CC 12-12-55 Place: Time : Press Present: I. CITY OF CUPERTINO BOX ,97 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA PHONE Ax6-7064 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL DF,cEMBER 12, 1955 Cupertino Union School. Stevens Creek Road 8:00 PM San Jose ¥~rcury-News, Dick Cox Cupertino Courier, Wm. Norton Sunnyvale Standard. M. Soomil ROLL CALL at 8:10 PM Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent : Lindenmeyer. Nathanson. Saich. Wilson Meyerholz II. SALUTE TO THE FIJ\.G led by l'Íayor Lindenmeyer III. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING A. The Secretary was instructed to read the ltinutes of the previous meeting in full. Copy of the Minutes was posted at re;ar of room. B. Correction. It was moved by Councilman Nathanson. Item V, A-l. Line 10 read as follows: Councilman Wilson appeared et 8:45 PM, Seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 4 - o. IV, UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Furniture and equipment for City Office. The Chair directed CoUncilmen Nathanson and Saich to secure a minimum of two cost bids to the Council 12/19/55 on the following equipment: (1) De;sk; (2) Typewriter; (3) ·Chair (4) File Cabinet; (5) Desk Lamp (6) Coat Rack (7) Waste Basket. B. OFFICE HOURS,. Combined lack of public business and a typewriter necess- itated shorter office hours at City Hall. The City Hall will be open Monday. ¡'¡ednesday and Friday from 10:00 AN to 12:00 !M. C. LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO FInE HOUSE PERSONNEL FOR OFFICE SPACE Moved by Councilman Sdch the Secretary write said letter to Cupertino Fire House personnel for the spirit of cooperation, hospitality and available office space, two copies to be referred to Chief Linb'lla. D. CITY LIMIT SIGNS 1. Councilman Nathanson submitted the following reports: Waldron Advertising Comparw of Santa Clara orfered a standard size 1.41xJ6" painted Cupertino City Limits sign, in lots of four at ~4.50 each or ~4.27 each in lots of five. Mr. 'l'oops also quoted an approximate; cost of ~15.20 to ~20..00 for custom-made Cupertino Limit Signs 281xJ6" with a service club emblem in each corner. These price do not include installation. Mrs. DeBravo of California Autombbile Association quoted an installed price or :'112.16 for a 36"X181t Cuper- tino City Limits sign. the name CUPERTINO to be in phosphorescent paint.. Only standard signs as used by the Sta.te are obtainable thru CAil. 2.. Mayor Lindenmeyer stated he would make further personal inquiries.' E.. TAXI SERVICE PERHIT; Mr. Andrew D, Cl<rk 1. Mr. Clark appeared before the Council for information comrerning his written application dated October 27, 19~5 for a Use Permit fora taxi stand in Cupertino. City Attorney Sam J, Anderson renk~rked that a business licensing ordinance is being created; a temporary permit would be valid only until the adoption of such ordinance. Council- man Nathanson requested further information whereupon Mr. Clark said it would be necessary to purchase a cab and liability insurance, It was abTeed these items would involve a considerablo investment f~r Mr. Clark without assurance from the Council of a permanent Lse Permit. Moved by CouncilmBn Nathanson, Vœ. CIÐrk's Use Permit re- quest be denied for this indefinite period. but upon adoption of the licensing ordinance. Mr. Clark would be notified of a public hearing date and place. Seconded