CC 08-14-78 '- . . .."':'_..'.........".....~.,7C,..:.;-...-.;',"'!"'...;-...J~'<,,'~~,......J,.' \.'- " ,'" ~"'''' ,.'j , CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 ~orre Avenue, CUpertino, CMlifornia 95014 Telephone: 252-4505 KINUTES OF THE ADJOUJIIIED REGULAIt MBBTIlIG OF THE CITY COURCIL RELD ON AUGUST 14, 1978, III 'lBB CunI'llWCE ROOM, CITY BALL CUPERTINO, CALIFOIllIA The Kayor called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.lII. in the Conference RoOll of the City Hall. Counc. Present: Meyers, O'Keefe, Roaer8, Sparks, Kayor Jackson Staff Present: City Manager Quinlan Director of Administrative Services Ryde£ The City Manager advised those present ss to corrections and adjustment in the proposed budget both '.s to what had been made and what yet was to be made. He recommended that the uncommitted surplus be designated specifically as working capital for implementing the Capital Improve- ments Program. By a later consensus of the Council members, the Genera Fund unappropriated surplus is to be $50,000 with the balance of any additional uncommitted surplus to be assigned to the reserve for workin cap i tal. Following introduction of the issue by Councilwoman Rogers, discussion by members of the Council, and a series of motions, seconds, and with- drawals, it was lIIoved by Councilman Sparks, seconded by Counc~lman Meyers and passed with Cour.cillll80 ry'Keefe dissenting that there be added to the existing $56.00 per Dklnth in compensation paid to Manage- ment personnel an additional $24.00 per month making such management compensation to be a tOlal of $80.00 per month. It was moved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Councilman O'Keefe and passed unanimously that the effective date of th~ management compensa- tion increase be July 1, 1978 subject to the same terms and conditions as the 1.7% increase granted to other employees. It was the consensus of the Council that pending submission of a formal plan by the City Manager a car allowance of $150.00 per month be authorized for him with the City to ~ay any increase in automobile in- surance required for the driving of tÞis vehicle on City business and that the allowance be continued at the ratio of 13ç per mile to 17ç per mile whenever the present 17ç per mile allowance is increased and recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. It was the consensus of the ~ouncil that the question of curb cuts for handicapped persons be addressed at a later date as an amendment to the Housing and Community Development Program. On recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Councilman O'Keefe, seconded by Councilman Sparks and passed unanimously that authorization be granted for the purchase of two radar units for CC-43l Peae 1 Uncommitted aurplus ill Budget Management c.ompensation Automobile allowance Curb cuts for handicapped Purchase of radar units ,.,,-,..,-,-.- ~31 1IIre 2 Public safety expenditures Cupertino Scene Reductions in programs . . "'~1J)~~.i'~>,~r~,::~?,~,,,,w:rr~~;'~"T'"I:"";!~~~"·~;'ìJ"'fI~/~\",~·.~~~~s""~~~:'f""~,~·~~·~~~l. MINUTES OF mE AUGU:;T 14, 1978, CITY COUNCIL MEETING traffic enforc-.ent with supplemertal appropriations beina aranted to cover the cost. It was .eved by CouncUw_ Itogen. seconded by CouDc:11man Meyen and passed unanimously that the question of direct servic:e costs for pu~lic safety functions such as for false alarms and other type. of s1a11nr expendi~ures be referred to the Public Safety Commission for review and report. It was woved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by CounciL~ Sparks and passed unanimously that the previous reduction in th. :"ssues of the Cupertino Scene from eleve3 to ten per year be rescinded. It w~~ moved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Councilman Sparks and passed unanimously that the submitted report for reducti~ in street "weepw~ and grounds maintenance at an annual savings of $26,945 be accepted and implemented and that the proposed poiicy for reduced park supervision be deferred until a later date. Following a briefing by the City Manager regarding the latest develop- ments on the issue of the San Jose boundsry reorganization, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:27 p.lII. ¿". Cit~ lerk - ,-.,-- ",",. ~'.,..~,.._,.'~., '................._--