CC 12-05-55 ~ITY OF CUPERTINt ---- -- --------- BOX 597 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA PHONE AX6-7064 SPECIAL !IiEETING OF CITY COUNCIL DECElJ3ER 5, 1955 Place: Time : Cupertino Union ScHrool, Stevens Creek Road 8:00 PM Press Present: Cupertino Courier, Wm. Norton S~ale Standard, Miriam Soomil S.J. Mercury-News, Ken Hansen I. ROLL CALL AT 8:05 PM Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent : Lindenmeyer, Nathanson and Saich Meyerholz and Wilson II. INVOCATION a. Salute to the Flag lead by Mayor LindeIDneyer III. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MR,TI::lG a. The Secretary was instructed to read the minutes of meeting 11/28. b. The minutes wS!'e approved as read,. IV. UNFINISHED BUSI~Œ3S a, Ordinances for final adoption - none. b. Miscellanacl.:s 1, Jud~c~&~ Districts. Santa Clara was recommended by City AttO!1'\8Y ~3a.i1l ~. Anderson as best :311ited to the needs of CVp8rt~~0 (11/23/55). Fol:OI;,Lne di&cTIssion by the Council an~ tP.ing po ohjections, tha Chair direc~ed the Secretar.r to sutllct a l¡,tter to the Board of Superlñ sors requesting assiGnn~nL to the Santa Clara Juèicial Dictrict. 2,; Cit~' b"'l:-anoe. Agent of RscC',:,d, !'Jr. NÜ lJm:ins stated Public Liaùj.:J:':r an'.: P"'operty I;aJ!!sgc, Bj néleI' #201.['.:! had been ext¡,nded to 1/5/56 aß :-sques·ed b:r t:w C0unf'il J\.c:,co:.,ding to Mr. Mel H.,'¡jll:> era: ropoI·t ún pretJim.1= cf ·ýa:-::.ous insurance com- panles P.SS'Jc·t'"teè. with the Nat tenal IllEurance Board, compre- hensivp. pu);lic Uability and pror3rty damage premiums run par~1101 Wlth the exception of th9 American Insurance Company, l.rhLh Las an approximate variance of seven dollars. Nayor LjnJ8m,12Y2r cJ.,Sk3d ::.f inslLran')e for the CHy could be financed. l'ir" to:·,;;:, TOi':'le..¡ sMteð. both tho City insurance and bond cO'dra<'L fel' F·~n<.ncc ChairI7'aè,);< I-;an }Jeverho1z and the S(.":'O'et;'ly/.\c~,ing CUy Clerk Edith 1:, A!1thony.; could be finanoed at! one" V. N~~ BUSINESS A~ AttoDrey! s RÐ~~rli; C;::d.::..naJ.'l~3S anrl Rç,I')01.ut··on;~ 1. Gjr:¡/ A"'-¡",:.):'l,-e;v '?~r: J A:"lòa:~5CI.·1 r ~Ol~CR+J'~ci cla"!:"jfiC'9.tion of sc}~ct, I.C, 0. , (l~·'.J:J~G l.lJ.d :~·ec;lJo·':,bJ."l.j__.:L"L::'ie,;; 0; 7J.L1B f'r':Jposed c:i.tj.zer8 '~('i1~:'_:::,p.e ~ef(;r'n 0::'CÐ~~::...n~ 8 l'('[¡.)~·L.Ávic>n as moved by COlli'."J.',<", ¡'hY8:_·ho~z. seconjod by Gc'mci.1Ir.an Wilson and car:-iE, ~ ':,Clda:i.r1oUIJly a G the special meeting of 11/28/55, COllúcilrr.a:-¡ N'a"thanson suggested Ð. s!11a.ller committee than tho p:~evioudy stated twenty-five, said cOIlJlrdt.toe to be appointed by tr,.e Ma,yor with the approval of tho Council; further that ':,h::'., ~~mrntt"e would be available for any department where r,ee~l..d ~ C;',mc:..Lcr.an '~ilson appeared Ii';; tlÚs point) A briEf .;,."':')., fV:~.',tcl~r J~~$:'~~Gsion follc1r1I2·i., C~Y'J,nr~!.,~~J:la:~ ~,T,~t~aI!san mc\1"!:;d .i~~." r \_..,,~" _~..:":'0~:·'1'..y -:J,-~ :;'~,;"Jt1.'1.....~~tJ',~':' .:....~; ':.>1'f)..i·":~·ì!) .J'_~";',"'Æ.:':''':8 ')'- '....a'~:~t,~_:.b~.~·~;< ~ ~',::-'l":,,"-!~'l¿ ï\;::1'"·":.~.d~~·'):lr·!--¿"(::2S ~).t f~i-C ,):;' ;'1.:..1>:: Tiç ''::''-,:J.~-, ,ì..:; l:.8:3dq:,:~y 3<-ttd (:(;1:!r:~.t·~".t.j:J¡n.a!l ~'J be ai"P0:;.¡:·~~:3'-: bJ" t~_L,~ l·f3.~-0r ili (,:,;. thu éJl:;r::\'t/;:;.:l. 'Jf t._(~8 r~vj.:.nci~; fl;.r·~he:' th:::l.t t}rÌ.a vl,;~:L~~g c:-(;~Ít~:cte:) '\ri...l. r:;!;k"lrt a:J.d be res!)c..£ls~ble to the C.:;-unr::~:.:1. a!~d in e:.dd.::.;:.:l.un "Chi::; C0!"'á,lit"CÐ8 uill be aVé.'