CC 11-14-55 CITY OF CUPERTINO BOX 597 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE SIXTH COUNCIL MEETING Regular Meeting 1l/Jl¡/55 naca' Cupertino Union School, Stevens Creek Road Tillie, 8,00 PM Councilmen Present: Lindenmeyer, Nathanson, Baich, Wilson Councilmen Absent: Meyerholz Press Present: Cupertino Courier, Wm, Norton Sunnyvale Standard, Miriam Soomil Partial List of Spectators Present: Cassella, Emil - L,A. Garbage Co. Bandley, Don O. Tormey, Peter Rodrigues, John S.J. Mercury News-Dick Cox West Valley News - Musante, Steve, L.A. Garbage Co. Chbla, Vita Foster, Earl ~liller, Sam I, PRELIMINARIES 1. Meeting called to order by Mayor Lindenmeyer at 8,08 PM 2. Salute to the Flag. II. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING 1. The secretary was instructed to read the section heads of the Council meeting of 11/7/55 and of the informal discussion held with Mr. Allen M. Fortney, Division of Highways. Full minutes were posted at the rear of the room. No one requested a complete reading. The minutes were approved without additions or corrections. III. COMMUNICATIONS; READ BY SECRETARY 1. Rezoning requests: a. Angels and Josephine Licciardello, 20065 Stevens Creek Road requests Commercial zoning. b. Julian Fassio, no address, requests Bommercial zoning of property fronting Stevens Creek Road near Blaney Ave¡¡ue. c. Mrs. Lillian B. Wolf, 10080 Randy Lane, requests Commercial zoning for property located next door north of Charron's Furniture Store. It was moved by Councilman Saich and seconded by Councilman Nathanson and carried unanimous1¥ the above matters be referred to the Planning Commission. 2. Charles Prior submitted a proclamation to be signed by the Mayor, authorizing December 1, 1955 as Safe Driving Day. It was moved by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Nathanson and unanimous1¥ carried the Mayor sign said proclamation, 3. Department of Public Works, Sacramento, requested the names of the City Officials. It was moved by Councilman Saich, seconded by Council- man Nathanson and unanimously carried the request be accomplished. 4. County Boundary Commission stated proposed annexation of Boynton #2 ' to Sim Jose. It was moved by Councilman Saich, seconded by Councilman Nathanson and unanimously carried to refer the matter to the Planning Commission for information and reference. . 5. County Boundarr Colll1lission, annexation of Komenovich property to Cupertino, . requests conformance with Qovernment Code 35002 and return to Mark Thomas. It was moved by Councilman Nathanson, seconded by Councilman Saich ánd carried unanimously this matter be referred to the Planning Commission and accomplished. 6., Summons and Warrants to be served were received from, 11. Grassland Water District, Los Banos, Cslit. b. Shepprd and Shepard, Attorneys-at-Law, Selma, Calif. the motion was made by Councilman Wilson, sec'" - ''''v Councilman Nathansc>'" ~', , ", ;:,',y calTied the matt,;'>, \1: :(.Ly:-"d bÐr::." ", acldrr -;;; :"~',:,-'. -~>:' 8anta Clat'a C:'7·.:'·,~," :"::~ ;:C':::~:s Ü:~:,:.;~,·~, -2- 7. Cupertino Chamber of Commerce letter in two parts: (a} Announcing the annual "Councilman of the Year Award" and (b) opposing the San Jose Annexation of Johnson #1. Part (a) - The motion was made by Councilman Nathanson, seconded by Councilman Saich and unanj,mously carried, a vote of thanks be extedded to Cupertino Chamber of Commerce for their interest in the Community and their Councilmen, Part (b), it was moved by Councilman Nathanson, seconded by Counciln~n Saich and unanimously carried, the matter be tabled until Item 8 on the Agenda was presented. 8. Agent of Record report as requested by Councilman Nathanson 11/7/55. (a) A proposal by the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company I Bodily Injury (200-1000) 426.76 and Property Damage ($50,000) $126.18 totalling ~553.54 (b) A Proposal by the Pacific Indemnity Co., annual rates with a con- tinuous form of policy, not subject to audit: Bodily Injury (250 - 1000), City Roads:ðOO and six employees ir15.36; Property Damage (25,000) *100.00 totalling w415.36. . . ~ (c) Application to Compensation Insurance Fund of San Francisco and Workmen's Compensation Inàurance Binder No. 134912 was included for official signature. It was moved by Councilman Nathanson, seconded by Councilman Saich and unanimously carried a committee of five Councilmen study and investigate this report for one week. IV. REPORT OF THE CITi ATTORNEY 1. Garbage Disposal Ordinance (without nUll1ber) read in revised form. It was moved by Counciln1an Saich and seconded by Councilman vIilson the Garbage Disposal Ordinance (without nUll1ber) be approved as read, The motion was carried unanimously. 2. Resolution #3, Contract with Garbage Company, It was moved by Councilman Nathanson, seconded by Counciln1an Saich and carried unanimously Resolution #3 be adopted as read. 3. Agreement with Garbage Company. Moved by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Counciln1an Nathanson, voting on Agreement be postponed until n/21/55. Carried unanimously. 4. Ordinance 008, Procedural Ordinance (Urgency Clause) The Chair recommended revision. 