by Councilman Wilson and carried 4 - o. F. NEWSPAPE" RELEASES th l1sibility of advance releases 1 Mev. J'U' Councilman Nathanson e reé. h 1 d thru one Council. · ¡¡. f t t importance be c anne e concerning matter~~uw~:on who has such experience. Seconded qy ~~~c~s~~~c~ carried qy ~e following vote: AYES: Councilmen, Nathanson, SaJ.Ch NOES: Councilmen, Lindenmeyer , ABSTAIN THE VOTE: Councilmen, WJ.lson ABSENT: Councilmen, Meye:-holz t d City Attorney to verify 'RRIED 2 1 Ma¥or L¡ndenmeyer reques e t CA, as~a'e ~ith Roberts Rules of Order. San Jose ~ercury"News.repor ' i~~kPCox ;rotested the passage 0ldf t~ithsdm~;i:eW::~~~~onJh:oC~:~red; stated Councilman Nathanson cou WJ. r . ' i th C 'lman Nathanson stated he was not particularly ~nterested n e ~:â:awal, clarifying this with the explanation that all the Council- men are engaged in the basic fOI'llle.tion of a new City, that b~ channelin~ releases thru one person it would allow the Counc~l to work without interruptions. G. REPORT ON THE FINANCILA STJ,'l'US OF THE CITY. 1. Postponed until a later date. ORDINl.NCES FOR FnlilL h.DOPTION 1. City Attorney read Ordinance 008 ; Expenditure of None:rs for Streets and Highways. Moved by Councilman ¡.JUson, seconded by Councilman Saich, Ordinance 008 be adopted as read. Carried 4 _ o. H. 2. Resolution No, 6, Creating a Citizens Comndttee, introducèd by ~or Lindenmeyer, seconded by Councilman Saich and unanimously carried, 12J5/55, was referred to Mayor Lindenmeyer for sign~ture. I. PRIVl,TE Pi.TROL 1. Further discussion pertaining to need of a private patrol postponed until 12/19/55. 2. Mr. Andy H. Riemer invited to appear with written application for patrol duty, J. COURTESY LET1'ERS TO CITY CLERK APPLIC:,NTS 1. The Secretary was instructed to postpone the "No Decision by Council" letters to applicants until 12/19/55, at which time the Council will re-examine the applications received. K. MISCELLANEOUS V. NEW BUSINESS A. Attorney's Report 1. Letter to Board or Supervisors requcstin~ Santa Clara Juiicial District submitted to Mayor for signature. 2. Presentation of Planning Commission Resolution No.1, establishing tiDK' and place ot meeting. Moved qy Councilman Wilson; seconded by Council- man Saich and carried 4 - 0, this resolution be adopted. 3. Report on }TJr. p. b.rnold ;',nderson, Municipal Ta..'C ;,ssociation, San Fran- cisco. This office believes in a stablized tax for the Bay area and has assisted San Jose with some of their tax problems. City Attorney suggested referring this contact to Councilman Þk;yorhOlz. 4. City Attornoy is precessing a Business License Ordinance. 5. Suggested attaching an affidavit statiI4: date of postingto all ordinance adopted by the Council. Moved by Councilman Nathanson, the Secreta.r;~ mimeograph such pmsting data and attach to each original cop,v or tho ordinances. Seconded qy Councilman Wilson and carried 4 _ o. (¡~ene) B. REPOHT OF FINANCE CHHRMb.N 1. In the absence of Finance Chairman Þkyerholz"Mayor Lindenmeyer reporto the Banking and Bookkeeping 5,Ystems have been sot up with the assistanc of Accountant Earl Foster. C. REPORT OF ROI.DS leND ÞL,INTENl,NCE SUPERINTENDENT 1. Superintendent Saich reported the hazardous cendition on' the northwest cornor of the Youth Center, being on school property had beon referred to tho School District Business Manager, I~. Sam Miller. D. REPOHT OF PCECE AND FIRE CHIEF 1. Chic:;:' ef I'olico Núthanson requested a Council discussion on the City's requirements for police protection. The Chair gran~ed request for 12:'1> -2.. VI. E. REPORT OF ·BUILDli.'1G 1.ND HEJ.LTR INSPECTOR 1. No report. F. REPORT OF PLLNNll'!G COMIUSSION 1. Pla.nning Commissioner Chairman BuN'nl Leona.rd requestod a joint meeting with the Co\mcil. The Chair granted the requÐst for 9:00 J'!