CC 05-15-2018 Exhibit Item No. 6 Fee Waiver Request from League of Womens Voters - Written Communications1 Lauren Sapudar From:Kitty Moore <ckittymoore@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, May 14, 2018 2:03 PM To:City Council; Randolph Hom Subject:Oppose Fee Waivers for League of Women Voters Opticos Advertising Attachments:ATT00001.htm Dear City Council and City Attorney Hom, I oppose the use of City resources for the joint use of the Community Hall to advertise the Opticos Plans for Vallco which are not compliant with the General Plan and the SB 35 Vallco Plan which is very likely non- compliant with SB 35 and Cupertino codes. (https://cupertino.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=6240975&GUID=7D32D982-F1B6-4699-97DB- 50A1FEFA06E9) After the misleading advertising for Measure D by the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce which obscured the office space, heights, densities, traffic and other impacts, and with the direct conflict of interest with new League of Women voter members, I do not want the fees waived. The City of Cupertino should be the organizing party for any neutral Vallco meeting and NOT these organizations filled with Measure D supporters. Why is this event being broadcast on the city channel? When had the mishandling of the Vallco Specific Plan process reached a level where it is unethical, biased, and not community based? From day one. CC 05-15-2018 Item No. 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best regards, Kitty Moore Total Control Panel Login To: citycouncil@cupertino.org From: ckittymoore@gmail.com Remove this sender from my allow list You received this message because the sender is on your allow list.