CC Exhibit 06-05-2018 Item No. 19 Desk Item Attachment DCC 6-5-18 Item #19
Attachment D
6. Provide an assessment of the proposed Risk Manager position versus the other
cities and how they handle their City Attorney Office services.
Staff conducted an analysis comparing city attorney office operations and cost in
Cupertino to other local agencies, as well as where risk management duties are located.
This information is provided in Attachment D3. While city attorney staffing varied
greatly between cities, the research found that most city attorney offices are staffed in-
house, while smaller cities tend to use contract attorneys. As requested, staff compared
the ratio of CAO staffing to total FTEs in each city. The research shows a wide range of
attorney staff per total staff ratios ranging from 1:46 to 1:184.
When comparing the percentage of each FY18 CAO budget to a city’s total FY18 budget,
the research shows much more consistency. CAO budgets across the cities range from
0.2% to 1.5% 1.4% with Santa Clara having the lowest percentage, to Cupertino having
the highest percentage. However, most cities fell near the median and average rate of
0.6% of total budget.
Additionally, the research shows that the majority of cities have Risk Managers that are
either in Finance or Human Resources. The remaining cities have either their At torney,
Assistant City Manager, or Recreation Director serve as their Risk Managers.
CC 6-5-18 Item #19
Attachment D
6. Provide an assessment of the proposed Risk Manager position versus the other
cities and how they handle their City Attorney Office services.
Staff conducted an analysis comparing city attorney office operations and cost in
Cupertino to other local agencies, as well as where risk management duties are located.
This information is provided in Attachment D3. While city attorney staffing varied
greatly between cities, the research found that most city attorney offices are staffed in-
house, while smaller cities tend to use contract attorneys. As requested, staff compared
the ratio of CAO staffing to total FTEs in each city. The research shows a wide range of
attorney staff per total staff ratios ranging from 1:46 to 1:184.
When comparing the percentage of each FY18 CAO budget to a city’s total FY18 budget,
the research shows much more consistency. CAO budgets across the cities range from
0.2% to 1.5% 1.4% with Santa Clara having the lowest percentage, to Cupertino having
the highest percentage. However, most cities fell near the median and average rate of
0.6% of total budget.
Additionally, the research shows that the majority of cities have Risk Managers that are
either in Finance or Human Resources. The remaining cities have either their At torney,
Assistant City Manager, or Recreation Director serve as their Risk Managers.