CC 10-17-55 IV. CORRESPONDENCE. The Acting Clerk was instructed to read the rollowing com- munications: 1, Letter from Fremont Republican Assembly invitinG the Councilmen to appear as a body or individually at a meeting to be held 10126/55 to discuss "Cupertino's Future." PM III ELECTION OF ~!AYOR; MAYOR PRO-TEM. 1. The Councilmen agreed without the formality of a motion that the first term for each office would run approximately six months to April 1956; and that thereafter these terms would be one year from April to April. The Council was polled: Affirmed: 5 - 0 2. The Councilmen agreed to elect a Mayor The Acting Clerk collected the ballots results. Lindenmeyer 3; Wilson 2 Lindenmeyer elected Mayor 3. The Councilmen agreed to elect a Mayor Pro-Tem by the same procedure. Nathanson 3: Meyerholz 2 Nathanson elected Mayor Pro-~ 8 : 15 PM 8:14 PM 8:13 by written ballot. and announced the 8 : 09 PM I. PRELlliIHArlIES: 1. The meeting was called to Lindenmeyer. 2. Salute to flag followed MINUTES OF LAST MEETIJG: 1. ChaJ.r announced that the minutes of the last meeting were posted at the rear of the room. To conserve time the Acting Clerk was instructed to read section headings only; and to read the minutes in full only if ~equested from the floor. 2. The condensed minutes were read, and there were no questions. II. 8:11 PM order at 8:08 by Acting Chairman Norton, \1m. Burton, Harry Slattery, Franl¡ Pope, Ed Press Present: Cupertino Courier: '¡est Valley News: San Jose Mercury News: Sunnyvale Standard: Palo Alto Times: Partial List of Spectators Present: Leonard, Burrel - Ùcting Clerk (Non-applicant filling in until a Bandley, Don Clerk can be selected from applicants) Cassella, E. Ritchie, Mrs. George L. Crady, Saich, Antone McLaughlin, Howard Stanley, Boris Musante, .steve Struthers, 1.;. J. Paiziz, George Tormey, pete Ritchie George L. Wagoner, Vance , Wright, Douglas :'Tone Acting Chnnn Councilmen Present: Lindenmeyer,,ga::lph,,; ',¡dIson, ,.arner Saich, John Meyerholz, R. Ivan Na thanson, N. J. Councilmen Absent: Place: Library, Cupertino Union School, Stevens Creek ;toad Time: 8:00 P.: . 10/17/55 Spe cial ¡,;¡eeting Linutes of Seconc~ Counc:L_~__J¡eetins CUDertino, Calif. P. O. Box 597 CUP E ~ TIN 0 .'., -- ,_.- o F C I T 'f. 8 :23 PM 4. Second letter from California State Highway Department requesting names of' City Off'icie,ls. a. In discussion it was agreed that many offices have not yet been created or filled. b. MOTION: ¡'"loved by Nathanson that the request be put over to a later meeting for answering after various offices are filled. Seconded by Saich Carried 5 - Õ 5. Letter from H. 1\. Hunter on behalf of Northern County Councilmen in present~ng a gavel to the Cupertino Counc~l. The gif't was recognized with appropriate expressions of appreciation. 6. Letters of application for various City positions Here read from 8:23 to 8:41. Broken down by positions these were: a. For Cit~ Attorney: Dan~el H. Cowans Now practicing in:Mt. View Boris S. Stanley Cupertino Howard W, Campen San Jose Sam J. Anderson San Francisco Stephen Gazzera, Jr.Sunnyvale b. For City Clerk Chas. M. Banister Ex-marine residing at Cupertino c. For gity Chief of Police eorge Hooper John Mullineaux Ernest B. Thiele Joseph C. Yetter Ivan J. Vojvoda 8:41 PM V. BUDGET REPOltT i,IID DISCUSSION 1. -, Councilman IVIeyerholz discussed the vagueness of his assißnment because of uncertainties in creating positions and staffing them. He sugsested that outlays between :¡¡;16.ooo and '1:'27,000 should cover operations...road main- tenance excepted...to the end or the riscal year 8:46 PM 2. Councilman Wilson, ¡'{Orkin, independently with Coro Foundation and Le.apue of Cities background material, had a f~gure of ì2~,145. Using an estimated population of 1,900, he hoped for subvention money in the amount of :'114,345; thus leavinG about \19,800 to raise by taxa- tion. A tax rate of about 19.5¢ was indicated. 3. In a short discussion in which all Councilmen participated, the need for continuing and many-sided study was streesed. 4. MOTION: Moved by Nathanson that all Councilmen meet to discuss budget matters for tile period to 6/30156; and that they do so in the liGht of' minimum services to be acquired as inexpensively as possible. Seconded by Saich Carried: 5 - 0 8:53 PM 8:20 PM 8:19 PM 2. Letter from Crocker National Bank of San Francisco requesting co-operat~on rrom ~City in routing tax bills to them on local properties mortgaged to them. a. MOTION: Moved by Melerholz that this request be sent to the office of the County Tax Collector for appropriate action. Seconded by Saich Carried 5 - Õ 3. Letter f'roiil California State Highway Department ad- vising local municipalit~es 01' certain changes in their personnel. No action by the Council seemed necessary. vJithout