CC 10-31-55
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(.'"jl}!lC:~,ID1C;''1 Fre~eŒ, ~
Councilmen A~x;~n!lt~
Lindero~iOycr, Hal ph - _ .ayor
ey(~rt;ol?:, 1'.., IV~J.n
~~athD.nso,n~ 1:. :..T..
Saich, ~John
! -~ilson_, 1.'Jt:rner
r-'ar..1-ia! T,ist of ~2re?J:,a~!~ Prese!~'~:
He'.JinS:t l1el - IDm::..:r'CL"'1(~e ~::""'o'
~L'ormz;y ': Peter - Insul"':,nce Broker
~)oss::: ?l·,:;nk
Cas~;ellÐ.: Emil
~'~u:;;D.nte, Steve
I-Jal1dle~"', Don () G
L ../~ ~ Garb. D:!.sp~ CO<t
1,,,1-\,0\ Garb. Lisp. Co",
P:i:"'2G~] :
Cupertino .... V;nfl' ~·Io¡~ton
Palo Alto 'nJnes - I:ob - :inslO\f
1.. J\In.yo:¡:' LtndemrßY€1" called the; to order at 8: 10 Pi·j..
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.L;, " l-:i::rTES CF' TIr~ IJ~S1.1 i"WETL\TG
1. IDA }··:a.YCI' ì~[;t:~ur;ted the 2ecr'etar~r to read the section headinr:;s of thc
COl.ln~il mceti:-,,[ of lO/2L/55. 1'Le .full meeting minutes v,Jere posted at the
l"'t:.c:;' of tLc rc(!;r....
2 ~ J-;ü ont~ :cs:qucD:;.ed '-'. C;)I!lplete ::cad:lnf:.
11;\::- tj{:Cl>Bt.:.~; i'H,.t;.~ instl:'i.1.cted to red.d the incoming correspondence.
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r'Affirlavl:L P..:'1:1t'1.n.Z; to D,egul?r3,ty of Froce€c~in~~s Pert.ainin(:; to the
Irlc::;¡'pc,rat:Lon c,r t,Ls C:1:::,:/ of C11p-~?r'i~inD :in the CountJ of :3anta. Clara:
::;t.c:.r~c 0i: ,',.;-,"; QlÙ,jT filed &nd recorded in ~lis ofl':tce at
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tuelve or more
opposed to
r~CTIC'¡ ,
IIo;:ed by Councilman ¡.eycrholz aut:10rity be ,:iven to 'ounciLlan
rathanson to study and investicate abova situation.
Seconded Ly Councilr.~ Saich
Carried: ;; - 0
oli:;i'olo voters avai1a1Üe, u!Jr ~ou1d, jj: they
annexation by ;;00 Jose LIoc/( ,ds action,
IV. INTHCDrcTIO\ OF CUU'¡:Y TnlrT';R, . R. lJ\li": '1';10 J\S
1. ;'ir. hark Thomas was introduced by ¡¡,ayor LincJernneyer and discussion com-
¡aenced on Sanitation Districts.
2. i.r. l'homas stated the City of Cupertino is I1m.¡ eliGible to select one
member as a County representativa.
3. A bond election may be held six months after the last alaction and there
are sufricient funds available for such an election. ir desired.
4. An election may be called if requested by 25: or the supervisors.
5. A Sanitary District is controlled locall,.
General discussion followed, by the Council and from the floor.
1. Councilman ,Iilson asked hm.¡ tracts usine; Sunnyvale's se¡.¡a.:e system
could be discontinued. 1:1'. Thomas replied voters could request a
,ri thdrawal.
2. Council¡:¡a.'1 ,Iathanson's query was: "Is 1iriGht Avenue seweraGe included
in District No. 71" ¡'.r. Thomas could not Give a decisive answer since
he had not broue;.l1t maps of that area.
3. Ì'ir. Don Dandley asked if Johnson #1 would have any effect on the sani-
tation district. ¡'ire Thomas replied: "Any annexed area can Idthdraw
from a sanitary district.
4. 1-1a.¡or Lindenmeyer asked if it would be feasible to have a Sanitary
District within the City limits and contract "'Ìth an adjoining city
for use or their disposal lines thus allibwing local control. J.1r. Hark
Thomas suggested a full district rather than a city.
5. COImcilman heyerholz SU8¡;ested the expense would be too great at the
present time for the City of Cupertino since Sanitation District f/ 7
is in operDtion and available. Further suggested the discussion pro-
ceed to more pressing matters at hand.