5. Resolution #4, Distributing the Duties Among Members of the City Council. The following namüd Councilmen will be in charge of the respective matters set opposite their names: CouncHman Meyerholz - Budget and Finance; Councilman Saich - Roads and MaintonanceJ Councilman Wilson - BUildings and Public Health; Councilman Nathanson - Police and Fire Chief. It was moved by Co~~cilman Wilson Resolution #4 be accepted as read. Seconded by Councilman Saich and carried unanimously. 6. Ordinance # ; State and Highwalf Improvement Fund. First reading. 1. Judicial Districts; deferred until Item Vii on Agenda as directed by the Chair. 8. Resolution #5; In reply to Sunnyvale City Council concerning a common boundary line and usage of Lawrence Station Road sewage facilities. Moved by Councilman Nathanson, seconded by C011!lcilman Saich and oarried unanimously the Resolution #5 be accepted as read. " , V. REPORT OF PLANNING COHMISSION 1. Acting Chairman Burrel Leonard remarked the Planning Commission was in an unofficial status; the regular meeting of the Planning Commission would be held the first Wednesday of each month; the Planning Commission would hold special meetings each week at the Cupertino Union School Library at 8100 PM until fvrthor notice; the first and third meetings ea~h month wou1.d be ot>en for reøoning requests,. etc:t, the :38r'c'0.d and :~ourtt. ;.:ct-Jt.tJlg'3 woüi-l b<ò ·:c:c.::<.do·......eci. W0::-}:: s8':sicn.:':.J -3- VI. P.T.&T. Representative - Mr. C. Yaeger 1. Mr. Yaeger reiterated his desire ror an orrice and storage shed at Forest and Blaney Avenue, approximate value of improvement-$45,Ooo. Displ~ed photographs of buildings located in residential areas of Palo Alto and Los Altos. A recommendation of denial for a use permit had been submitted to the Council by the Planning Commission. It was moved b.r Councilman Nathanson, seconded by Councilman Saich the P.T.&T. locate a site nearer the P,G.&E. and resubmit plans and location to the Planning Commission for study and approval. Carried unanimously. Councilman Meyerholz appeared at 10:05 PM 2. California Safety Patrol represented by 11r. Floyd Higgins submitted a bid for police patrol services of $4.00 per hoUB per ¡Than including the vehicles and equipment. Stated he believed the City's traffic fines would pay for such service. ¡.jen in this privately owned patrol service are auxiliary policemen of San Jose and are equipped with motorcyclcs or automobiles. At prescnt, escort funeral processions thru the surrounding cities. It was moved by Councilman Nathanson. seconded by Councilman Saich the possibility of contracting for police services and trarfic control be given further consideration. Carried, - O. 3. Komonovich Property. Annexation to Cupertino. CHy Attorney suggested referral to Planning Commission, compliance with Government Code 35002 and further referred to Mark Thomas, County Engineer. The motion to comply with Attorney's suggestion was made by Councilman Saich. seconded by Councilman Wilson and unanimously carried. VII. JUDICIAL DISTRICT: COU1\ICIL VOTE Moved by Councilman Nathanson. seconded by Councilman Wilson the choide of a Judicial District and consideration of bid submitted by California Safety Patrol be studied as one problem. Carried unanimously. VIII. JOHNSON #1; COUNCIL VOTE MOTION by Councilman Wilson that: Since certain citizens of Cupertino have submitted a proposal to the Council requesting a commitment to 6,000 square foot lots in respect to the proposed San Jose Annexation known as Johnson #1, and since the Council is precluded from institutinc any proceedings to annex that area until the San Jose Annexation is disposed of. I move that the Council make no commitments at this time concûrning Johnson No.1 Annexation and that further the Council expressly disapprovûs the extension of 6.000 square foot lots into the Cupertino area. Seconded b y Councilman Saich. Councilman Meyerholz passed the vote, AYES: Councilmen Lindenmcyer. Nathanson, Saich and Wilson NOES: None COUNCIU{8N ABSENT: None ¥~tion carried. IX. SUNNYVALE FROPOSITION, Resolution #" IN REPLY TO SUNNYVALE CITY COUNCIL It was moved by Councilman Nathanson Resolution #,. be accepted by the Council and forwarded to City of Sunnyvale Council. Seconded by Councilman ¡'¡eyerholz and carried unanimously. X. ORAL REPORT OF INTER-CITY MEETING 11/10/55 by Councilman Nathanson 1. Membership restricted to cities of Santa Clara County 2. Meeting held the second Thursday of each month 3. Membership assessment of t50.00 per calendar year for ûach city 4. Officials: President - R. B. Gilmore; Secretary-Treasurer - H. K, Hunter; Partial list of committee chairmen: Mr. Evatt, Milpitas - Smog Control; Mayor David Tripiano, Mt. View - Sales Tax Chairman; Nayor Witt, Los Alto - Gas Tax; Councilman Watson Connor. Los Altos - Flood Control. XI. MISCELL\NEOUS 1. It was moved by Councilman Nathanson the City Attorney be instructed to compile a resolution of thanks to the Inter-City Council for gavel pre- sented to City of Cupertino. Seconded by Councilman Wilson. Carried 5 -0. 2. Moved bV Councilman Nathanson, seconded by Councilman Wilson the invitation to become a momber of the Inter-City Council at this time, be tabled. Carried 5 - o. 3. Office space in Fire House available Without rental charge. but unfurn1s" and without telephone service. Moved by Councilman Mcyerholz a resol~\-:;~,·, of thanks be subnd.tted to the Fire Commissioner and Fire Chief. Sccond€;Q by Co~~cilman Wilson and carried unanimously. XII. ADJOURNNENT at 11100 PM by Mayor Lindenmcyer.