CC 04-18-78 " . . . CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA J0300 T~rre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Telephooe: L52-4505 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURBED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON APRIL 18, 1978, IN THE COIlFUEllCE ROOM, '::ITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall. ROLL CALL C01J.ßC. Present: Meyers, O'Keefe, Rogers, Sparks (6:11 p.m.), Mayor Jacks"n CC-412 Page 1 Adams to Planning Comm. Claudy to Plannin¡; Comm. Johnson to H-ControI CODDD. Lang to Publi Safety Comm. Molloy l ' Public Safety Comm. Harrison to Water Comm. Schulken and Mitchell to Water Comm. Staff Present: Director of Administrative Services Ryder The Director of Administrative Services announced that information had been received from Edward W. Emling and Victor Adams that they cannot be in attendance having been called out of the C1ty on business, that Marilyn Short was present but had advised that she had to leave at 7:00 p.m. and that John Claudy was a late ap~licant for the Planning Commission having heard that another vacancy had occurred frolll the resignation of Mr. Markkula. Following interviews of each candidate and the preferential ~allotting and public anrouncement of the results of each Councilmember's votes, the following actions were taken: It was moved by Counc. Meyers, secorded by Counc. Sparks L,d passed unan- imously to reappoint Victor Adams to the Planning Commission. It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Spdrks and passed unan- imously to appoint John Claudy to the Planning Commission and to accept his resignation from the Architectural and Site Approval Committee. It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unan- imously to appoint Mr. Philip Johnson to the Architectural and Site Ap- proval Committe~ for the unexpired term of John Claudy. It was moved by Coune. Rogers, seconded by Coune. Meyers and passed unan- imously to appoint Jeritta L. Lang to the Public Safety Commission. It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unan- imously to appoint Francis II. Molloy to the Public Safety ~mmission. It was moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unan- imously to app~int Curtis Harrison to the Water Commission. It was moved by Coune. Meyers, seconded by Coune. Sparks and passed unan- imously to appoint Henry Schulken and Alan Mitchell to the Water Commis- sion. CITY CLERK'S NOTE: Following the meeting and on instruction frolll Mayor Jackson, there was a drawing by lot in the City Clerk's office to dEter- mine that Henry Schul ken will complete the unexpired term of Conrad Mc- Closkey on the Water Commission &nd Alan Mitchell will serve a four year term on the Water COllllllission. . '~,~'l~:~"'!:"r·'\: ~-; ~~'_..r"\",,,' '......,P!-: ',. . or; ~~".""·~i~":'":'""';-:":~.""'r~)'" MINUTES OF THE APRIL 18, 1978, CITY COUNCIL MEETING It was mo",,<I. by Counc. Meyers, se:onded by Counc. Sparks and passed unan- imously that Joann Minnick and Edwsrd W. Emling be -reappointed to the Rec Parks and Recreation Commission. Commissioners picnic . . It was moved by Counc. O'Keefe, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unan- imously that Sharon Rohde and Joseph Gruber be reaDpointed to the Library CODlDission. Counc. O'Keefe requested and received permission to hava the minutes reflect his objection to the use of staff or f.mds for the proposed commissioners' picnic, but wished that such a picnic be pursued on a voluntary and ad hoc bas:!.8~ The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m. City Clerk - --~--~-