CC 10-12-77 , . ~ . , ~ ,,~~·~"·,~,~·"~{~J\~~~~;~~':"Ã,·,""!í?'~~~Y;~*>:,~. ,. . - . '.'_\',.', ::', c,_ -J _"_.~.". .. CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFœNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, eslifornia 95014 Telephone: 252-4505 KINllTES OF THE ADJuuMiID lI1!GULUt MBlTII'D J)r 'rIIB. CITY COUJCIL HELD 011 OCTOBD 12. 1977, AT THE IIX&YUS CIIIIt ILIHIlfi'AliY SCHOOL CUPUTDIO. CALlJIOIaú Mayor Pro-tempore Nell18 called the _ting to order at 7:35 p. m. at Stevens Creek Rleaentary School. She explained that the reason for Mayor Frolich's absence vas that as the City's representative on t~e County Transportation Commission he vaa required to attend a meeting of that commission. ROLf. CALL:' 'Co\mc.; pr!!!J8i1t.t5,;f~ri,l \.~)8~';''N¡1111s, O' Keefe CoÌJnc.¡-Aií'-ent':'U~yor FroUch Staff Present: City Manager Quinlan Deputy City Clerk Cornelius Director of Public Works Viskovich Assistant Planning Director Cowan (8:00 p.m.) Director of Parks and Recreation Butler AlyO Present: Supervisor Geraldine F. Steinbe~g, Santa Clara County Boar~ of Supervisors, District 5 Rollo Paraon, County Department of Transportation Ron Shields, County Department of Transportation Lt. Robert E. Winters, Office of Sheriff Sgt. CUff Wininger, California Highway Patrol Officer Larry Borne, California Highway Patrol Ann Anger, Manta Vista resident Residents of Cresten area Mayor Pro tempore Nellis introduced Supervisor Steinberg and stated the reason for the meeting: trarfic probleIRS in the Creston area and the par- ticular problem of multijurisdiction. The portion of the subdivision within Cupertino has itr. traffic enforcement carried out by the Sheriff's office and the unincorporated area is aerved by the California Highway Pa trol. A presentation was made by Nick Szabo, Creston Homeowner's Association, which showed Creston Drive as a long, winding street going through both Cupertino and an unincorporated area. The street has no sidewalks, no signs indicating a school crosswalk, has dips, and is particularly attrac- tive to speeders. Previously, residents had asked for a crosswalk sign; the City agreed to this but the County could not agree as n~ crosswalk was actually there. The City has posted a sign depicting children to serve as a warning to motor Ists. The possible dangers of childr·,,'. relying on the implied safety of a crosswalk were discussed. The use of speed bumps on streets was rejected as both ineffective and illegal. How~ver. staff will explore the us~ of raised buttons on the road such as those used vhere Highway 85 approaches Stevens Creek Boule- vard. The problem of chilåren crossing the street after school and motorists not being able to see them was a major concern. Shoulder stripes along CC-386A Page 1 Introductions and reason for meeting: traffic prob- lems and multijurisdic- tion Problems in Creaton area presented Slgn posted Raised but tons as speed deterrent lbtoriats un- able to see children crossin ! ~... , , " ~a6A Page 2 Problems at Starling and Ainsworth Conditions to be met for installation of stop signs Difficult ics in enforce- ment Residents ~eport a era to Cod Enforce- ment Off icer Shif t in jur- isdiction for traffic en- forcement Residents lDay call dis- patcher; use of radar ex- plored Survey re- quired for r81 use Solutions offered I ~. ~-~'''~'~~~~}.''';';:~?1:~J~:''''~~,..;,; ','--. MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 12, 1977, CITY CO\J1ICIL IŒE'1'Œ the street was a suggested poss~le solution, Another intersection with a traffic probl_ ia that of s~ -Ung and Ainll- worth. Speed control is also needed her. eDd .. 8ianal was suggested by the residents. Also, p1'1lDing of bushes and tree. would &1" visibility. Mr. Parsons, County staff llellber, explained that stop sians and signale are installed in an area when certain conditione .re _to There must be a certain volume of traffic, a certain potential accident problem (5 or more accidents per year that would be correctable by stop sign), inter- ruptions and pedestrians. Lack of officers has made it difficult for the California Hi&hway Patrol to be in the area on a regular basis and no change is foreseeable. With such limited personnel the only times they have been in Creston is when an accident has occurred. Lt. Winters of the Sheriff's Office verbalized his problems with Creston - enforcement is difficoalt because his trafHc units don't belong in the unincorporated ares and speeders can just go there. A member of thp audience stated that some residents do know who the s?eeders are as many are local people. City Managè!r Quinlan explsined that if the people know the speeders or can jot down a license number and description of the car it would be good-to call Cupertino's Code Enforcement Officer who will send a letter to the registered owner of the car. The person turning in the information need not leave a name. Often violators who know neighbors are watching will be more careful. A resident stated she had tried this three times; it was eff~tive once. Ann Anger distributed n letter ~he received from Senator Smith. She would like traffic enforcement in a subdivision in an unincor?orated area removed from the jurisdiction of the Highway Patrol and turned over to the local agency. The Senator's l<~ter stated that histotically the Highway Patrol ha~ been the State's traffic enforcement agency and that the Sheriff's buàget contains no funds for enforcement in an unincorporated area except in the instancp of observable drunk driving. Therefore, a rise in property tax would result from any shift of jurisdiction. Sgt. Wininger emphasized that the best way for a resident to get action is to call the dispatcher direct. Their sole purpose is to handle traffic. Th~ sergeant also stated that usually it is local residents who are speeders and stricter enforcement of laws results in unhappy people. The Highway Patrol may not use radar, but the sheriff may. Radar was explored as another possible aid in traffic enfnrceu.