1. r,lI'. Peter Tormey, hr. Hel Hewins, and 111'. Frank Doss representing the Earl
T. Fischer Company, made their presence known to the Council.
2. Mayor Linderuneyer stated Earl T. Fischer at present has a binder covering
the City of Cupertino which is effective until November 5. 1955.
3. Mr. Tormey presented to the Council a two page report on tmat he considered
necessary present and future coverage. Current needs included a blanket
liability policy covering all legal liability of the City, Councilmen.
employees and at present should include non-ownership coverage while the
officials are operating their individual~ owned vehicles while on City
business; public official bonds covering the five councilmen and one sec-
retary (pro-tem). Mr. Tormey quoted cost as ;"415.36 per,year, not subject to aUdit.
4. City Attorney, Hr. Sam Anderson stated the on~ public official bond
necessary would be coverage on the City Clerk, not on the Councilmen.
5. I-Jr. Frank Doss representing Hr. Earl T. Fischer. reminded t',c Council of
the unquestionable reputation of his firm; the availability or any type
insurance desired by the Council; at the present time carried a bond
covering the City and its representatives; this bond expiring November 5.
6. Nr. }"iel Hewins. representing his own firm in Cupertino. stated he had &
complete line of insurance includin¡:; general liability, bonds and work-
men's Compensations and haddconducted his business in Cupertino for eight
"ears. Nr. Hewins suggested the sum of ~JOO,OOO for general liability and
expressed the desire to submit a bid to the Council.
(Hayor Lindenmeyer declared a ten minute recess at ~:OO Pln. Discussion resumed at 9:10)
7. Upon the req1Jest of the brokers present. Hayor Lindenmeyer declared a secret
vote would be taken by the Council; the broker with the majority vote would
be Agent of Record. Secretary pro-tem, FAith H. Anthony. collected and
counted the ballots. Result: r;z.. Eel Hewins _ 3; Hr. Pet,er Tormey _ 1;
r. Earl T. Fischer - 1. Hr. 1';el Hewins is the A¡:;ent of ¡ìecord.
1. Hr. Anderson displayed a Certificate of Incorporation from Frank I'I. Jordan,
Secretary of the State of California asserting Cupertino is nQl'¡ legal~
recorded as a City ror all purposes.
2. Official affidavits !'rom the County Recorder, Doard of Supervisors and
State Board of Equalization affirmed above.
Councilman Nathanson moved the Council authorize J11'. Anderson to compile a
resolution J'Jr, Olsen, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for the efficiency
and prompt action taken in situations pertaining to the City of Cupertino.
Seconded by Councilman M~Jerholz
Carried: 5 - 0
3. Resolution No. 1 declaring the desire of the City of Cupertino becoming a
member of the Leae;ue of r,alifornia CitÜ,s Nas read Ly ¡,.. Äl'ð(,r"'''D',
COlllcilman Eeycrholz moved the Com1cil sub:nit this resolution tvith pertinent
data of tIle Cit~/ Uf'f.1.cials to tl:c Lca~)JO of :·jn.l~.fornia 8itieü...
Seconded ;'JY CotlY1c:tlm.al1 .!!
Carried: ~ - 0
4. CITY Q¡;j,U:A":;F, 00$, Preliminary readinG by Lr. ;,am iindei'son.
Ordinance 005 estadis;ces a Flan'1Ïni: Connission conslstinc; of five œnbers,
.1ith t,I'c a::>proval of thc Council.
a. l'err;¡ of office for the Chairman Irlll ~e one year unless the expiration
of his teMn of office is sooner.
b. Three ;,¡emüers of t::e !].aml':ç CO¡::i.lissioll l<Jill serve until April 1956;
expiration date of rer,¡ain¡!;nc b¡o mer,lbers will ce April 195.3 (four year
terra) ,
c. The prime objective of the rlan.'1in('; Commission is continuous better-
lilent of the City.
d. The City Cotètlcil may study this resolution and vote upon its accept-
ance in rive days.
Discussion follo¡'Jed this preliminary beading.
1. Councilrwn 'J¡¡t1Jallson DS:Œd if expenditures for outside services
Here to be submitted tot!1e Council for approval to w¡¡ich >'Jr. Sam
Anderson replied., yes, Lut volunteer services ¡,1B.y ùe used.
2. Councilman ',;ilson questioned the conventionality of a four out of
five vote for the Planning Commission. The City Attorney declared
the four of five necessa~ votes pertained only to zoninß problems.
Three of five votes is necessary for re,.ular passa,;e.
3. f!¡ayor Lindeœ(¡eyer asked if the secretary of the PlaœJing Commission
would be in a salaried status to which ¡;r. Anderson pointed out that
the Council decided on expenditures.
