02050069 CIBUILDINGPESNO DIONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 7408 ROLLINGDELL DR 02050069 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE RAMASWAMY VISHWANATH 05/13/2002 •'p` HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. {u.0 0 ARCHITEC IfENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO <& BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH Z I—I C=J U CJ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION O Z_= 1 hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under f crit raf 9(armm<nen Job Description O "rte provisionza p g �xf5 withSectf.im aIofDivision3oflheBusinessondProfeuionsCoaeendmylicenu ADD 798 SQ. FT. & REMODEL�� LEO is in to fume end eRecs. r_ s s 6 License Class - Lim.If O O Data C. coo i OI-n ARCHITECTS DECLARATION JAN 16 2004 - g I undentend my plans shall be used as public records fly p O Licensetl Professional e� OWNER-exam, R mDECLARATION $ ��ING 1 hereby.Reit on 1 1. caampt from the Cations Cas Liceme city o for the C? fallowing reason.(Section]pJ LS,Business and Professions Code:Any city or county 4 F❑ wh h regmrts a perm r ro construct. Iter,improve demolish, repair an swcmm u°613 ...pit to its ssissuance, re theapplicant for such a file asigned statement . .. I• S^...�1 , ......... .......... .. .. that hd s.hcensea vS cunimnna 7r>nll I'Cols°o,of he Beam slhrCmnWmr'ea dP'.'e.....oC°del „„ i Ela _(�,�,g i / A"+_j _ilk Valuation (c tithe ngw.. 1 7 35 J9]l[p'S„7 tUUa or that he id a%em i memfrdm and rhe basis for rhe aIle ed' zein r od.An -ot Semion40”,byany applicnmfar a perm".."eemthe "heart mocivil parer P yTyP pf nm intim than me hanarea aolmm(sspo7' y 101 A- AT I ON '=""l r''t Occas ane e ❑I,alownerofthaproperty or myernployees with wagcsas their sole compensation - will do the'work,and the Fracture snot intended or'af,.d for We(Sec"]04q 'B 'esti and Prores n. Code:no Conwcmr's License Law does not apply so an 103 - UFER Required Inspections ''lr.ls r; owner of property Who Wild,or improves thenar,and who docs such work himself or Nrough his own employees,provided that such improvements an not intended or_ 104 - REBAR 7 often rpl"irole:owner-Wilde'he llhave theurden ofmamisshd hedid not ild or 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS '`T•" ' ✓i�r;.nL?n compinion.he owner-builder will have the Widen of proving that he did not Wild or Ira m ( parpn r l.7 -_ - - ' 106 --_ SEWER & WATER ---- Taso of(be prpeny, exclusively ewith contractorsors to ZOZ _._. .UNDERFLOOR_ PL UMBING i .-,-,-7 XnaI rah p ( 76W Business d Professions Cwdc:)The Contractors ontrt License Law apply to ownererawho bmldsorimproves t 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL' ` ad.who.c.ourm fioLsuch.proewith a.contmno(s7.Bcensed panximento.the _.. .._.._.._ -2'04--='-UNDERFLOOR""-FRAME" -."--"---"----------""---- Contractors '- .... .._.._._ ❑Iamee a.f under Sec '' r B h PCforthis reason 205 - UNDERFLOOR'f`INSULATION QW�tr, D6! �� -30 '°Z 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING N WORKERS COMPENSATIO ECLARATION 3O2 - TUB & OR SHOWER ` 1 hemh ffion under reit,o( a Pf ,r pia o °rh rnnnwigaRi.�anns: 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL D I h,ive'and'rill'meiinain o Cenificaie of Consent to self-insam for worls<r'a 3 04 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compermation;as-provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code.