CC 07-31-2018 Item No. 5 Proposed Tax Measure PresentationPotential Restructuring of the Business License Tax July 31, 2018 Employer-Based Revenue Measure Background •March 6: 2018-19 Work Program adoption •May 23-25: voter poll •June 5: study session •June 19: study session –business models •July 3: study session –sample ordinance & reso •July 16-24: ballot language poll Initial Poll Summary ●74% believe businesses should help pay for transportation infrastructure used by their employees ●71% support increasing the BLT ●63% support increase for general services ●69% support for specific purposes Few Medium to Large Businesses ●One business employs 2/3 of Cupertino workers ●About 90% of employers have less than 10 employees 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 1-10 11-50 51-100 101-250 251-500 501-1,000 1,001-5,000 5,001+ Estimated Employees by Business Size Model 1: per EE rate up to $325 Model 2: per EE rate up to $425 Potential Projects ●Transportation improvements ●Transit infrastructure ●Leverage revenue and partner on regional projects Outreach Business Outreach ●Targeted outreach to 30 businesses that would pay the per-employee tax ●One-on-one meetings ●2 Business Forums ●Chamber of Commerce Legislative Action Committee ●City business newsletters (Biz Buzz) Businesses… ●Agree that traffic is an issue and that they need to be part of the solution ●Seek more time to engage with the City on solutions ●Want to identify specific projects (spending plan) ●Would like to explore alternative funding options Ballot Language Poll ●50-54% support for the proposed ballot measure (up to $425 per-EE) ●Voters care most about a “well designed spending plan” and “long- term economic growth” Recommendation ●Defer measure to 2020 ●Engage with stakeholders to create develop a spending and funding plan by December 2019