CC 11-27-78 . -_..~" ....,-'~,. ~..". ....:~"'.,' :.;.. ,.. .. . . CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALlFOIINIA 10300 Torr~ Avenue, C~pertino, California 95014 Telephone: 252-4505 ¡(Il\'1JtES or TBI SPECIAL MEETING OF TBI CITY COUlCIL HELD ON NOVIMBD 27. 1978, 11f 'rHB COHFI!llEIICB IIOCM, CITY 1W.L ¡"".!PDTIlIO, CALlPOlBIA Hayor Jackson called the meeting to order at 5:40 p.lII. in the Conference Room of City Hall, and aanøunced ~hat th~ purpose of the meetina was to approve a joint powers agreellent between the County of Santa ClIIra and the non-entitlement cities for the 5th Year Housing and ~ommunity Develop ment Program. ROLL CALL Counc. Present: Counc. Absent: Meyers, O'Keefe, Rogers, Mayor Jackson Sparks Staff Present: City Manager Quinlan Director of Adlllinistrative Services Ryder It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. O'Keefe and passed unanimously by those present to adopt the staff recommendation which was for approval of the Joint Powers Agreement for the 5th Year of the Housin and Community Developlllent Program and with a further recommendation, hut which is oot part of the agreement: 1. That there be a mutual understanding between the County and partici- pating cities that tha HCD Board/Council Committee shall review County as well as City projects, and 2. That any de~laration of ineligible projects and deletion of funding by the County shall first have be~ reviewed and commented upon by the HCD Board/Council Committee. This action is to be in lieu of action taken previously on November 20, 19711. Mayor Jackson adjourned the meetina at 5:54 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., December 4. 1978. 00-442 Pas- 1 Joint Powers .\greemen t ..pproved Fur~her recom- lIIendations