.ilable to ar..j" ò.epal"-:.men:. irl!.BrC needed. Seconded bJI" Cm:l:c:'l1r:an Saich and carried 4 - O. -2- b. ReDOrt of Fin3nce Chairman 1." In the absence of Finance Chairman R. Ivan Meyerholz this report was postponed until the regular meeting 12/12/55. c. Report of Roads and Maintenance Superintendent 1. Supertindent John Saich reported County Executive Frank Thill will assist in compiling a budget the latter part of January 1956. d. Police and Fire Chief Report 1. Chief Nathanson read a letter dated 12/2/55 from Mr. Ivan Vojvoda reiterating his oral service costs repert of ~1.85 hourly wage per patrolman. In a personal interview with Sheriff Hawley, Councilman Nathanson suggested the deputies be instructed to include the name of Cupertino on any violation tickets issued within the City limits in order to assure monetary credit to the City in case of levied fines. 2. Police Chief Nathanson recommended an ordinance prohibiting roadside advertising. ' 3. Further advised additional police protection, and will in- quire as to additional servicos available thru tho Sheriff's office. 4. At this point the City Attorney stated tho policing of the newer cities have been a problem duo to tho fact tho local Chief of Police cannot issue orders to County employees. e. Report of Building and Health Insp8ctor 1. Inspector Warner Wilson had no report to make at this time. f. Report of Planning Commission I. Chairman Burrel Loonard requested permission from the Council to employ professional person.'"lcl to assist the Planning CornnLtssion when necessalJr. This requost and its approval nccessary before s~bmitting budget. ~o action was taken whereupon Chairman Loonard requested a joint IT£eting with the CounciL This request was grénteod by the Chair without definite date. Mayor Lindenmejor asked if Homestead l-C had oeen approved by thu Pl['Q~inß Corunission. Chairman Leonard stated it had been approved. g. Miscella~cous 1. Th0 motion to appoint Councilman MeYLrholz to represent C'..Ip8r+,ino' s se~ICrage development program in all phases in- clu:iing engineering Dnd fb,ancing was made by Councilman Na.thanson, secQnd"d by Councilman 'iriilson and carried 4 - o. h. Good and ,Jclfare of City 1. The Chair directed the Secretary to sub~lit a letter to the Chamber of Commerce endOl'sing the Yuletide spirit and a.pproving "Cr.e pro"(Josod i,1stal:ation of Ghristm¡:,s c'.ecorations for the City. Gounc::.lrnan Nat:l[cnsan stated the Cupertino- Monta. V:!"ta Impro7oment Association wouk, be happy to meet the C;lan¡ber's financie.l coru~tments in providing funds for the Holiday decorations. VI, SPECIAL O,IDERS OF THE DAY a. Ncne stated, VII. PETITIJNS AN~ CŒ~1UNICATIONS a. l.ol1'it-ljr':¡i.1 1. In+,()I'o,City CO',m~il Meeting, 7:00 PM, 12/8/55, Lou's Village.. SCTI Joss.., Ca.lifo No a.ction taken,. 2. Bounda.ry Commission form letter stating proposed annexation 0:- Fremont-Grant #5 to Los Altos 3. Self-Serv Food Corporation of San Jose requests permission to erect a neon sign at "The Burger Pit", Stevens Creek Road, before December 15, 1955. -3- 4. Mrs. Freda Adler requests permission to operate a beauty shop in her home located at 10552 John Way, Cupertino. It was moved by Councilman Nathanson items a-2, 3 and 4 be referred to the Planning Commission for investigation and study, " b. Oral 1, Commissioner Paizis reported the north~st corner of the Youth Center road is in hazardous condition. Road Superintendent John Saich stated this matter would be investigated immediately. VIII, ADJOURNNENT by Hayor Lindenmcyer at 10:00 Pl1 Respectfully submitted, . , '/¡·'i( .,/ /\/ (J! / ~/ 1 Edith H. Anthony, Secretary I / ~-~.__._~---,_.._. - ----.--- -------------- -~- ----------------