ÌI, 12/19/55... 2. Councilman Wilson requested strengtheninG the aléricultural and the .'. irldustrial section of the zoning ordinance which is not YEt comp1etC, G. MISCELLLNEOUS Mayor Lindenmcyer reported on a telephone call from ~~. Ed Edwards of I'IcKellar Construction Co.:npany, stating his desire for a subdivision of 6,000 square foot lots located at HomesteaCi and Becker. City ¡.tternüy suggested a return call to E~. Edwar,:s stating a written applicdion is in order with such inforr.FL.c·') as cost and size of home to be construc'>e ~Ioved by Councilman N~thcnson, upon receipt of a write en request, the matter be referred to the Planninb Commission for action. Seco'1c\e1 1:'ý Councilman \'ilson. CarrÜ·d 4 - O. 2. Agent of ii",cord, jv¡r. }.el Hüwins, statd the Hartford Insurance Comprehensive policy w,)u1d cover the cltizcns working committe" ..... well as other City p'Te,onnel as previow3ly requested. !¡Jr. Hewi:-rs suggested a 4% bank loan of ~l,OOO be eonsidered by the Council to pay for the City's insU!'ance needs. ~;o"ed by Councilman Netha-sen the financing of the insurance be tabl·)(¡ unt:l.l 12/19/55. Moved by Councilman Hilson the Ag"nt of tlecoro he autt.orized to insure the City with the Hartford IU3Urance Compar,y» and FirE;man' s Fund ror the bonding of Finance Chairman Haycrho~.z and 5Ðcretary Edith H. Anthony. Seconded by Councilman Saich. ¡.YES: DounciJ.mcn, \'lilGon, Saich and Nathanson. NOES: Cour,cilm€on, Linderu..eyer, ABSENT: Councilman Heyerhclz. Carried: 3 - 1. hwor LJ.ndenmcyer stated h·J would prefer a less expensivÐ insurance fcr the City. H, GOOD ;.ND \oJELFAlm OF CITY 1. Inforrrwtion on Council Hee~ings for Decembe1' Nonday, Decemb€or 19, 1955 7:00 PM - Informal Council Discussion 8100 PM - Week1y ~leeting of Council 9:00 ~1 - Joint Council and Ph~nnin¿ r.~mmi,sion Meeting :i.Q,OC 211 - Cound.l !JjelOtir¡; .,e,'z.)·) Tuesd".:", Dec.èmber 2í, 1955 8; 00 PM H 'i'ock1y CC;.lrlC 11 d Jct:.né; Tuesday, Jemuary }, :"955 8:00 ~M - Week~y COUD:i~ Mcr :~1~ SPECLL ORDERS OF THE D;.Y (N0ne) VII. PETITIONS ;.ND COI1MUNIC TIONS T1:II. 1.. Written 1. Deut, of Commerce, Census Bureau, Hashingto:r, D.C. McvlJd by C',"u.'.d man Saich the request for populr tioD ar.c: squere miles ,,£ liuj:"JrtLlO be rc.fer:eed to P12.l1ning Comm.iss::..on for accoml-.lishm~nt; t'l1turn +.0 Council., Seconded by Councilman ·~jils()n. C~.rricJ 4 - 0., 2. Hr. GC"lE; D. :.r'nold, 10511 Beardon :Jriv8, applic,tion for auxilie~>- po1icem."ln, MOV8d by Councilman N21-hansO;1 tho application be filel~ ior ref€;r3nCC~~ Seconded by C0unci21nf"ln Saj.ch~ (j,:\.rriQ~~ 1~ 0 3. :~uctione8rts ¡lSS0ciatio4, 43;; Le.Cíe:naga Blvd~, 1-IOS ün'~cJ.r;L ,~iT' ,J'j,,:' auction orclim1J1C,,;E 1n th amendments., S:crota.:""y 1Jt!-S iy_,: :J:"l' _~"- ,'.. -1.)0 '~h Chail to ii1..!o.""."Irl the:n th1.3 in.'fGrmc,tion was una.vr.:,:"'.Laole a.t this ·liimo. llDJ0Ulli'MSNT at J..l: 04 by i1eY.Jr :;:'indcnmcyor. Respectfully submitted, ¿;'-, _,_' I' ,. ,l -' , I· ¡., f '7~ ;' ( /' ,,'~.~..-: Edith H. ¿nthorv, Secretary f "- I _ ..¿-----