CC 01-16-56 Plsce: Irlr,lle : £ T I I 0 F cUP E R TIN 0 .2.-0.ËÕ;;-S97- - - - CUPERTINO I C.LIFORNL.. SFECI.L I1BLTHG OF Tl1¿ CITY COUNCIL Je.nuery 16, 1956 Cupert ino Union School, Stevens Cree" Road 8:00 rl'I Press ire sent: Cupertino Courier, W. Norton San Jose t1ercury-News, ;;:. Hansen Sunnyvale Standard, M. Soomil I, ROLL C ..LL Councilmen Present: Lindenmeyer, 11eyerho1z, N~thanson, Saich, Wilson ~~one Councilmen _.bsent II. INVOC /IION ..Salute to the Flsg led by I1"yor Lindenmeyer III. RE .DING OF HINUTES OF "REVIOU3 IlESTING _'. The Secretary was instructed to resd the minutes of the previous meeting, which were approved as read. IV. "ETITIO:JS ,.ND COlíHUNIC _TraNS " Written 1, Wm. ~truthers, iresident of G~rden Gate Home Improve'Gent.ssoci tion, requested e_ meeting with the City Council to discuss the ~ros and cons of annexation to Cupertino. B. Oral 1. ------------- Moved by Councilman Nathanson the Council set a meet lng de.te with the.nnexstion Investigating Committee of the Garden G9te Home Improvement .ssoci·tion after the completion of South McClellaR and Highway ~9 annexation.dl~~~~_~ð~. Seconded by Councilman ¡;alson and un"mimously carried, ¡'ir. '~m. Struthers orally agreed to this arr8ngement. 2. Mr. Sam ,aller, BusinEoss Man.!3ger of the Cupertino .Éle~entary School Listrict 9dvised the Council the Trustees "do not feel th-3t an option at this e',rly date would be fessible~ ~ ~~þ¡/'-'-<-4., J.., Symon, Leputy County Counsel, ststed a 3chool Listrict may sell any rEopl property which is not needed for classroom buildings pursuant to Sections 18561 ''JDd 13663, subject to the require- ments of the State Livision of FinanJe, 3, 4, Livision of Highways stated the City may adopt a Resolution stating the names of three officials to sign documents p,rt-e:'niug to roads 2f.iÜ maiu- tensuce. It was decided by thE: :üuncil the following peo'"le woulQ sigu these documents: HAyor Rc'lph LindenI'1E:yer, Road C.,mmissioner John Saich 8nd Secretery Edith H. unthony. League of California Cities. Regular meeting, Redwood City, 7:00 iM, Nipa Hut, 1/19/56. No '1ction tarl:en. 5. Mayor Lindenmeyer invited Mr, George Bilby, Civil Engineer to 3ppear for an interview for the position of City ..dministrator. Hr. Hllby stated .f.' LIe hes been .gffUlated with the Fublic Housing ..uthority I C1 ty Engineer I s office of .:J3TI Jose ~nd Spn Francisco, has ffiPde spprsissls for the Veter2ns .dministration, has had no experience with City revenues; ffieintains his office in San Jose. ¡·j,,:yor Llndenmeyer st'3teã. if Hr. Hilby w'?s interested in the position of City..dminis- trstor, he could submit a written application. V. U~FINISHED BUSINESS " Ordinances for adoption. ~ee Item VI-., B. Miscellaneous 1. £ayment of Insurance 8. ¡joved by Counci lffiE"n Nathan.son the Finance Chairmprl pay the Stgte Compens.qtion Insur- ence in fullsnd the ComJ;'rehensive ¡'¡ultiple Lisbility Insurance ',-'remium on the .60th dsy which is February 29. iremlum is" 150. 00 BU.3INESS .ttor\1E;y I s Report 1. City .ttorney S3ffi ,.nderson stated thE; facts snd figures of an ap¿raisal are of extreme impootance. 2. Business Licensing Ordinance is being dr3fted in accordance with instructions receivGa 1/9/56. VI. NEi..~' . . 2, liesults of Survey of "outh Highway lT9 .,rea. a ..