SC 05-17-2018CITY OF CUPERTINO SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center 22221 McClellan Road Thursday May 17, 2018 4:00 p.m. MINUTES PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Gary Latshaw, Anna Weber, Vignesh Swaminathan, Meera Ramanathan (arrive @4:30) Commissioners Absent: Angela Chen Staff: Misty Mersich, Sustainability Manager; Guest: Mayor, Darcy Paul, Molly Culton, Sierra Club Members of Public: Joan Lawler APPROVAL OF MINUTES Action Item: Draft minutes of March 15, 2018 meeting reviewed. Motion to approve the minutes with 2 edits was made by Commissioner Swaminathan and 2nd by Commissioner Latshaw. Motion passed 3-0-2, with Commissioner Chen and Commissioner Ramanathan absent. POSTPONEMENTS None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Joan Lawler spoke to suggest education to City Council about the work the Commission has done to date. Mayor Paul suggested that the Commissioners give a presentation to the City Council meeting every year to give the Council an update. Commissioners had a discussion about outreaching to the public about their efforts. NEW BUSINESS 1. Subject: Guest: Molly Culton, Sierra Club to discuss "Buy Clean Campaign" PowerPoint presentation and discussion about "Buy Clean" Campaign ( AB262) 1. Subject: Festival Planning for Summer 1 Postpone item due to Commissioner Chen absence. 2. Subject: Work plan/Budget Commissioners discussed the "':Ork plan and budget and brainstormed ideas; Interest in continuing the Student Green Grants program, Interest in more outreach and getting the word out about the Commissions accomplishments, Interest in making signs or stickers" sponsored by the Commission", Tabling at the library, sponsor a rain barrel at City Hall, study gas powered garden equipment. The Commissioners agreed to have a meeting in June or July to discuss the work plan and goals in detail. Misty to send out a Doodle poll to determine a date. NEW BUSINESS None. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Commission Reports: Commissioner Latshaw said that Sustainability Director of SFO (former Cupertino Sustainability Manager), Erin Cooke will be a speaker at Rotary on June 6th @ 1 pm. Commissioner Weber gave Misty an invoice for CUSD waste audit. Staff Updates: • Misty and Gilee with be at a Statewide Energy Efficiency Conference June 21 st, so will not be able to attend the Commission meeting. • A Home Energy Workshop will be held primarily in Mandarin on May 24t h, Quinlan Community Center starting@ 6:30pm • The Sustainability Coordinator position, held by Gilee is in the current budget request to be made permanent. Council will be approving the budget on June 5th, 2018 • LED conversion complete at Memorial Park and Sports Center tennis courts. • CREST Awards are May 31 st, Kristin Jensen Sullivan will not be able to attend in person, but will send someone to take the award on her behalf. • The Commissioners dinner this year will be in August. ADJOURNMENT-6:10 p.m. 2