CC 01-31-78 " . . - "-:?",",,!,i",,!,,,,,:~~,~,,:" ~~,~:-~ "~: '....__,~~.) '~~~.., , CITI OF CUPEI:TINa, STATE OF CALIFORNIA to),,') Torre o\venue, Cupertino, California 95014 Telephone: 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE t.DJOURNFJ> REGUI.AR KUT1NG OF TIIi CITY COUNCIL HELD ON JABUAIlY 31, 1978. 119 THE c:lHrDIIfCE IlO(l1, CITY HALL CUPElT119n, CALIFORNIA The lIIe~ting was called to order at 7:37 p. m. by Mayor Pro Tempore Nellis, in the Conference Room of City Hall. ROLL CALL Cour.c. Present: Conn<:. Absent: Jackson, Meyers, Nellis, O'Keefe Mayor Frolich Staff Present: City KanRger Quinlan Director of Administrative Services Ryder Director of Public Works Viskovicb Director of Parks and Recreation Butler Mayor Pro Tempore Nelli. requested the staff to present the details of the proposed Five Year Capital lIIIprove'llent Program, which then was done. Following the presentation, it was the consensus of the Council that the program 85 ploposed be adopted but with the following modifications: MaNTA VISTA PARK DEVELOPMENT The winimum road improvement as would be required was authorized to be placed in the budget for 1977-78 with the balance of the park develop~nt being held in abeyance and moved to 1978-79. MEMORIAL PARK LAND ACQUISITION The $65,000 funding from the Housing and Colllllllmity Deve10plllent fund was deleted and replaced with the like amount from the General Fund. The BCD funding of $65,000 was transferred to the Senior Citizsn Center which is to be constructed in 1977-78. TENNIS COURT EXPANSION - MEMORIAL P~ The staff is to survey the need for such expansion and the impact wh c~ would be forthcoming from other public and private facilities be~ng made available. The project is to remain in 1979-80 but any ~ecision as to inclusion of showers and locker rooms is to be deferred. TENNIS COURT CONSTRUCTION - PORTAL PARK The staff is to determine whecher constructio'.\ of tennis courts is feasible on existing or adjacent school land, and if so then is to survey the sentiments of the neighborhood as to the need. .,' . .. <' "" ~.. .', CC-4oo Page 1 Five Year Capital Imp. Program pre- sented and adopted as modified Road improve- lIIents to be budgeted BCD funding replaced from General Fund Survey of need to be conducted Feasibility and need to be studied ---- CC-400 Pa~e 2 i'. n"eda t:~e d..ter- mined Deleted Funding adopted Fundin~ changed to Park Dedica- tion Fund Moved to 79- 8'äMainte:1- a., moved to 80-81 Phases com- bined Traffic dis- cussion to be held u"n til public hearing Desirability of project is conce rn Sales tax revenues may be used to oAt street im1l'"ovement& in ar(;-d~ to be annexed "f, ,.,,~,'-'~'~,'~:,",-:-~','" ""'l':.".."..,~"-"- ..-~ ""'-"',~~;""~,:;~,..",:,;~·"c,, 'Vi MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 31, 1978, CITY COUNCIL MUTING The staff was instruc..ed to resolve the question .. to total park needs of the City and to recOBÅ“eDd whether the City should continue its attempt at maintaining st~arda for acres per one thousand population before any further comaitÅ“ente are made for nei8hborh~od park expansion. PLATFORM TENNIS The project was deleted. SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER The funding is to include an additional $65,000 frOlr. HCD Fundi,'g which amount was transferred from the Memorial Park Land Acquisition Project. The additional funding for 1977-78 as proposed was adopted. MC CLELLAN RANCH PARX ZNTRANCE The proposed $35,000 funding from the General Fund was changed to the Park Dedication Fund and the $10,000 donation is to be shown and used as set fcrth in the bequest to the City. RENOVATION OF EXISTING BUILDING - KC CLELLAN RANCH The project was moved to 1979-80 with the funding to be $25,000 from the Park Dedication Fund and $39,200 from the General Fund with maintenance costs being deleted until 1980-81. CITY HALL BASEMENT MODIFtCATIONS Phases 2 and 3 were combined and included in 1979-80. LONG RJ.NGE CIVIC CENTER BUILDING EXPANSION The dollar value shown as being unprogrammed was deleted and replaced with the term "unknown". The last sentence of the description indicating building size was deleted. All discussion and reference to the proposed traffic signals and the inter- connect program were held in abeyance pending the scheduled public hearing thereon for February 21, 1978. INTERSECTION IMPROVEKFNT - CUPERTI~~ ROAD/STEVENS CREEK BLVD./FOOTHILL BLVD. The project is to remain as programmed for the time being but staff is to take cognizance of the concern expressed by the Council as to the desirability of such an improvement. The City Manager was asked to submit a report for potential County policy of using local sales ta~ revenues collected from the cities to offset street improvements in those County areas which are to be annexed to the City a. a future date. , ..~~.....'~;..--~ (, . . ·':....-·,"r'..-·' ·,'i!f:f'i'''>','''-'''·' .. ,,'" ~'_··-'~~~~!;>"i:·'r:'f·'t?ß·":'t:7~~., ~>~rr':"..-1::.(!~~I~.':r-,:":.~:~\.", ~"~" ." .",,".'" '. ,; MIIIUTES OF THE JANUAIlY Jl, 1978, CITY COUNCIL MEETING DE ANZA BLVD. MEDIAN BEAUTIFICATION Phase 2 for botb the Route 280 to Stevena Creek Blvd. segment and th.. Stevens Creek Blvd. to Bollinler Road se¡ lllent were IIOved to. 1978-79. NORTH DE ANZA BLVD. PARKWAY BEAUTIFICATION The project was deleted as not being a capital improvement and with instructions to place it within the operating budaet. MILLER AVENUE MEDIAN MODIFICATION AlID BEAUTIFICATION Phase 1 was moved to 1977-78 and Phase 2 lIIoved to 1978-79. Mayor Pro Tempore Nellis remarked that stAff had requested action on three other mattcrs of business and introduc~d them. It was moveè by Counc. Jackson, seconded by Co_~c. O'Keefe and passed unani~usly with Counc. Frolich absent that Altel~ate 2 of the County Transportation Agency letter of December 16, 1977 be adopted as Council policy calling for the Vallco transfer center to be constructed and main- tained by Vallco with the County Transit District sharing in the funding together with Vallco and the City. arid that the use of the Environment:: Impact Fund is a proper expenditure for this purpose. It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Jackson and passed UDan imously with Counc. Frolich absent tþAt the Council go on record as favoring a paramedic program to be administered and funded by the County, but only after a vote of the people. It was moved by Counc. Jackson, seconded by Counc. Meyers and passed unan imously with Counc. Frolich absent that Resolution No. 4643 be adQpted setting forth the polling places and election officials for ,~he March 7, 1978 General Municipal Election. Mayor Pro Tempore Nellis adjourned the meeting at 10:15 p. m. City CC-400 lá.8 3 Pbase 2 IIOved to 78-79 Deleted Phase 1 moved to 77-78; Phase 2 to 78-79 Vall co trans- fer center to be constru~te Council in favor of paramedic program Res. No. 4643 adopted