4. An explanation of the A:J;oeals Doard was requested by GOlllcilman
Heyerholz. ¡:r. Anderson stated the Board of Appeals is the function
of the Council and the Council can reverse the decisions of the
Plannin~ COI!U:ds~3ion. The Planning Commission is a "recommendation
board" to the Council. An illegal or overt act on the part of the
Council is covered by standard bond.
5. CITY ORDnlA')CE 006, first reading by secretary pro-tem, Edith Anthor:¡y.
Ordinance 006 creates procedural rules and provides for adoption of new rules.
1. Upon completion of the readinz, the ordinance was submitted to the
Council for study and ~ be voted upon in five days. The ordinance
consists of three sections. !laJne1y:
a. Adoption of Rules (Section I)
b. Adoption of Hoberts Rules of Order (Section II)
c, Posting Clause (Section III)
6. The City Attorney stated that under Section 4250 of the Ileal th and Safety
COde, the Council may negotiate a contract with the Los Altos Garbage
Company. Hr. Nusante and ¡r.r. Cassella stated they would abide by the
COlllty Health Regulations concerning garbage disposal; 10% of the pre-
vious months receipts would be paid to the City for revenue) books would
be open for audit.
Councilman heyerholz moved Mr. Anderson compile an ordinance based on the
Urgency Clause to neßotiate a contract for pickup service and disposal
in accordance with County health rules and that the Garbage Company's
books will be open for audit.
Seconded by Councilman Salch
Carried: 5 - 0
7. Mr. Anderson recommended further discussion by the Council on Sanitation
District 7 representation.
COlllcilman Nathanson moved Councilman H. Ivan Neyerholz be appointed the
representative to Sanitation District No. 7
Seconded by Councilman Saich
Councilman l>eyerholz asked to pass the vote.
Carried: 4 - 0
1. Mr. l3urrel Leonard, acting chairman, stated the Planning Commission has
no official status for thirty days.
2. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. is interested in possible action to
be taken by Cupertino regardin{; annexatioh. I'll'. Leonard suggested }Jr.
Yaeger's peesence at the next Planning Commission meeting.
3. Hayor Lindenmeyer suggested the Planning Commission hold a preliminary
meeting to discuss the matter.
1. !1ayor Lindenmeyer stated the ;;ayors of this locale met in San Jose to
appoint a representative to t:le Northern California District.
2. !1r. Connor, Councilman of L0s Altos, was elected.
'IX. use LTJ,';'C[[i
;¡ayar Lindo:1nJ.eyer amounaed the i'ol101Jin:. !1cetinc;s:
a. ~ove;,1ber 7, 1955, 7:0:1 C;, ~;pecial [JQetic1;~ of t1,e 6ound11JJ.~'·~ .,r. Allen
Fortn!!3!" of :;'i-..1si:11 of "i';huaIs to ne,;otiato on State Sl1L1cntionsmmoney.
G. 'Jovember 11, 1955, 8:00 L,. SUIU1y-'Jale and Cupertino BålllnciL.1en ¡Üll disc-
cuss Sity boundaries
:;ouncil ;:n ;;e.Jerholz stated mmers of ]]0 Oro Club of Cupertino have expressed
their desire to be a."E1exed by this CitJ.
CounciJJiWl :Jathanson explained:
a. Avera.!5e cost of maps a:1d Louildary descriptions for an11exation pur-
poses is ,50. to .,75.
b. Ei;;ht maps and ei:;ht local boundarJ descriptions are nocessary for
an.'1exation procedure
c. Either the City or property mmer(s) desiring t.l1e annexation may
bear the cost.
}~rk Thomas, County Engineer, remarked the next meetinß or the oundary
Commission will be held ;Jovember 7 1955; regular meetings are held the
first and third !1ondays of each month.
Counci3Jnan Nathanson moved the City Attorney compile a resolution author-
izin(õ Nr. ¡'ark Thomas to take necessary legal annexation procedure in
annexing the Komenovich property on I!onestead !toad. This property was
inadvertently omitted from the incorporation
Seconded by Councilman Saich
Carried: 5 - 0
Naming of the Komenovich arL'1exation was discussed qy Council.
'loved by Councilman :lilson the Komenovich annexatÏ'>n title be "Homestead l-C"
the "C" denoting Cupertino.
Seconded by CouncilJ= Saich
Carried: 5 - 0
!1r. Burrel Leonard reported he has received reports that City of Sunnyvale
has been surveying property adjacent to the Sanchez: property. The Planning
Commission was instr~cted by the Council to investigate and report to the
Council at the next meeting.
1. Nayor I.indenmeyer declared the meeting adjourned at 10130 PH