[-,proximately thirty people of south McClellan and west of Highway lT9 were con- tected by the Councilmen. ..11 p,crsons contacted were receptive to a meeting with the City Council. 30me were desirous of q ¡O"re('nbelt area ~Jithin the City lir1its. 3. Two resolutions and two ordinances pertaining to the "nnex3tion of Homcsteed l-C and Homestead 2-C will be presented at the next meeting. E. Report of Fin~nce Ch8irmaTI 1, Chnirman Meyerholz reported the City will receive "n '~stic:1,·ted ,,5,050 from gas tax revenue for the fisc"l ye3r 195ó-57, 2. Ch'?irr3n ¡ieyerholz reported on a conference with County Executive Frank Thill. If the services of the 'l'ax Collector, .ssessor, C"'Ul1ty Librr.'ry, County R02.ds, Health and Building ImJ¡:>cctor, and flannil1g Com'TIission and oth'ors are dthirea by the City, an agreement must be subnittcd to the board of SUPél'V isors before 1 N8rch. Ch8.irman !1eyerholz has requested rough drafts of such agreements from the County Counsel~. 3. If the County adopts a:3·'les Tax ordinance, the City would recciv€ 80;'~ 811ð. the County would retoin 2~: of 811 collected reven~e for collection ex- p~rlses. Three County Supervisors are for the snles t9X ordinance adoption and two men are non- cO!:lmitt!?l. L . 'rhe .3t8tc is c11lqcpt~:'1~ .,1,000 for engineering purposes, 't¡, tlv., ";<--"110~~ County Engineer Bushnell will present the repair cost of flood damaged roads within the City. 5. -)- 6. Ì'Íoved by Councilm'.m \Hlson the Ci ty.ttorney be instructed to draft FI regu1=,tory business license ordinance for present9tion at the aext meeting. Seconded by Councilm<>n 33ich Jnd cFlrr'ied 5 - o. C. Report of Roads and Maintenance Commissioner, 1. CommissionEr Saich reported on the conference ),:;/I'r held 11132n Francisco. State funds have be·n t-. alloc9ted to improve Highway 7T9 cCle a oad. -. traffic light will be inst"lled at l'remont and Highway ;.9; roads will be widened to four lanes at traffic signals. work will commence about Þhrch 1, 1956. 2. "letter to the Division, of Highw3YS approving the St~te's improvement plan was requested by the S9n Francisco office. Moved by Councilm2n Wilson this re',luest be accomplished. Seconded by Council- m~n Saich FInd cFlrried by the following vote: ,YES: Councilmen, N9.thanson, Saieh, Wilson Nû~S: Councilmen, Lindenmeyer, Meyerholz 3. I10ved by Councilman Saich, 4: miles of streets, na~ely, Stevens Creek RO?d, Elaney, Stelling and Miller be declared as major streets, this declar- ation to be forwarded to Nr. ..1'3.n Fortmey in San Francisco. Seconded by Councilm':n ~ilson and c<::rried 5 - O. D. Report of Police and Fire Chief. 1.> complete police service cost of ,,17,496 was presented by Mr, Floyd Higgins "nd Mr. Ellis. In addition to traffic patrol eight hours per day from 8:00 "M to 6:00 J."M and 'J sixteen hour night p~trol from 6:00 HI to ð:OO ..¡'1, I1r, Higgins stated his organization would be willing to organize, screen 'Jnd assist in the training of auxiliary police and would furnish accident reports, cita- tions, process warrants and other paper work in- volved in carrying out the duties of an effiCient pollee force, E. Report of 3uilding and Health Officsr F, Report of ilanning Co~mission. G, Mlscell~neous H. Good and ~elfare of the City VII. S?ECLL OR;..ERS OF THE D.Y VIII. COUNCIL ¡f¡L:TING CONTINUED 8:00 FIf¡, J~nuory 17,1956