CC 11-28-55 Q!!l OF Q!!æ~E!.!~Q BOX ,97 CUPERTINO, CALIFORl'IIA MINUTES OF THE SEVENTH COUNCIL MEETING Special Meeting - Nov. 28, 1955 Place: Time : Cupertino Union School, Stevens Creek Road 8:00 PM Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent : Lindenmeyer, Meyerholz, NDthanson, Saich and Wilson None Press Presentl Cupertino Courier, Wm, Norton Sunnyvale Standard, Miriam Soomil S.J, Mercury-News _ West Valley News - Partial List of Spectators Present: Cassella, Emil - L.A. Garbage Co. Tormey, Peter Musante, Steve - L.A. Garbage Co. I. PRELIMINARIES a. Meeting called to order by Mayor Lindenmeyer at 8:08 PM b. Salute to the Flag. II.. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING a. The sccretary was instructed to read the section heads of the Council meeting of 11/14/55. Full minutes were posted at the rear of the room. Th8 minutes were approved as read. III. COMMmnCATIONS; READ BY SECRETARY a. Division of Highways, improvement plans for major roads approved before the incorporation of Cupertino, b. W. Ainsworth, Los Altos, request for Commercial zoning of 7.&1 acres located at s0uthwest corner of Stevens Creek Road and Niller Avenue. Moved by COlUlcilm"n Saich, seconded by COlL~cilman Nathanson and carried unanimous1y the above mattors be refilirred to the Plani1ing Commission for action. IV. SARATOGA PATHOI, INVITED TO APPEAR; IVAN J. VOJVODA a, Mr. Vojvoda offered his patrol services to the City of Cupertino at a month1y cost of:,530.00. This would include patrol service during peak traffic hours, 12 noon to 6:00 PM and midnight to 6:00 AM; $100.00 of the monthly cost would cover costs of the car, radio ser- vice, insurance, etc. Additional hours would remain at the ",,1,85 per hour foe. Averaging one ticket per day at ;}6.00 p€,r ticket, estimated cost to the City per year after traffic ticket fees are deducted would bo w3,480. The Patrol could assist in collecting the various license fees throughout the City, Yœ, Vojvoda further stated his Patrol Service is licensed by the State and all patrolmen' are bonded. V. CITY A TTORNE.Y I S REPOHT a. Ordinance #9, creating procedural rules and providing for adoption of new rules, Hoved by Councilman Nathanson, seconded by Councilman Wilson and carried unanimously,Ordinance #9 be ratified as ruad. b. Ordinance #7, garbage disposal. Moved by Councilman Saich, seconded by Councilraan heyerholz, Ordinance #7 be ratified as rÐad. Carried 5 - O. c. Agreement - Garbage Company and City of Cupertino, The motion to ratify said agreement was made by Councilman Nathanson, seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 5 - O. d, Judicial Districts. City Attorney Sam J. Anderson recommended SÐnta Clara Judicial District as best suited to the needs of the City, The Chair advised a delay of decision until 12/5/55. e. Traffic tickets and penalty fees. City Attorney s"lE;gestod notifying t'1e ,'ede Highway Patrol and Sheriff 's Orfice, all '~,:;'okets issued wit'lL'1 tho city limits should bear the City's nrune for revenue purposes. f, City Secl. After some discussion on the need for a design for an officic,l seal for Cupertino, Councilman Nathanson moved Hr. Goodc1H, Prii1ci;¡al of Fremont School be contacted in regards to a high sCl1001 contest for the most appropriate design. Seconded by Councilman Meyerholz and carried unanimously. Mr. Peter Tormey offered a twenty-five dollar award to the winner. VI. PLANNING COMMISSION'S REPORT a. In the absencc of Acting Chairman Burrel Leonard, Acting Commissioner Ray Bell reported the Cow~ission is studyin~ tho Sunnyvale-Cupertino boundary problem. He further stated an ordinance is being created establishing fees for zoning, etc. b. Councilman Meyerholz requested a budget from the Planning Commission. VII. ADOPTION OF PENDING RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES a. Completed under ITEM V. VIII. MISCELU,NEOUS a, Agent of Record, ~~. Mel Hewins, reminded the Council the present binder expires 12/5/55. Nr, Howins was instructed by thü Council to seek an extension effective until 1/5/56. Councilman Nathanson requested a comparable breakdown of insurance policies be presented at the next Council meeting. b. City Attorney recommended bonding of Councilman and Finance Chairman R, Ivan Meyerholz and Acting City Clerk Edith H. Anthony by Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company in the amount of ~5,ooo. Moved by Councilman Nathanson, soconded by CouncilDlan Saich the bonding recommendation bo accepted and Ae<mt of Record instructed to request such bond from Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company. Carriod 5 - o. c, Councilman Meyerholz movod a resolution be created setting up a citizens working committee consisting of twenty-five persons, said persons to be appointed by the Mayor subject to approval by the Council. Seconded by Councilman Wilson. Carried 5 - O. d. Office hours for City Hall will be 10:00 AM thru 12:00 11, Monday thru Friday. e. Thú Mayor instructed Councilman Saleh and Nathanson to have City l~nit signs erected as nocessary. IX. ADJOURUi,1ENT by !'Iayor Lindenmeyer at 10:20 P~í. -------------------- 7:00 - 8:00 PM COUNCIL DISCUSSION 11/28/55 PLACE: Cupertino Union School, Stevens Croek Read COUNCIUŒN PRESENT: Limlenmeyer, I1eyerholz, Nathanson, Saich and Wilson COUNC IL1VJEN ABSENT: None Councilman and Finance Chairman Meyerholz requested a budget from the following Departmental Chairmen: a. Roads and Maintenance - Councilman S~ich b. Building ~nd Health Inspoctor - Councilman Wilson c, Fire and Police Chief - Councilman Nathanson It was further requested by Councilman Meyerholz that an ordinance be created establishing license fees, ane; that he wonld investigate all possible sources of city revenue. Councilman and Building, Health Inspector Wilson declared he would check with the County Building Inspectors in regards to prospective revenue from the varied facets of construction. Councilman and Roads I'laintenance Superintendent Saich stated he was studyinG all available maps and regulations with tho cooper~tion of the Planning Commission and wonld rrk~ke a report at a later date on major roads. Councilman and Fire, Police Chief Nathanson statod the City of Cuper- tino is in the Central Fire District and the problem of increased police protection with possible assistance from a private patrol would need furth':r investigation and study. Coun~i:, ej peussion terminated at 8100 PM. R~spectf~llY ~U~i~~,M, /<"/-1..,<, I 1_ I ' , / r- .~-: ii ;l,~~>:} :1.(:., " " ,