-,nt. Mr. Quinlan pointed out that radar has to be engineered first and a traffic survey done. Then the s?eed limit must be posted. Radar may not be used without a prior survey. Counc. O'Keefe felt that education, engineering &od enforcement combined would offer the solution to the traffic pr~blems. , . . ,'. "",,- MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 12, 1977, CITY COUNCIL MEETING Other suggested solutions to the problem of school children trying to . enter aDd leave the school area offered wre dipa ill the street, con- sidering the "nit" as all "entrance" (Cupertino bas done tb1& aDd poated a sign in accordance to code), a blinldag light aDd cantion sign hcing each direction froa the school, aDd a croa.,.lk. Starling and Foothill VB8 cited as snother problem corDer. It also could not meet criteria for a traffic signal. The criteria 8Jst be met in order to spend Gas Tax IIOney. General funds could be used, however, under direction of Council. This corner is undEr jurisdiction of Cupertino, Los Altos aDd the County 80 all jurisdictions _',d bave to cooperate if a light were deemed desirable. A traffic survey would be required before either lowering the speed limit or installing a tight. Counc. Meyers pointed out tbat the unincorporated area could be removed from the Highway Patrol's jurisdiction by annexing to the City. Mr. Quinlan reminded those present that those in the incorporated area pay for a higher level of service. An alternative to annexation could be the establishment of a special district and payme~t for more services. Two other problems lit Starling and Foothill are: pedestrians trying to cross Foothill; and parking which restricts visibi1it,. An island and crosswalk for pedestrians, and the elimination or moving back of parking were suggested for staff investigstion. Counc. Meyers encouraged those present to contact the County regarding the proposed bike lanes along Bo~stead Road. Sunnyvale has already approved bike lanes on Romestead within their City limits. This item will be presented to Council Honday, October 17. The 7 ft. bike lane would be enforced weekdays, 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and would help provide safety fer students going to and from school. Council is being asked to support Sunnyvale's position and to encourage bike lanes on the rest of Ho....stead. The County is supportive of the bike lanes and Sup. Stein- berg expressed the County's desire to cooperate. Counc. Meyers stated that the lanee may not be completed until September, 1978, but Sup. Steinberg expressed belief that the County has the money available and she saw no problem or reason for delay. Counc. Meyers suggested that the back oÍ signs p:>sted along the bike lanes say "Wrong Wayn. Kayo~ Pro tempore Nellis declare6 that comments could be given until 9:30 p. m. At that time direction would be given to stafÍ. \ traffic hazard brought about by water running from Oak Knoll, Vista Knoll and Carta Blanca down to Baxter, across to Creston and into a cul- ve~t was brought to staff's attent<~~. Cars hitting the water, even if not speeding, skid and spin. Two mail boxes have been knocked over by spinning cars. A reside~t requested a speed survey be done on Baxter. He also requested the entranceway of a path from Foothill to Baxter be narrowed to prevent bike riders and motorcyclists from riding on the path. CC-386A Page 3 Possible solu- tionato problillla en- countered by children Problems at Starling and Foothill Area could be annexed; services cost more Problems at Foothill and Stsrling ROlDestead Road bike lan~s Water hazard Speed survey requested , , CC~A Page 4 Time traffic enf orcement needed Items to be investigated by and re- ported on by staff co!y to liith City IiOrk Report to be given Nov. 7; County to send representative Thank.. given . . -'~""·~~'~'~-"";":i"'~~:-r~V't'"-t-I'~~f"!'M"'P"¡I;P:-<~'~'Il''''.'".,,~.-::-:-~~''\~~~~~er'~'~'~--::-' "....... ',...>...":..,.",...........,...,.,_..."......,.!..'.:...":,,~.,'.-.; -,' .. ."·,^~"'....,~.),'''!,~.,¡.·,/:I, "'}';:~ MINUTES OF THE ocroBEa 12, 1977, CITY COUNCIL MEETDIG The !IIdn tilDes to concentrate on traffic enforcement were given as: ~ lUDCb tiJle 3:00 p,.. houra of evening c_te Ur30 p... Counc. O'Keefe IIIOved, Counc. x.,.ra eec:011ded that .taff investigate and repor~ on pOSsibility of school croa.ing aDd atop øip for citildren; work with Bomeoliner's Association or school in educating people in tbe area; work with the County, B1glDlay Patrol and SherUf's office for better enforcement; resear."h and report on possibility of a flashing liaruing light that is portable; report on feasibility of a speed survey On Foothill Boulevard and elimination or moving back of parking at Starling and Foothill; report on a divider for pedestrians on Foothill Boulevard; give thought to IiSrning bumps; investigate the liatar. problea at Starling and Baxter; report on a possible stop light at Starling and Ainsworth; report on issue of use of radar; explore liSys of slowing traffic; report on the use of path from Foothill by motorcycles and bicycles. Motion passed unanimously bw those present. Sup. Steinberg directed County staff to work with the City and cooperate in seeking solutions to proble1R8 expressed. Mr. Quinlan stated that staff will present its report to Council at its regular meeting of November 7, 1977. Although Sup. Steinberg liill be unable to attend the meeting she will send a representative from the County. The agenda report is to include recommendations on which Council can act. County staff, the Sheriff's office, the California Highway Patrol, residents and Cupertino staff were thanked for their interest, work and attendance. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p. m. /) /Z)¿. /U~( ~-é'~ Deputy City Cl k