CC 06-26-78 . . . ~~~'~~'=.,.,.",..~~"'I:tf'~'Ì~' ,~~":'~·"T''''~fP<;~,,,,:·,·_~i~,~~-o.:f."' '.': '. "::""'~--"-','::I"";X<" ~~", . ,. CITY OF CUPERTDlO, STATE OF CALIfORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Californin 95014 Telephone: 252-4505 MINUTES OF 'l'HB ADJOURlŒD RBGULAa HBBTlHG OF 'lBB CITY COUNCIL HELD OR JUNE 26, 1978, 1K '1'HI \iOII,.IIKØCB ROOK, CITY BALL CUPBB.TI1IO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG , The Hayor called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. in the Conference RoolII of City Hall. ROLL CALL Counc. Present: Keyers (7:41 p.III.), O'Keefe, Rogers, Sparks, Hafor Jackso Staff Present: City Manager Qu1nlan Director of Administrative Services Ryder Director of Parka and lecreation:Butler (7:55 p.III.) Parks and Recreation Commission Melllber Minnick 1. Letter frOll the ~ity of San Jose and citi~ens in the Cupertino/San Jo boundary transfer area suggesting City staff participate in updating status and issues regarding the boundary transfer for LAFOO hearing. Following presentation of letters received frolll the City Manager of San Jose and the Citizens for Boundary Adjustment, and the response as drafted by the City Manager, it was moved by Counc. O'Keefe, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed unanimously with Counc. Meyers absent to accept and file the documents and to instruct the staff to proceed with exploratory meet- ings with the staff of the City of San Jose. 2. Proposed sales tax collection ordinance. (aJ "An Ordinance of the City of C'Jper- Saleo and Use Tax on Certain Trans- Urgency Thereof." Urgency Ordinance No. 884: tino Imposing an Alternate actions, and Declaring the It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. O'Keefe and passed unan- imously to read Ordinance No. 884 by title only and the Mayor's reading to constitut£ the reading. It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. O'Keefe and paRsed unan- imously to enact Ordinance No. 884. 3. Report on feasibility of a city impored tax for libra~y bonded indebt edness 4 Staff presented documentation relating to the issuance of the library bond question to the voters in which it was stated that Cupertino citizens would not be required to pay for the debt service through any additonal tax levy but Lhat the debt service would be forthcoming from the existing tax rate for the County Library. It was moved by Counc. O'Keefe, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unan- imously for the City to follow staff recommendation and not to levy a separate tax as requested by the County librarian. -'.....~,_..'....."-,. ,.,'.--" ,-. CC-423 Paae 1 Staff to pro- cead with "e..tings with City of San JO&oa Reading of Ord. No. 884 Ord. No. 884 enacted Citizens not requIred to pay debt service No tax to be levied . CC-io23 .2 Meeting sched uled with Jaycees Staff to ac- cept monies for Kids to Camp, Inc. program, ask for matching amounts Refund re- quested for ABAG dues Membership in ABAG to be discussed in 1979 sAial con- cept presente Concept ac- cepted; com- ments from family . ~"',.~".~..~~~, ~~~~' ·\f!rf:}~:~~\¥~~~~~~.',~~,,,-'i....,-9",~~_,../~\4'f~~~'~~'~'1t~t.t?¡~f'r"""" ,. MINUTES OF THE .JUNE 26, 1978, CITY COURCIJ. IŒETlNG 4. Results of efforts to provide c~ty support for Kids to Camp, Inc. progralll. Counc. Sparks stated tb.at he vas unable to meet with the Cupertino Jayce.s and that a meetina bad been schedull!d for the followina Thursday. It was lIIoved by ColØ1c. Heyers, seconded by Counc. O'Keefe and passed unan- imously that staff be author1&ed to accept any monies offered in support of the Kids to CaIIp, Inc. proar8111 and to expend thelll for this purpose when they are received, silllultaneously requesting the Board of Supervisors to match the amount of contribution coming frail the City of Cupertino. 5. Further discussion relating to ABAG lIIembership. It was moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. O'Keefe and passed with Counc. Meyers disd~nting that staff request a refund of 70% of the 1978-79 ABAG dues which had been prepaid, this amount being that offered as rebates by ABAG. It was the consensus of the Council that further discussion on the continu- ation of City membership in ABAG be again taken up during the budget study sessions in thp. spring of 1979. 6. McClellan Ranch Park entrance design. The Director of Parks and Recreation presented conceptual drawings for a proposed sun dial as approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission. It was moved by Counc. O'Keefe, secQnded by Counc. Sparks and passed _ith Counc. Meyers and Counc. Rogers dissenting to accept the concept of a sun jial marker instead of a kiosk and to ask for comments frOD the McClellan family. 7. Status report on State action for distribution of surplus monies to local agencies. The report was presented and accepted. The Mayor adjourned the Cowlcil to an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters at 8:57 p.m. He reconvened the City Council in open session at 9:12 p.m., then adjourned the meeting at 9:14 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Friday, June '30, 1978 for the purpose of review of the status of the sales tax agree- ment and to take appropriate action if such a meeting was deemed necessary. City