-for the peifolmdnceof Ji<work for whichthispanni isissued.; .• 305 - FRAME ❑1 h d wilhme m n W rker's Cdrnperivititm Insurance,as required by Section 3 06 - HOLDOWNS 3]00' f the Lobor Code f."the performance or the work for which this Permit is issued.MyWorkersCmpq,. tpnInsur, c_mire .adPol, mberve: 307 - INSULATION ( c = cam rl' t'�k r , Ptil ay Nn. ii: 308; -.-SHEET y EK ' - .•-. ...--- ..,....,.,.,._...,,,r-.,,.....,s� CERTIFICATION OF EMPfION FROM:WORKBRS r t, i,l f - ) COMPENSATION INSURANCE a a.5 3 0'9 l EX'TERI OR� LATH p 310,.F;; ZNT,ERIOR...liATH `p' ITh im'on ncW not he cam loved f the �..� I✓:t� l ��'._��.•�..•-.-- permit is for one hundrd dollvs (s�mlprlpaa7 311 - SCRATCH COAT ` 1«r ryrm ti the peH "pr the pdr ra oh m a permzi- iaauea I _ 31-3'_: .:-ROOF=NAIL:,.—; l r _. - - - -- curn501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL`...... ` Com n employ lave ( f .rmeb e 1 O W rkers l _ .._.. ... ne" - APPC ''!1 I i ` - --- - 502 ----FINAL--PLUMBING ENERGY .. .__- ._..- NO OAPL t ing thsCens m fE mptiun.ygu should Z bem 3cu'1heWoker' C periauonpro 'fthe Labor Code,you Most 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY O 0 fnnhwimcomply wimsarhpmvisiomaofmirpem,itshauxd«m<er<.mkm. _ _.___ ...._..504__=..F.INAL_ z0 - P�4 > fit r CONSTRUCTION LENDING XGENCY1. 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL enc forte Ih b alfirmNanhrtueconswno do a" 5O6 _ GAS TEST r�ria ffie work forwhichthis unit aj Z mnmdvesnrmia n m 507 FINAL PLUMING p issuedc 1 ) d rs Add V Q cb Icertify that Ihale dthis applcauo d Is that the boeinformationrs 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL 6r=[.. <r 1 ag Io comply Nall cry and op ty o d'oan es ane atom laws relating 509 - FINAL GRADE O w th Wddngc on and hmby amhonz< p - y °^°° ^p°^ 510 - FINAL PLANNING Av the above-mentionedproperty-for mii pact ripurposes,, ,_ ,Qn (W1agreem smd it peand keep h mayintaeCry rc peniaagainn VJ liebihuu 1 dg cots cot d expense which y any y rector ageinstsoid 514 - FINAL UB C WORKS V 4 City in consequence of the granting of th p nn s APPL(C UNDER TA ND WILL COMPLY WUH ALL\ON POINT souac 1 E un Ns� , , Issued by: Date ao . ,. am Appleam/Com tbr'c,:, Re-COOP$ 'Will the Cupertl'cmmino r f t�ll C ar P mm-0 hat die Health and Safi Y _ yI e o f$Sh f LL` - -- r (r- esd fmdb a CHAZARDOUS`MATERIALS DI6rhaR t 1 I l 3 s ♦ `,: Il'r D PP Y pen i M cipal Cod Ch r r9.12 and theHealth d Safety r "T a Of,Rno t _ COde Secom.[3 yes ZSYJird) , 1 d ) 11, �.. "° all be inspected prior.to any roofing material being installed , _. _ wume pplcanto futuremolding occupant use equpm<m°raemces which [f a roof is installed without first obtaininganiins ectiOth['3 tee toll ernove m'ho dr co t mma tAwrte, .a defined by the Bay Area A Quality Management P g oYe ,, -. all new materials for„inspection Applicant understands and,will comply with._ . l k,• ,C-'��r- all non source ragas ahons v .,;t'r.. it l ri• i. ,a I hove m iA hazardous materials q iremenm under Ch pier 695'of the Cal f mm Heahh A Safely Code.Section 25505,25533 and 2553+1 understand that if the Wilding does not currently have a tenant that it is my responsibility to richfy,the --/5 rJ -- pccupam pf the rtquirem m hich usl W cs pro m iss a c” f r Cemfce[ f " VT Dy a gG — yeonl� o� _4gre Apphcan[. _ a e.... t o Mp ag 1 r ;, . - Data,rl All roof coverings to be Class B" or better ::.` _ . .. ..-OFFICE—- ­!'n FFICE- - --