the formality of a Motion, the Councilmen took notice of the invitation and expressed an indi- vidual intent~on of attending if possible. - 2 - ------ The Mayor declared a short recess - - - - 3. City Attorney: a. Nathanson reported that the screening committee (Saich and Nathanson) would probably interview applicants in about a week; and then be in a posi- tion to offer a recommendation to the Council. b. Mayor Lindenmeyel' sU_2;ested that applicants for the Clerk's position be screened at the same time. c. MOTION: Moved ~ Saich that screeninß be deferred about a week to allow time for discussion with school district officials regarding possible joint use of school district office space and office per- sonnel at prices fair and equitable to both. Seconded by Wilson Carried: 5 - 0 9:20 PM VI. REPOHT ON j,PPLICI.TIüHS FOR POLICI:; CRIEF: CITY !.'l'T0l1l'2'T 1. Police Chief a. Nathanson reported on a discussion between Sheriff Hawley, Saich and himself. It appears that t~e Gneriff's office can provide the police service including patrol cars, radio network, and jail. The Sheriff can qualify Îor the technical require~ent tlwt the City have a Chief of Police. 'l'he exact price of obtaining police service by contract from the Sheriff's office vIas not deter- mined. The conversation was purely preliminary and tentative, and was directed to the period beyond 6/30/56. Until that time, the City will obtDin present County services including police protection, pursuant to ordinances passed, resolutions authorized, and requests considered at the Council ueeting of 10/10/55. b. It was generally agreed I'li thout formal motion the t this approach to furn~shinG the police service was the best for the time being at least. 9:07 PM 2. City Clerk: a. Nathanson reported on two or three possibilities of obtDining this service inexpensively: (1) Either the fire district firehouse, or some school district facility seems an obvious choice for office SDace. (2) Joint use of certain school district personnel mi:)1t be arran:.;ed wi th school district trustees on a basis of equitable sharing of costs. Switchboard and stenographic service was mentioned as examples. (3) Earl Foster, a local CPA, has offered to donate time and possibly some stenographic services while the City is organizing the clerking function. b. In discussion that followed, some of it from the floor, the views were expressed that school dist- rict personnel had very little surplus time; that the Clerk's duties would soon be full-time or nearly so; and tha t there lIould be some local irritat:wn if all local requests were referred to County offices in San Jose, " - J - 6. Councilman Wilson reviewed some of the conditions under w~1ich he thought the Commission should operate: a. All"action" to be taken in open meetings scheduled in advance, and publicly announced. b. Meetin:..;s held purely for discussion at which no action is taken need not be publicly held. c. Commission should be at liberty to hire or invite in such non-residents as can help solve local problems. 4. In further discussion it was agreed to select the two holders of the long te~n by drawing names from a hat. Those selected were: Ray Bell - for a term to April 1957 Ed Cali - for a term to April 1957 5. MOTION: Moved by Nathanson that the five men recomnlended be ãppointed to serve as a Planning Co~nission; that Bell and Cali serve a term to April 1957; that Leonard, NerIsen, and Paizis serve a term to April I95õ;-ãlnd that thereafter terms on the Commission run one year from April to April. Seconded by (Wilson?) In a short discussion brouGht on by a question rrom the floor it was agreed that the Council is not bound to select a Commission composed entirely of residents of the area. It was noted that one appointee lives outside the City but owns property and does business within the City. Carried: 5 - 0 9:45 PM 3. MOTION: Moved by Meferholz that a resolution he drafted estaõlish ng a Planning Comraission of 5 members to be appointed by the Council; 3 members to serve a part term to April 1956; and 2 members to a longer term to April 1957, thereafter terms to be 1 year to coincide with the terms of the Councilmen; that this Comraission study zoning and l&nd use for the City, and present its findings in the form of recoil~nendations to the Council; and that the approp- riate County officials be notified of this action and advised of the Council' II hope for continued co-opera- tion with the County Commission. Seconded by Nathanson Carried: 5 -0 2. Mayor Lindenmeyer asked if there was any discussion from the floor. Boris Stanley asked if there had been a decision on the size of the Commission. The Mayor replied that the Council had decided on 5. In further discussion it was suggested that these decisions be fonnalized. VII. REPO_tT