is financing the "nuisa1".ce" suit on the Lm~rcnce ,òt,,'tion Ro:,d sewer line. VI.. Stete Highweys 8nd City Roads, Councilman Sa.ich ~. Counci1mqn ::;"ich reported the -otqte will start Highway ,.9 improvements from Sunnyvale to NcClellan R08,d about ¡'¡C,'rch 1. 'rraffic lights ?re to b<:: illst3.1led S't Fremont Road 2nd Highway 7t9, VII. Tax rqtes, COU'o1cilmS'.n Iieyerholz ... Councilmen lIcyerholz stRteà the tax rqte for Cupertino c'mnot e:"c€eð. '1.00 pcr hund.red. '~ssessed v:31uation. "ddltlon9l servlces 9S rerulred by the r€sldents wlll be an 8ddition~1 3ssessment, VIII.Pollce protection, Councllm8n j9th~nson " Councilm?n N",th,mson seported the services of the Sheriff I s office may be m?de av~1l2ble upon '3";:,èrov',,l of the Bosrd of jupcrvisors. Services Bnd costs to increase in accord'mce with the needs of the City. IX. I'kthods of ?nnexation, City.ttorney 3?:n.nderson '. If thGre are less th2n twelve people residing in a pro- posed ennex9tion, it would be considerEd ul1inh",bi ted. B. ,s'Õ\r:¡ple petition w¿s clrcul",ted ?mongst the residents of ~1cClcllqn RO'3,d ?lnd Highw~y Íi 9. Before presenting en snnex8tion petition to the Council for consi¿eretion, 25/; of the rc'gistered voters in th3t 8rC3 must consçnt .by signing the petition. Á. ~uestion 3nd 8nswer period. ". Mr. .in?rd of B3Y .venue st?ted homss in his neighbor- hood 3re selling for morE' th'?,n ,17,000 without s":WE:rs snd sidew?lks, Taxes ~rs ~200 p8r ye~r, T3xes for the s'~me tY;JG of home in P,,10 ,lto ?vE:r8te ,,400 per ye~r. It w~s pointed out therE is no r$vcnue from industry in P"lo .lto, B, ~;r. Lon Hutlinger of LOS "1 tos r:::-:orted '3 23,jt tÐx ln Los .ltos plus a school tax of over \4.00, C. Mr. Ritchie decl~rcd he did not consider industry and 5,000 sc;u~re foot lots cO~1ducive to 9, rur~1 9tmosph reo D, il"mning COTrtission Ch'?irr'nn L o;rrd r(òported the pro- pert~' fronting Stevens CreE,:, Ho'd h"s ') County zoning of R-J-H. ~~ny re0uests havE beEn rEceived for 9 'zone che>nge of C-l-H by the pro" rty Oh'n,:rs. XI. Cupertino's pl~c~ in Santa Cl~ra V~11çy. ,aI.,.djournment :1t 10:30 by Ih;'or LindcT1eyer. Eespectfullò' submitted, Edith H.,nthony, 'öecretary