CC 03-18-59 /PUT"S 0'" ~,'tr nJ,G'JU,;:; DJOUmET' :rcõTI':O OF Tr.¡~, CITY COD'VOIL ¡,ND fL ~NI~G :O~MI2,IOK ',"" '" "" 18 1959 J ,-,L,_,...,lJ J f'l?ce: Tiœe: 10031 '~'3r'1top-3urmyv?le Ro?d 8:00 P.II). I ROLL cr,LL Councilmen" resent: Counci lrnel1 _ ,bsent : L9Z8TIeO, X~th~nson, ~€loSl, ~~ich, ~ilson None Commissioners J:'resent: Commissioners Absent: hell, Senetti, C',li, Leon'Jrd, Rodrigues Cr2,ft, ~'ischer ,"'-' Hobert Jam2rt. representing De Leuw C9ther 'mà Comp"'ny, was ~resent to discus3 the trsfflcwBYs pl?n for ~?nts Clera County, The study outlines the estimcted 1985 tr'3ffic volumes on the reco~~e~ded netÞ'ork. SpE' c':<: in,' for the Council, the hayor told Or. Ja,m,3rt the City is inter€"ted in <',olfo, Pruneridge?nd Bary ,venuEs, provision for ,-,'hich does not 80çe2r on the study. HiFhw¡y 9 c-:>me in for attention end j',r. Hyers, ':)l<'I'!ninp; consultant, 'md the E'òyor ssked for th::: supcort of Le Leuw C8ther in securing the improve'11ent 8nd ¡'Jldening of Highw<¡y 9 prior to its <¡bond on- ment by the jt2te. In 98rticuler thp City maèe known its ' 1->:ish to h?ve the Highway 1,'idened to four 19nes 8S soon as possible, Commissioner Leonerd m~int?inEd th?t the need in this vicinity is for north-south ro?ds to B much &reAter extent th2n eVidEnt in the plen. The report or"the City '';n[ineer criti- cized the 9bsence of r2pid tr2nsit consideration snd inter City 0ir trsvel, AS well 8S the financing method 2nd the f8ct that the mBjor city street program within the City of Cupertino h'ô's been given only" "vague reference". In 9,~dition the recort suggested thct Wolfe ~02d be design?ted as B major city street from Sunnyvale to S8ratoga with 9 specif1c type of interchange to freew8Ys and expressways. Mr. J~mBrt said he voulò confer with other members of his firm eoncerning a recon;¡;end8tion on the widening of State Sign Route 9. ~nd m"'de 8n "ppoi ntment with the City r'lanning Consultant for March 25 in San Francisco. III. The Street Lighting District was marked for inclusion on the next agenda. II IV. Moved by Councilman Lazaneo, second by Councilman Saich that P.G. & E. be paid $200.60 as a rental and maintainence fee for the pole supplying the energy to the portable traffic signal designated for Miller Avenue and Stevens Creek Road. Carried unanimously.