OF COì;LIT'i'EE TO :13COJ""",,fID A PL\¡'T3IHG CŒÜiISSION 1. CouncilMan Saich distributed s~eets recoil~aending 5 names for a Planning CO~ilission: RaY;,lOnd Bell Ed Cali Burrel Leonard Cecil Neilsen GeorGe Paizis - 4 - 8. Another proposed ordinance relating to subdivisions was mentioned by Mr. Pearl. It has usually been enacted as a companion measure to the septic tank and restaurant ord~nances. The Councilmen and the health officers evidently thought it could be tied in later, so it was not read or enacted. the proposed restaurant read, and that it be desig- I-IOTION: Moved by Nathanson that ordinance be adopted as nated as Ordinance 004. Seconded by Wilson Carried: 5:-0 10:45 PM XI PUBLIC H:.:.ALTH ;~;:'OLUTION lit O.c/DINj'~NCE 1. The Mayor introduced Mr. Emanuel H. Pearl, Public Health ßngineer, and Hr. Irwin N. Fallis, Director of Sanitation for Santa Clara County. 2. Cow,cilman Meyerholz, to whom the resolution had been referred, reported that it seemed in order; and contained essentially the same provisions the area has lived under for the last several years. 3. Mr Pearl reviewed County practice in regulating sanitary conditions thru ordinances relating to septic tanks and sewers, and control of restaurants. He stated that several cities within the County are using approximately the same controls. 4. At the request of Councilman Wilson, the proposed basic ordinance relating to septic tanks was read in its entirety (10:16 to 10:28) by Mr. Pearl. 10:28 PM 5. I~OTION: Moved by Wilson that the Council adopt the proposed septic tank ordinance as read, and designate it as Ordinance 003. Seconded by Nathanson Carried: 5 - 0 10:33 PM 6. Councilman Meyerholz read the companion ordinance related to restaurants (10:33 to 10:40) 10:40 PM 7. - - - - IX & X ANNEXATION POLICY; JOHNSON ifl were passed over in favor of XI---H~.LTH ;illSOLUTION---due to the presence of County officials invited to discuss the proposed public health ordinances. - - - - 7. MOTION: Moved by Wilson that the Planning Commission meet šõõn to select a chairman; decide on a time and place for regular meetings; begin work on a pro- posed zoning and land use ordinance; and begin work on a statement of basic principles, object- ives, and method of operation; all of vmich is to be referred to the Council for review and comment. In discussion from the floor, the real estate view was expressed that Commission meetings should be frequent to eXpedite transactions. Councilman Nathanson suggested that a regular meeting be scheduled once a month. Seconded by Meyerholz Carried: 5 - 0 In further discussion it was aGreed tl>at the newly appointed commission ~~uld meet with the Council during the week; George Paizis to make the arrange- ments and call the appointees and Councilmen. 10:02 PM - 5 - (' , ';-. ,'! I I.JÆl/l'ì (2, " -E:.J!'1 Í- ,<\./vt:',/ Burrel Leonard, Acting Clerk Respectru11y submitted Mayor Lindenmeyer set the next Council meeting for 10/24/55 8:00 PM - .~ - ... XIII ADJOURNMENT 1. Meyerholz reminded the Council of the school district policy of closing the buildings by 11:00 PM if possible. 2. MOTION: Moved by Saich that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Nathanson Carried: 5 - 0 11:06 PM X. WRIGHT A\Œ:.: JOHNSON #1 1. Nathanson reported some signers to a petition of protest against Johnson IiI being pushed by San Jose. He suggested that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for study. 2. Sunnyvale's \/right Avenue annexation is in litigation. The directors of the Improvement Association have made no recent announcement. The case is scheduled to come to trial 10/31/55. XI. OFFICE SPACE; IJAILING ADDRESS 1. Nathanson reported requesting permission of the proper authorities for use of the firehouse as needed. No decision yet. 2. The Mayor reported that a donor had paid for F.G.Box 597 which would become the official mailing address of the City. 11:03 PM XII LEGAL DESCRIPTION & MAP 1. Nathanson reported that County Clerk Olson had filed an appropriate map and legal description with all of the required State and County offices. 11:05 PM IX. STLTE/!ŒNT OF hNNEXATION POLICY 1. Although a written statement was discussed at the last meeting, no councilman was definitely assigned to prepare one. 2. The Mayor appointed Vilson to write such a statement. ------ The Health officers were excused after expressions of thanks and appreciation for their help, and the Council went back to item IX on the agenda. 10:55 PM ----- 9. Mr. Pearl called attention to a portion of his letter of transmittal stating that the services of the Health Dept. are available without cost follovdng the close of the discal year 6/30/56; but that a resolution requesting this continued service should be directed to the Board of Supervisors prior to 3/1/56, - 6 -